A Date With The CEO II

Theme Song - Go Crazy by Chris Browne ft Young Thug

We left the room immediately to party. The club was already filled and more sweaty bodies were grinding against each other. I knew this was how a club was supposed to be but I couldn't help scrunching my nose in disgust.

Chase led me to the bar and ordered two shots.

"I don't drink" I shouted over the loud music.

"I know,that's why you need to now." He shouted back. He bent down to my ears,fuck being short,and placed hot lips on them. "You wished to get drunk,didn't you?"

"I know but one wish is enough for the night." I countered.

"Just one shot. You won't get drunk and it'll make it easier to take whenever you wanna fulfill that wish." He suggested. Well that wasn't a bad idea but boy was he good at making me do things.

"Fine." The bartender had already placed the shots on the table. He took a shot glass and I grabbed the other. He clicked them together in a toast before downing his immediately. I carried mine to my mouth and almost regretted it. The smell was a bit harsh on my nose and again I scrunched it.

"You don't wanna get old do you? You need to stop making that face." I pouted.

Without taking into consideration the many effects of alcohol,I downed the shot. It was sweet when it touched my tongue but burned my throat as it rolled down. The burn was short lived though and I craved another.

"Hows it?" Chase asked like a child waiting for a Christmas gift.

"I need another." I said and dropped the shot glass. "Two more shots" I said to the bartender.

"No,no more. Just one for the night. Okay? You,my girl just had vodka." My girl. It didn't sound bad.

"Then lets party!" I screamed a little too loud. Was I drunk already?

I dragged Chase who willingly obliged to the dance floor. I wasn't a great dancer but I had some moves. I did a bit of moon walker,which I sucked at and the dab undermining the music. The DJ started playing Peaches and Creams. Bodies starting grinding on each other. I gave Chase an awkward laugh and he smirked at me,daring me. Well two could play the game. I moved closer to him and turned with my bum facing him. My body wasn't touching him,I was literally grinding on the air but I felt him stop dancing. I faced him and sure enough,he was standing with his eyes on me. For a moment,I flinched under his intense scruntiny.

I nudged his hands and gave him a sheepish smile. "You shouldn't eat me with your eyes when I'm right in front of you." His eyes widened at my suggestion and without wasting time,he pulled me to him. We continued dancing and for a work relationship,it was quite erotic. Our bodies were touching the most unholy places and I didn't mind one bit. I knew I was supposed to care but I didn't.

After becoming as sweaty as the other bodies around us,Chase decided to visit the bar again. He took two more shots and prevented me from doing same. So unfair.

We made our way out of the loud club and it was almost pitch dark outside.

"What's the time?" I asked Chase.

"Almost 9. Do you wanna eat dinner together?"

"Anything for my boss." I curtsied and he chuckled. "You have a nice laugh,you know." His stare came again and I returned it. His brown eyes bore into mine and I felt beautiful. My eyes diverted to his lips. His pink lips looked soft. I felt like kissing them. Oh no,I'm drunk.

"Am I drunk?"

"Hmm?" He asked but then it registered. "Wait,what?" He burst out laughing at my face. Few moments later,his laughter died down and I crossed my hands over my chest. "No,you're not. It was just a shot. Come on,we've been standing here for too long. Lets go get something to eat."

The restaurant we found ourselves in was Italian. We ordered steak and red wine. Chase was actually fun. Throughout the meal,he told me stories of his childhood and the crazy things he did. I learnt that he had once pissed on an old lady because she insulted his mum. Talk about disrespectful but protective. He had also asked one of his teachers out in high school and she actually said yes. He told that she was the first person he had sex with. I was disgusted with that part. He also told that they did it a couple more times and his mum got to find out. She reported,obviously. The teacher got relieved of her job and he had to change schools after that. Served them right.

After our meal and hearty conversation,we walked down the block. The club was on the same block as the restaurant and some people were outside,probably for fresh air.

"One question for one,cool?" I asked as we walked down. I wasn't planning on going home now and obviously,Chase wasn't.


"What's your most embarrassing childhood moment?"

"Who remembers childhood stuff these days?" I gave him a knowing smile.

"You told me what a six year old you did so that question and your red face is actually suggesting otherwise. So whats it? I'm kinda curious now."

"Well,if you must know. Ahem." He cleared his throat. "The class saw me naked." He barely whispered but I heard him anyways.


"It was at church. I was trying to explain something to my Sunday school tutor about a portion of the bible and my shorts went off. I had visited the restroom earlier and hadn't buckled my belt."

"No shit Sherlock!" I covered my mouth in laughter.

"Your turn." He interrupted my laugh as quick as he could. "Do you have a male in your life?"

I understood his question but decided to act oblivious. "I have you and Billy."

