
Kill me

Although he has seen bloody scenes in his mind, the little boy still vomited bile, but he continued to be sick with the strangely specific description of the story. Suddenly, a flash of realization occurred to him, turning his head to face Bai Hong, shock evident in his gaze.

"Yes, I am that child. You found it disgusting, didn't you? " Bai Hong commented maliciously, as if he did not notice the discomfort he had caused.

"By the way, what's your name, brat?" He asked, curious. After all, his last days of life would be easily spent near him, so the least to do was meet this boy.

The little boy looked expressionless. He didn't have a name, did he? All his mother had given him was a nickname: puppy. In the end, the puppy found nothing wrong, as the mother said that only after obtaining strength would she be able to have a proper name.

Seeing the doubt on the little boy's face, Bai Hong just sighed and said:

"No name, huh? I think it's better to continue like this, then. After all, names are important in this wild world in which we live. "

And he was right. For if there was a robbery, it would be ridiculous if the thief left his name to the victim, causing the rematch. Bai Hong was one of the arrogant men who were never afraid of revenge, so he just gave his name to all the heavens to hear. But Bai Hong doesn't want a weak child to follow his example and fuck himself in the end.

"How have you lived so far? I don't feel any other presence outside this cave. Got lost? "

The child refused, doubtful how he could answer. After all, everything he could speak would sound like a foreign language, there was no way to answer with words. He also couldn't write, because the raw runes would probably not be understood.

The crude runes were the writing of the beasts, and normally no human could read them. But because he was created up to that point by the Flaming Sky Viper, the little boy has exceeded the imposed limits. In the end, the runes were so simple that even he could learn them at the age of two, perfecting them when he completed three. But that was only for himself, because his mother had not taught the language of humans.

"It doesn't matter, boy. Sit down, it's time for more information. "

Getting close and sitting next to Bai Hong, the little one looked furtively at the blood-colored chains chaining his new friend. Noticing his look, the man laughed.

"Give up. These are chains of the law, it is impossible to break. " He explained it casually, but then he remembered that the child in front of him was still a child who knew nothing about the martial world. "Chains of the law are extremely expensive and ridiculously powerful. The chains are made of ruby ​​and are sheathed with the sun on the mountain of the solar peak. In the first blood that is spilled on it, the owner of that blood will be the one to dominate it. "

He sighed again, saddened.

"Unfortunately, my cultivation stopped in the king's kingdom when I was arrested here. It is a kingdom below the one that trapped me, making it impossible to break them with my sheer strength. "

The child nodded, understanding. So that was how it was.

Bai Hong was a guy who especially liked to talk. He released a lot of information while enjoying someone's company for the first time in centuries. The little boy heard that there was a mountain range similar to the mountain range of the ten moons that was in the south, close to the Qing kingdom. It was extremely far from where they were now, but it was more inhabited by humans than beasts.

He knew that there was a kingdom where the trees were completely pink, the soil was dark blue and the fruits were divinely delicious called Guoshi.

He laughed when he heard from the man's mouth that there is a sect called Hao chi, because his disciples cultivated demonic double cultivation, sucking in the yang energy of men. How ridiculous, thought the child, what kind of man would let his vitality be sucked free of charge like that?

It had been three days since she arrived at the cave. Surprisingly, the person he was scared of at first ended up becoming his best friend in those three months. They laughed, Bai Hong continued to tell countless information before the dawn of the fourth day Bai Hong turned to the child and, with a strange expression, called her.

"Brat, I need your favor."

'Sure. What is it?' The child seemed to say with his eyes. In the meantime they were together, the little boy learned that his eyes were a powerful tool to use in communication.

"Do you see the puddle? Dive into it. Basically, there is the body of countless specialists serving as an offering. " I said, calmly. "Feel their bodies and look for a weapon." He ordered.

The boy wanted to throw up. When he had fallen, does that mean he drank someone's blood? Bleh. He hesitantly dived into it, swimming blindly to the bottom. He impatiently groped the bodies of some, even tearing up their clothes. He never stopped to think about why the bodies were intact until now. It was as if they had never died.

He was about to run out of air when his hand found the sharp tip of a blade, cutting his fingers. Going to the surface, breathing hard until your lungs are full. He walked over to Bai Hong and sat down next to him holding a thin steel dagger.

"Great. What a good boy you are. Now, little one, you remember that I gave you some cultivation methods and some techniques, don't you? " He asked cautiously. He feared the boy's reaction when he finally spoke the purpose of this dagger.

Little nodded, curious.

"You will never be able to use them. The first time I saw you, I thought you were just another human, but ... It turns out that you don't have one. It's more like you don't exist. " Bai Hong explained, his expression becoming more and more strange.

Little nodded. Some of the strongest beasts he has ever encountered in the mountain range have already thrown things at him like he doesn't smell human, despite apparently being one.

"So I want you to find someone worthy enough to get through these techniques. It can be anyone, as long as you think you are worthy. "

Little looked at the man, in a state of omnipotence. In the end, wasn't there really a way to get him out of those chains? He could get stronger, or he could use the sword on his body, anything!

It's not like he can talk to Bai Hong about it. For all intents and purposes, he is mute.

"There is a second favor."

The little boy's ears burned. What could it be?

"I need you to kill me."

Sigh, sorry for the curt chap, but i need to end this chapter this way.

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