
Qiao Qing's Journey

For more than a decade, she disguised herself as a weakling while preyed on the strong – Qiao Qing had never viewed reputation as an important matter. But people began to take advantage and purposely hurt the ones she cared about. Qiao Qing then decided to stop hiding her real self. An incapable good-for-nothing? Her natural genius IQ can explode your eyeballs! A lowly commoner? Her real identity made her someone who you are not worthy enough to be friends with! A feeble chick? Her skills in ancient martial arts can result in you looking for your teeth all over the ground! A godly student, a godly Go player, a godly night rider, a godly martial artist… as her real identity revealed little by little, all those snobs who once viewed her poorly began to switch sides and attempted to please her. Qiao Qing shut the front door. No guests welcomed. She blocked those who wanted her for their own selfish demands, but she couldn’t stop this one evildoer from approaching her. Just like that, climbing over the walls and entering through the window became Jun Yexuan’s specialty. As the President of the Jun Corporation, he had enough to protect Qiao Qing her entire life. But what bothered him was that Qiao Qing was far too independent and far too capable. Without any of his help, she was able to successfully handle everything. Jun Yexuan became moody – he felt like he wasn’t needed! So, on a random day, a cry for help appeared on Weibo, “What do I do when the wife is too capable? Waiting for immediate responses – it’s urgent.”

Esha_6645 · Urban
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560 Chs

There are too many Mysteries Surrounding that Girl

Hearing Jun Yexuan call her "Qiao Qing", Chen Ming's eyelids twitched. He sure was self-inviting.

Jun Yexuan pretended that he didn't notice the subtle change in Chen Ming's expression, pushed open the door, and walked inside.

The moment he entered the study, he felt a wave of shock due to what he was seeing.

Behind Qiao Qing were bookshelves that were seven meters long and three meters tall, and they were all filled with books.

His gaze landed on to the binds of the books, which again, made his heart skip a beat.

All the books on the shelf were medical books for the nervous system.

Qiao Qing placed down the book in her hand and shot him a look. "Who allowed you to enter?"

Jun Yexuan acted as if he was unable to sense the unfriendliness in her tone and straight up walked towards the shelf behind her.

He raised his hand and took out a mystery novel from the piles of medical books. As he flipped through, he asked, "You like the author Feng Ci too?"

Qiao Qing heard the "too" in his sentence and her gaze wavered. However, she chose not to respond.

Jun Yexuan then raised his head and looked over to the almost fully stocked bookshelf, "You want to study medicine?"

Qiao Qing closed her book. "That's none of your business."

Jun Yexuan didn't mind her cold attitude. Seeing that she seemed to be leaving, he gently put back the book in his hand.

Who knew that the moment he turned around, he would find a Go board and Go pieces by her side.

Jun Yexuan focused on it and studied the positions of the white and black stones on the board.

It seemed that both opponents experienced a painful rampage and ended up in a stalemate.

The black stones made very bold decisions; they used their machetes to sweep out thousands of enemies in an unstoppable manner.

The white stones knew when to play defensively and when to be offensive; they moved at ease and skillfully, imperceptibly butchering the enemy.

One was gentle and the other was oppressive – the two teams had completely different styles but it seemed like they were set up by the same person.

This board mimicked a battlefield.

This was the muse Jun Yexuan had, after witnessing countless battles.

The result alone had made it easy to imagine just how beautifully skillful the two opponents were as they fought head-on.

As Jun Yexuan admired this gameplay, a pale and soft, jade-like hand suddenly appeared on top of the Go board.

Qiao Qing's fingers landed on the board and covered up a portion of the stones. "What are you looking at?"

Jun Yexuan didn't answer and inquired instead, "You played this?"

Not "who did you play against", but "you played this?"

To play it left hand versus right hand was something Jun Yexuan had done as well. It was mostly because it was difficult to find a worthy opponent.

Plus, during the battle against one's self, one could figure out just where one was lacking and from there, be inspired.

The skills gained from Go could be applied to other areas, such as business wars.

But in terms of determining who was better at this, he himself or the person who set up this particular board, it was hard to say who would be the victor.

Thinking about this made his hand itch.

Qiao Qing lifted her hand and repeated herself, "That's none of your business."

Qiao Qing moved her hand away. When Jun Yexuan saw the board again, the stones on the board had scattered.

The stones were placed without order or rationality – it was like a beginner had played pieces at random.

Jun Yexuan blinked a few times. If he didn't know Go so well, he would've questioned himself and thought he had seen it wrong.

It was clear that she never touched any of the stones.

Thinking about this made a few words pop up in Jun Yexuan's head, ancient martial arts.

He shouldn't be blamed for thinking of Qiao Qing as such a farfetched character. There were just far too many mysteries surrounding this girl.

Plus, she was the daughter of Qiao Zibo.

Just as he thought this over, Qiao Qing had grown impatient and got up to leave.

Jun Yexuan stepped backward. Then, accidentally leaning backward, his hand touched something.

There was a "crack", like the sound from historic dramas when something gets activated.

Next, Jun Yexuan heard the shelf behind him move.

Qiao Qing's collected expression finally showed a sign of fluster.

As Jun Yexuan was about to turn around to see just what was making Qiao Qing's expression so, he felt his collar tighten.

Next, a strong pull attacked him The force caused his body to aggressively stumble forward and pin Qiao Qing back into her chair. His lips then defenselessly brushed against her cheek...

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