"Billy. He must be a very handsome guy."

"Very handsome sixty year old man. My Nana hasn't acted so whipped. I mean,it was awkward for me at first because I grew on my grand dad before he passed but now,its like Billy owns a section of my heart."

"Tell me about Billy." He asked and felt his hands on mine. He was holding me. This felt like a real date.

"He has cancer." Well,that wasn't the best way to describe someone. "Sorry. Nana met him for the first time at the hospital when she went to do a check up after having a slightly serious fever. It was just a normal chat at the waiting room at first and they became acquaintances. Soon it became more than friendship."

"Doesn't he have any family?"

"Just a daughter and she's married. They have a kind of bad blood. Nana wouldn't say anything to me so I don't push."

"That's sad. He's lonely."

"Ain't we all?" I muttered and he didn't comment.

"A dare for a dare. You game?" I wasn't good at fulfilling dares so I shook my head. "Come on,I told you an embarrassing moment."

"And I told you about Billy."

"Not fair" He pulled his hands off mine and I felt a great loss. I took back his hands and he looked at me longingly. Or maybe that's what I thought. "Please?"


"You see that man over there with the tats?" He pointed at a bulky guy leaning on a rail with lots of tattoos adorning him and a smoke in his hands. "You know what I'm thinking right? You've got to do it without requesting." Sure enough,he wanted me to touch the man's tats.

"No way! I'm so not doing that."

"Oh come on." He stopped walking,making me do same. "You're no fun! You could totally strike two wishes off."

"You can talk me into other things but not this."

"Then French kiss me." He suggested. I almost believed he said that. "Its one of both. Your choice." Well,he did say that.

"You've got to be shitting me."

"Oh trust me,I'm not."

Pros and Cons of both dares? Pro of kissing Chase,I'll know how his lips taste. Con,I'll totally spoil our building friendship.

Pro of touching the man's tattoos. I'll tick two wishes off my list. Con,I'll not ask so would have to just walk up there and touch it. He may be a serial killer.

"So?" He probed. I tiptoed and brought his face down. Even on tiptoes,I wasn't high enough to reach his face. I gave his cheeks a quick peck. His cheeks were soft,I felt myself grow hot. I was acting like a sex starved teen. His Adam apple bubbled up and down. Guess I wasn't the only one.

"Well,that wasn't a French kiss." His eyes danced with mischief.

"Show me the guy again." He pointed at the bulky tattooed man and I gulped. And just like that,a bulb lighted and an idea came to me.

I walked up to the guy leaving Chase behind. I pulled my skirt up to show off some thighs and undid two buttons. Time to get sexy. "Hello handsome." The smell of the smoke unbalanced me but I quickly adjusted. The guy gave me a knowing smile.

"Hey beautiful." He looked at my boobs and I pushed them out. This sucked so much. "Whatchu want?"

"I want you." I tactfully placed a hand on his chest and rubbed on it. "You've got a nice body. I know you'll be so good at it." Someone remind me to never try talking dirty again. I wasn't as good as Deb. "Wanna have fun?" I made to touch his arms so I could feel a tat but he held my hand to his chest.

"You bet I wanna." He threw his cigarette down and stepped on it,extinguishing it. "Why don't we go somewhere more quiet?" This wasn't going as planned.

I leaned on him and brought my mouth to his ears. "Trust me,I prefer doing it out open." His grip on my hand loosened and I touched his arms. Mission accomplished. Now,to get out of this situation. My mind gave me another plan. I turned to Chase who was watching me in horror. "Oh no,that's my boyfriend over there! He doesn't know I'm here. He'll surely kill me. He does the meanest things!" I shouted,loud enough for Chase to hear. He took that as a cue to come in and play along.

"What are you doing here,Janet!? Didn't I instruct you to stay home before I get back? And weren't you tied!? Lets get out of here." He snatched my hands from the man and dragged me to him. I winced from the pain of the impact. Damn him,he was strong.

"What the fuck man? I had the lady first" The bulky man complained.

"She's my woman." This sounds so right.

"You a woman beater,uh? You a asshole,man." He pushed Chase's chest making us stumble backward. Uh-oh. "She told me you do mean things to her. I'm gonna show you mean right now." He punched Chase on his face making it swirl to the side.

I held Chase to myself. "Leave him alone,please."

"Don't beg for him Janet. I'm protecting you. You need a man not a boy like him." Chase's expression told me the man had hit something really sensitive. Without warning,a punch was on the man's face. And another. And another. Punches just kept landing and Chase didn't give the man a chance to retaliate.

The man stumbled and made for Chase. He quickly held my hands and took off. I ran ahead of him. Lets say exercises was paying off. The man kept chasing us but finally lost us when we ran into an alley with him running past.

Next chapter