
Shocking Stampede

The absorbing process of the spirit rings wasn't very difficult for Wu Yu, in fact it didn't even strain him one bit unlike Tang San who seemed to have some difficulties.

One of the reasons why it was so easy was because the thunder bull didn't even try to fight back, the presence of Wu Ji was a great deterrent.

Grandmaster and Tang San were surprised when Wu Yu opened his eyes just under half an hour with a bright smile on his face.

"Little Yu, you're done? how could this be, it hasn't even been half an hour yet?" asked grandmaster with a surprised look on his face.

Shrugging his shoulders Wu Yu answered, "I don't know, once the thunder bull saw Wu Ji, it didn't even try to fight back anymore and instead lowered it's head, do you know why this is master?"

Thinking deeply about it, grandmaster could only come up with some theories that sounded somewhat logical, only this is the only case he's heard of this kind of thing happening.

"I can't say for sure, maybe the thunder bull has some kind of link with Qilin's In their bloodline heritage and what happened was a case of bloodline suppression, that's the only reason I can think of for now."

"Anyway, how about the skills? what did you get?" grandmaster decided to put this matter on hold for now and research it later, for now he was more interested in the skills his disciple got.

Wu Yu nodded then said, "well, I got two skills, the first one is the charged up skill that you told us about earlier, surprisingly it affects both me and Wu Ji but only when I'm mounted."

Grandmaster nodded then asked, "are there any limits? like a certain amount of time you can use it or does it weaken you after its use?"

Wu Yu shook his head, "I don't know master, I'll have to try it out to check." to which grandmaster just agreed and asked, "okay, then how about your second skill?"

When it came to his second skill Wu Yu went silent for a bit then said, "master, my second skill is called shocking stampede..."

Grandmaster was confused, he had never heard of such a skill coming from the electric thunder bull so he asked, "what does it do?"

Instead of explaining, Wu Yu decided he would show it instead. Summoning Wu Ji, Wu Yu got on then willed Wu Yu to use the skill.

Before the eyes of Tang San and grandmaster, a yellow ring enveloped Wu Yu and Wu Ji before two streaks of blue lighting seemingly shot out of them and landed on either sides of them.

Quickly the blue lightning started to morph into two life like beings taking the shape of Wu Yu mounting Wu Ji.

If there was one word to describe them, they were clones of the original. Now standing in front of grandmaster and Tang San were 3 Wu Yu's mounting 3 Qilin's.

"This is what the skill does, it clones Wu Ji and me but only if I'm mounted on him, if not then it will just clone Wu Ji."

"Each clone is made of electricity and have 75% of mine and Wu Ji's current power. I can only make one per every five soul levels meaning, at most, I can clone 2 as of now."

Grandmaster was amazed and so was Tang San, this was undeniably one of the best abilities out there.

"Little Yu, can your clones also use skills as well?" grandmaster asked to which Wu Yu just shook his head and said, "they only have our physical prowess, they can't use spirit skills."

"Also... there's one more thing it can do." sending one of the clones a good distance away, Wu Yu then snapped his fingers.

In the distance his clone suddenly emitted a bright blue light then exploded, devastating 50 meters of the surrounding forest.

"I can make them explode on thought, effective 50 meters around the clone causing paralysis, that is if you don't die from it." Wu Yu explained.

Grandmaster and Tang San weren't even listening at this point, they just dumbly looked at the destruction the explosion caused.

All the trees in a 50 meter radius were completely charred black with the explosion striping them bare of their leaves.

This ability was just too powerful for a spirit scholar, it was something anyone could agree on but both grandmaster and Wu Yu knew the real reason why the ability was so powerful.

In fact, if anyone else had this ability, it wouldn't even be half as powerful unless they had a spirit as powerful as Wu Ji who can easily kill off a spirit elder with a kick to the head.

Grandmaster shook his head, his disciple wasn't even in the realm of humans anymore, is there any point in even trying to compare him to others?

With his abilities grandmaster was sure he was the strongest at his age if not then he was at least one of the strongest in his generation.

With a sigh, grandmaster looked at the sky and said, "alright, it's getting late, we should start heading back now."

Releasing Wu Ji, Wu Yu nodded and followed behind grandmaster while Tang San still looked a little lost while looking at the burnt forest before running after Wu Yu and grandmaster.


In many years, people on the Douluo continent have always claimed to have witness a flying palace in the sky.

They described the palace as a floating piece of artwork. The entire palace was made of tinted blue glass and designed like the Taj Mahal without the rounded tops, having instead, pyramid shaped tops.

