
1.17 Young master Charles can't live without his Doll.

7:50 Pm, Rose Mansion:

The personal maid of young master Davis walked upstairs as she held a tray of a cup of milk. She stood in front of her young master's room and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in", a monotone voice called out from inside the room. The maid held the knob and gently opened the door. She walked in and placed the tray on the table.

Turning her body and lowering her head, she said to her young master, "Young master, Master Charles informed that he would be arriving late. He expects you to be obedient and sleep well". The little boy, who was the little brother of Charles solemnly nodded.

After the maid walked out of the room, the little calmly boy drank the milk and climbed on his bed. He opened his blanket and saw the family album, which he had been seeing for the past 10 years.

He pursed his small lips and opened the album.

Inside the album, there were number of photos. In all the photos, it contained a small boy with a woman. The boy in the photos had raven curled hairs and black eyes, while the woman had black eyes and blue hair. In each one of the photos, both of them were smiling and happily enjoying their moments. The small boy looked so adorable while the woman look so beautiful.

The little boy tightly pursed his lips and immediately closed the album. He put it inside the cupboard and went to sleep. He never saw his mother who had given birth to him nor his father who had doted him.

He only remembered his brother holding him and always cradling him to sleep. He had no mother nor a father, and he hated it.

He hated how his friends mocked him for not having parents. Even though he didn't care about their thoughts, he was still a child who wanted love.

His elder brother would usually go to highschool and come back late while he would be always left alone in the huge mansion. He hated the silence and the huge mansion. It made him feel lonely. The little boy sighed and closed his eyes to sleep.

At the same time, in Hotel Luna of Lon City.

Hotel Luna was a prestigious and luxurious hotel. The people living in the hotels were either from the capital or from the foreign cities. The hotel was built magnificently. All the carved designs, the products, the furnitures, the services, everything were top notch.

Hotel Luna was not only famous in Lon City, but it was also famous in the Capital and all foreign cities. Hotel Luna, in the Atsa capital was called as Lumi. The founder of the hotel was the same person, but nobody knew his real identity.

At the top floor of Hotel Luna, a boy leaned against the room's door and asked lazily, "What's the matter?". His voice startled the number of workers in the room. Immediately the manager of the hotel walked over and bent his waist, "Leader. We are facing a problem".

The boy squinted his eyes and ordered, "Speak". The manager gulped and explained about the situation. Apparently, a top-tier female actress booked a room in the hotel. After staying in the hotel for three days, she suddenly reported that her precious jewels and ornaments were stolen.

She caused a big ruckus, saying that the hotel staffs were thieves and no one shouldn't trust them. She also called the police. The police immediately arrived and searched the room of the staffs. Then they found the actress's jewels and few cash inside the bag of few staffs.

The staffs denied that they didn't steal anything. They didn't even know how the jewels came into their bags. The police believed only what they saw. So, they talked to the manager and arrested the staffs. The manager tried to talk some sense into the female actress, but the actress didn't bother to listen.

Instead she accused him of harrassing her. For some reason, all the camera in the hotel stopped working. So, the manager wasn't able to do anything. After saying the whole story, the manager wiped his forehead and trembled, "Leader. Please forgive this foolish servant". He kept on bowing until his leader asked him to stop.

The boy chuckled and asked in a bored tone, "Is that it?". He took out his phone and typed something. After few seconds, he shoved the phone in his pocket and ordered, "Show the video footage to the police".

The manager raised his head and immediately ran into the monitor room. He looked at the wide monitor, where there were multiple of clips. He sighed and mumbled, "Thank God".

He quickly ran back and stood in front of his leader, "I'm so sorry for troubling leader. I'll make sure that this types of problems never happens in the future". The boy nodded and smiled cruelly, "Send the woman to my room". Then he walked away from the place.

The manager quickly took out his phone and called a number. He smiled and said, "Miss Kira, our big boss would like to have a nice chat with you. Please wait downstairs. I'll send my trusted aid to pick you up". He cut the call and chuckled darkly.


