
The Birth Of Sirzechs Lucifer - 2

The chimera that emerged in the old Valafar domain had advanced near the lake on the west side of the territory. No one knew precisely why the beast had moved to this location, but there were still some residents living in the vicinity of the lake.

Inevitably, the beast's poison would endanger the residents. Additionally, judging by its actions so far, it was likely that the fly-shaped chimera would advance to the neighbouring domain. Unlike the fallen Valafar domain, the neighbouring domain was ruled by upper-class demons, with many common demons residing there. If the chimera reached the neighbouring domain, it would be catastrophic.

Sirzechs gathered a large number of troops and began evacuating the residents from the city near the lake. Grayfia and Lucifuge's troops also assisted in the evacuation efforts.

"Now that we've finished the preparations, it's time to take the next step," Sirzechs declared.

After completing the evacuation, Sirzechs proceeded to confront the chimera.

"Wait!" Grayfia called out, following him alone.

Sirzechs advised her to stay behind due to her vulnerability to the poison, but Grayfia insisted on accompanying him.

Covered with the Power of Destruction, Sirzechs plunged into the thick mist of poison and confronted the chimera, a monstrous entity standing before him.

The chimera seemed to recognize Sirzechs and stopped rigidly, its numerous eyes fixated on him. This time, it appeared conscious, and its muscles began to take shape into a familiar face – that of the young Beelzebub.

With a sinister smile, the transformed Beelzebub acknowledged Sirzechs as the Ace of the Resistance Army.

Sirzechs implored the chimera to spare the nearby city and withdraw, but the creature expressed delight in spreading its poison.

Realizing dialogue was futile, Sirzechs attacked the chimera with his Power of Destruction, tearing off part of its torso. However, the creature's regenerative abilities quickly healed the wound.

Sirzechs understood that a single blow with average power would not suffice. He needed to unleash his full strength to eliminate the beast.

As the confrontation continued, the chimera revealed its involvement in the massacre of rebels, including innocent civilians, before the war began.

Enraged by the revelation, Sirzechs unleashed his true form, a giant humanoid concentration of the Aura of Destruction, known as the Beast of Destruction.

The chimera trembled at the sight of Sirzechs' immense power, attempting to launch attacks, all of which were neutralized by Sirzechs' Aura of Destruction.

Utilizing his hidden ability, Ruin of Extinction, Sirzechs unleashed a devastating attack that disintegrated the chimera, eradicating it from existence.

With the threat neutralized, Sirzechs reverted to his usual form and shared a moment with Grayfia, who witnessed his true power for the first time.

"It's over. Let's go home," Sirzechs said, smiling at Grayfia as they departed from the battlefield.

Years later, the events surrounding the fly-shaped chimera incident remained shrouded in mystery, even after the war. No documents related to the Satan's families' involvement were ever found.

News of Sirzechs' victory over the chimera spread to both sides of the conflict. The battle in the domain of Old Valafar persisted until Sirzechs and Serafall eliminated Damaidus Zereikel Asmodeus, finally concluding the conflict. The Lucifugus Army, which had supported the Asmodeus Army led by Grayfia, surrendered soon after.

Following the surrender, Sirzechs was summoned to the Lucifugus Army base. The leader of the Lucifugus House, bedridden in the medical camp reserved for generals, requested a final meeting.

Summoning his daughter Grayfia and Sirzechs, the leader of the Lucifugus House spoke with a weakened voice:

"Sirzechs, I have one last request."

Sirzechs, taken aback, agreed to hear it.

"After the war ends, destroy the House of Lucifugus."

Sirzechs was surprised by the request, but the Lucifugus leader continued:

"My son, Euclid, will bring terror to the Underworld. As long as the Lucifugus House exists, his anger will manifest. Please take care of Grayfia. She likes you. I've never seen her so happy. Please, take care of her."

Assured by Sirzechs' promise, the Lucifugus leader closed his eyes in peace.

In his final moments, he advised Grayfia to consider her own happiness and expressed his regretful farewell.

With the defeat of the Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Lucifugus Armies, the Royal Army lost its power to counterattack, leading to the invasion of the capital by the Resistance Army.

Shortly after Sirzechs defeated the chimera beast, the Resistance Army advanced towards the capital city of Lucifaad, ignoring the current government of the Satan's families. The remaining forces of the six armies descended from Lucifer, along with the Army of Beelzebub, could not resist the might of the Aces: Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Serafall. Eventually, they were all defeated.

Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Serafall entered the capital, seizing control of the main facilities, and eventually reaching the palace of Vidreid Varsharn Beelzebub. This would be their final confrontation.

The battle erupted within the palace, with powerful auras clashing. Vidreid Varsharn Beelzebub, on guard, extended his twelve wings, emanating a formidable aura. However, he found himself facing Sirzechs transformed into the Beast of Destruction, his true power terrifying.

Defeating Satan Beelzebub's son single-handedly, Sirzechs rendered Vidreid's attacks useless with the power of Destruction. Severely injured and bleeding profusely, Vidreid's defeat was inevitable.

As Sirzechs prepared for the final blow, he offered Vidreid a chance to reconsider. But Vidreid, stubborn and defiant, refused to yield, declaring his intent to become the new Satanu and fulfill his father's desires to defeat Michael and Azazel.

With a Sphere of Destruction, Sirzechs vanquished Vidreid, who uttered his final words of defiance before disappearing: "The blood and anger of the Satan's will always be against you." And with that, Beelzebub's son met his end.

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