Unfortunately not very many people had seen the glass palace so it wasn't believable and passed it off as a rumor made up to attract attention.

Unknowingly to most of the people on the continent, that blue glass palace had one again appeared above the small city of Notan.

It stayed around for a good two to three minutes before it once again started to slowly disappear from the blue sky.

When the palace had appeared, a small black dot shot into the huge palace and disappeared with it at a speed most people wouldn't take notice of.

"Hydra, how is the boy?"

Inside the big palace there were ten figures, all dressed in light blue cloaks with a plain white mask that covered their faces completely.

They were all sitting on each of their respective thrones, each having their own unique design that set them apart from each other.

Right now they were all looking at the figure of a man who just walked into the palace, dressed in the same outfit as the other ten people.

The man who had just walked in made his way towards his own throne. It was intricately designed with two black serpent heads with Ruby red eyes as the armrest with four other heads acting as the legs of the throne.

On the backrest of the throne, there were three more heads with one looking left, the other right, and the last one facing forward while peering down with it's piercing red eyes.

The man called hydra calmly sat down then started speaking, "the boy is a bit different from what we expected... he's special..."

The ten people in the room were startled when they heard the man's evaluation but they didn't show it openly.

One of them asked, "how is he special? I remember you previously telling us he had a mutation?"

Hydra stayed silent for a good while before speaking again, "I told you he has a mutation that allows him to summon his spirit but it seems I was somewhat wrong."

All the people remained quiet as hydra continued, "In truth, I was somewhat right but his spirit can do something a little extra... it can be mounted."

As the last words came out, everyone turned their heads towards the figure seated in the center.

The figure didn't seem to have any reaction and just sat silently, completely ignoring everyone causing them to eventually look away.

"Lastly... he got his first spirit ring, it's an electric thunder bull." Hydra said as everyone collected themselves.

Everyone nodded but the one in the center suddenly said, "keep a close eye on him, if any harm comes to him, we won't be able to handle the concequences."

When all of them heard that, they all shivered but still nodded as if it were a matter of fact.

On the side hydra spoke up, "there's no threat to the boy for now and that stupid village has been taken care of. I'll continue watching over him and won't be coming back for a long time."

All of them nodded in agreement before they all left the palace one by one until there was only one person left.

It was the figure who sat in the middle. He gently removed the white mask and took off the blue robe he was wearing.

He was a fairly handsome looking man with medium length, raven black hair. His eyes were a majestic purple color that looked sharp and refined.

The man fell back onto his throne after he had taken the disguise off then stared off into the distance listlessly as small tears dropped from the corners of his eyes.


After getting back to the academy, Wu Yu, Tang San and grandmaster split up and went their own ways after agreeing to meet up the next day in the afternoon.

While Tang San headed off to his dorm, Wu Yu made his way towards the food hall as his stomach was begging him to eat something.

Nothing special really happened in the food hall today and Wu Yu couldn't find the two brothers or Lin Yuhan in the food hall so he just quickly ordered and ate something before heading back to his dorm.

When he got back, he saw the brothers sprawled out on the living room floor along with Lin Yuhan as they were heavily breathing in and out.

With the arrival of Wu Yu, the three of them wanted to exclaim, "Wu Yu!" but instead came out as, "Demon!"

The three of them couldn't hide their true feelings and ended up saying what they wanted to say.

They couldn't really be blamed though as Wu Yu truly did give them an insane training regimen before leaving with his master.

The training went as so, 5 laps around the field with 5 kgs on each of their four limbs, then a total of 50 squats, push ups, sit ups, and pull ups each.

Lastly they were to spar for three hours straight with an extra 10 kg on their shoulders. This training caused them all to pass out multiple times and left them completely exhausted.

"Haha, c'mon is that any way to thank me? don't forget, I'll be doing the same thing starting tomorrow while you guys get the whole day off." Wu Yu said while scratching his cheek.

When the three of them heard what Wu Yu said, they all breathed out a sigh or relief hearing that they get the whole day tommorow to recuperate.

They couldn't wait to see Wu Yu crawling back to his room tomorrow causing them to unknowingly giggle in glee.

Wu Yu who saw all of this just shook his head while smiling wryly then went into his room to catch up on his study of alchemy.

In the previous two days he had finished most of the books and he only had a bit left before he would finish.

He spent the rest of the day studying before taking a shower and heading into his bed to get a good rest for the next day, knowing he'll be in a world of hurt.

Sorry about the past two days, I just found out Douluo Dalu had an animated series so I ended up binge watching them, I'll try not to let this kind of thing happen again.

Chickennuggetcreators' thoughts
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