Mia was deeply sleeping on her bed, when she got a phone call. She only woke up after five calls. Since she was so lazy to get up and looked at the caller ID, she lazily swiped the screen and voiced out, "Hello...". 

"What are you doing right now?".

Mia Instantly sat up. She looked at the caller ID and scowled, 'This boy...'. Rubbing her forehead, she let out a tired sigh.

"What do you want?" she asked as she placed the phone beside her ear. She didn't expect the villain to call her this late at night. She looked at the alarm clock and whined, "It's 9 Pm. What do you want me to do?".

A low and alluring chuckled was heard from the other side. Mia tried her best to not blush. She nibbled her lower lip and winched. The previous wound wasn't heal yet.

"Why didn't you come to the night class?", Charles asked in an amused tone. He leaned on his bike and chuckled. He turned toward the East gate and said, "I thought you'll be there". He was disappointed that he couldn't spend time with his doll, so he came to the night class, only to find a dark and empty classroom.

Mia internally sneered, 'Liar'.

She didn't want to get into trouble with the villain, so she didn't attend the night class. She massaged her temples and said, "I'm not interested in night class. I'm gonna sleep. Good night". She cut the call before the boy could reply. All her expectations for night class were instantly wiped out by the villain.

Charles looked at the phone and chuckled wryly. His doll was sure a sly one. He put on his helmet and got on the bike. He twisted the key and immediately drove off.

"Oh My God! I just saw Prince Charles!" a girl, coming out of the night class exclaimed in shocked. She quickly ran outside and saw a bike driving off. "Freaking hell! It's prince Charles!", she squealed in excitement.

She quickly took out her phone and uploaded a post, (CutiePie: Freaking Luck! I just saw Prince Charles during night class. He was so freaking hot on his bike! I can't believe it! He was literally in front of me!)

Within seconds, students began to comment on the post.

Sexygirl: "Shut the f*ck up! Why didn't you say me before!?I'm coming right now. Stay there!"

SourJelly: "Ahhh! I wished I was there too! I wanted to see prince Charles on his bike!".

DanceFeverGirl: "@sexygirl wait for me! I'm also on my way!"

FreakingPig: "What's the use, Prince Charles had already left the school. I bet he was just passing by for a reason"

BoyInLove: "I never saw Prince Charles going to night class. Why would he come today alone?"

FreakingPig: "@BoyInLove I'm not sure. I think he was just passing by. There is no way that he would attend the night class".

YoYo: "@FreakingPig Right. I also think that Prince Charles was just passing by"

DanceFevedGirl: "Can't you guys shut up! Let us have some hope for God sake!"

JellyLove: "Go to sleep ya nut heads. Let's find out the truth the next day. We'll be able to know whether Prince Charles was attending the night class or just passing by "

YoYo: "Yeah Right. Good night guys"

Mia was oblivious to the post. She wouldn't even believe after seeing the post. It might be also fake. She was now deeply sleeping and enjoying her time in her dream land.


Charles parked his bike a few metres away from his mansion. He didn't want to wake his little brother up. He got down from the bike with the keys and walked to the mansion. After silently entering the mansion through the window, he first went to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and took out an apple to eat. Chewing the apple, he walked upstairs. He stopped in front of his little brother's room.

Gulping down the apple, he sighed. He placed his hand on the door's knob and hesitated. Then letting out a tired sigh, he silently walked to his room. He threw his coat on the bed and walked to the bathroom while removing his tie and shirt.

When bathing, he looked at the nails marks and smirked. He would surely take revenge. He wouldn't allow the girl to just run away after messing up with his flawless body.

A few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom with wet hair and towel wrapped around his lower body. His spectacular, mouth drooling and sturdy abs were clearly revealed, but sadly no one was there to see it.

After wearing a shirt and trousers, he slumped on the bed with his phone. He rested his head on one of his hand and held the phone with the other hand. Looking at the Doll contact, he smiled.

