
Where the fuck am I?!

Seems like after dying, I woke up again in this unfamiliar place.

Did I reincarnate again? And how the hell did I even die?! I was sure I defeated that monarch level snake. Did someone else kill me? Even my body was not injured. It was like my soul itself was ripped out of my body.

"W-What?! Why are you alive?!"

Hmm..? Oh, this guy! Didn't he kill me?

"Fire magic level 5 : infernal sphere"




Why didn't the magic activate?!

"Activate ability [Infinite self manipulation]."



Why is it not activating?!

"What the hell are you doing?"

The bald man beside me glared at me.

Activate ability [Internal search]. This ability activated and immediately searched my internal body and soul.

...I see...

I still have my soul related abilities but I lost all my physical related abilities. I still have my elements, but they are being restrained by the laws of this world. It seems like this world system doesn't support magic. Instead a different type of energy started to enter my Mind.

Internal energy. An energy that is similar to my world's mana but a little bit different from it. It is used in strengthening the body and replicate the power of world.

Mana, on the other hand, directly influences the laws of world and uses them. Strengthening of body is the secondary result of the process.

"What are you both doing? Kwon Sang-Je, you are called by Sama-Gwi. Go right now." A man dressed in ancient clothing came forward and said.


"I am talking to you. Kwon Sang-Je!!"

"Me?" I said while pointing towards myself.

"Obviously! Who else here is Kwon Sang-Je?! Go right now!" He said while looking at me with disgust.

"Hmm..." I nodded and started to move behind the ugly looking man.

I need to judge my surroundings first before killing someone.

"You are just lucky that Sama-gwi even picked you up and let you join that team. You are just a piece of trash that can be found anywhere." The ugly guy said while smirking towards me.

His killing intent was clearly visible to me.

After walking for a while, he stopped in front of a building.

I entered the building. It was a huge building with the name of supreme pavallion.

As soon as I entered the building, I felt extreme killing intent leaking from two old men sitting and looking at a man on the floor with his right hand cut from his shoulder. There was also a women standing beside the man on the floor.

"Oh? You arrived at the right time. Seol Hwi, you will go to the library together with this guy. He is new here so help him out. Okay?" One of the old man said while looking at the injured man.

"Yes, lord of the supreme pavallion."

The injured man, Seol Hwi walked towards me and asked me to follow him.

After following after him, I entered a library.

Following some paperwork, the worker in library, Dong Hu, gave us the job of cleaning books.

After walking inside the library I first of all started reading some basic books to understand by situation.

[You picked up book of world history. Would you like to learn all the information about history of world?]


I clicked yes on the screen in front of me that appeared out of nowhere.

After a second of stinging pain in my brain, I felt like I have read thousands of books about history and know everything about history.

But the most weird thing was...

"This world is being used as a game for some players from another world that got destroyed?"

[Detected advanced knowledge about soul in player's mind. Soul martial arts can be created. Would you like to proceed?]

[Yes? / No?]


[Soul search martial art has been learned. Soul extraction is created. Soul devour is created. 13 soul palms attacks created. 7 temptations martial art is created. Mind transmission is created.]

After another few stings, I learned many techniques.

After learning them, I felt the restriction on psychic element weaken.

"You... Don't just stand there with the book. We have to clean them." Seol hwi, who had wrapped a bandage around his injury, said to me.

"...okay." I nodded and put the book back.


(A/N : a small crossover. Does anyone know what this world is?)

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