He liked the girl more than he could think of. She was different. He felt the girl's weakness and her vulnerability when it came to him. She was like a tigress but when he touch her or tease her, she would turn into a cub.

He loved her weakness, her vulnerability, her alluring voice, her soft body, her enticing lips, her mesmerizing eyes, her slender hands, her long legs, damn! He loved everything about her.

Sighing, he threw the phone on the other side of the bed and closed his eyes. He would surely make the girl to fall in love with him.

The next day:

Mia hurriedly walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pulled out two bottles of fresh orange juice and ran to the door. Placing the juices down, she hurriedly put on her shoes.

Then she took the juices, opened the door, locked it and dashed to the elevator. She relaxed when she found Dan waiting for her as usual. Getting on the car, she greeted, "Good morning". Dan nodded, "Good morning miss. Are you ready for school?". Mia chuckled and said, "Always".

She removed the cap of one of the orange bottle and drank the contents. Since she had no one to take care of her, she had no time for breakfast. So, she drank juices to keep her energy.

Seeing his young miss drinking juice, Dan made sure to drive slowly.

As Dan was driving on the road, a man suddenly appeared and stood in front of the car. The man was in a haggard state. His hairs were messy, his face was dirty and his torn dress was covered in dirt. He looked like a beggar.

He was standing on the middle of the road and waving his hands to every single car. All the drivers loudly horn and avoided the beggar. They didn't want to get into trouble for crashing and killing someone. The beggar shakily stood in front of Mia's car.

Dan crane his neck out of the window and shouted, "Hey! Move out of the way". Mia also crane her neck and looked out. When she saw the beggar, she slightly frowned. She immediately remembered about her condition a month ago. Now, seeing a person like her previous state, she felt sympathy for the beggar.

She patted Dan's shoulder and said in a soft voice, "Move him to the other side of the road and ask him what does he want?". Dan nodded and opened the car's door. He walked to the beggar and did as his miss told.

He first pursuant the beggar to walk aside of the road. After finally leading the beggar to a safe place, he crouched down and asked him what was he doing in the middle of the road.

The beggar folded his hands and pleaded with tears, "My wife is dying. Please help her". The man was saying the truth. His wife was seriously sick and he had no money to go to the hospital. He also didn't want to steal. If someone caught him, who would save his wife.

Dan knew the beggar because he once helped him. He tightly pursed his lips. He didn't want to leave the beggar alone, but he was afraid that his young miss wouldn't allow him to help the Beggar. Who would trust a beggar anyway?

Just as he wanted to say something, he saw a fair hand holding a bottle of orange juice. He raised his head and found his miss, standing beside with an orange juice bottle.

Mia crouched down and handed the orange juice to the beggar, "Here. Don't worry, My driver would help your wife". She smiled and stood up.

She removed few cash of money from her pocket and handed it to Dan, "Here. I didn't bring much, but I think it's enough for treating a patient. If it's not enough, then give me a call, I'll transfer the money to your account".

Dan looked at his miss and asked with confusion, "Are you not afraid that the man would run away after taking the money?". He didn't know, but his miss was really different than others.

Mia looked at Dan and laughed, "So what? At least he would have money to buy himself some food". 

She shook her head and said, "Money doesn't matter when it comes to saving a life".

Dan and the beggar felt so touched. The beggar kneeled infront of Mia and knocked down, "Thank you miss. Thank you very much". Mia jumped back and exclaimed, "What are you doing! Get up!". The beggar was so grateful to the young girl. He never expected someone would help him during his weak state.

Mia told Dan that she'll walk to school. Dan was horrified by the idea. His old madam would kill him, if she knew that he left his young miss alone on the streets. He immediately rejected the idea.

Mia pouted and explained that she had 20 minutes for the school to start, and she'll be able to reach school before 8:50 Am. After she pursuant her driver for five minutes, she dashed away from the place.

Dan wryly sighed and shook his head. His miss was really stubborn in few things and he was grateful for that.

Next chapter