

in the world where there exist 'Brahmans' and 'rakshasas.' a boy came to the city of Tokyo in hopes to become a Brahman, so he could "purge" all of the rakshasas. Our main protagonist is quite mysterious. what is a Brahman? what is a rakshasa? what is our protagonist's ambition? To follow his adventures & understand the concept, do check out this novel! P.S: I'll improve my writing quality alongside with the upcoming chapters. Please do read till volume 3. From there, the story will get better and better.

Soraren_Miyamoto · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Unite battle: Part 4.


(The story will continue from first person perspective.) 

"One slight mistake and our game is over", I thought. Shifting my gaze back towards that composite rakshasa with a serious look on my face, I said, 

"Their strength is phenomenal.."  

I had some ideas conceptualising within my mind. The idea was a plan to purge this composite rakshasa as soon as possible. It's indeed true that we cannot defeat him with our own strength. However, they haven't displayed a single considerable speed feat. So, I assumed that perhaps, because of their gigantic body, their speed has decreased a lot. I don't know the exact weight. But, here comes the contradiction: their body mass can affect their "travel" Speed, however, it seems like it cannot affect their combat speed, judging by how they threw the sword at such ridiculous velocity.

"What should we do?" Claire spoked out. 

"The best we can do is to defend ourselves whilst continuously evading their attacks." Azusa said, perfectly extracting his thoughts to words. 

"You got any ideas?" Said Zero, altering his sight towards me. 

Even though I had a plan constructed, I was still doubting if it was perfect or percase, and had deadly flaws carrying within. Nevertheless, as a Brahman, I can at least try to provide a simple plan-description to my teammates. After all, to purge this composite rakshasa, we all have to work as 'one'. 

"Yes. The plan's description is pretty simple. My plan is that we can never defeat this rakshasa with pure physical strength."

"I agree with that." Azusa commented. 

I continued, "But, we possibly have an upper hand in travel speed. So my plan is that we somehow speed blitz them in both travel and combat speed. But, their combat speed is extreme, which decreases our chance."

Not gonna lie, I suck at elaborating. 

Zero considered for a considerable duration of time. 

"Since we don't have many options available. We can demonstrate your plan, but." He continued, "We also need to amplify our physical status to at least keep up with this composite rakshasa, and to execute your plan."

Zero looked at Azusa and Claire. 

"You know what I'm talking about." He said. 

I was dumbstruck. What were they even planning to do? 

"Rohiz, you should learn this technique from now. 'Chakra accumulation'. We mainly use this ability to amplify our physical status to deal with rakshasas who surpasses us in physical status." Zero stated. 

Chakra accumulation sounds like a technique which allows one to gather and channel chakra around their whole body to amplify their physique, considering the term "Accumulation" Means accumulating (gather acquire quantity of) something. My estimate may be rational perhaps? 

"Is it a technique to channel chakra around your whole body?" I asked. 

"Correct, it's pretty easy to learn. All you have to do is concentrate a fair amount of chakra your whole body to achieve it." Zero answered. 

Hm, so I was right after all, my estimation skills are improving day by day. 

"Try to attempt it. We will distract this composite rakshasa to buy you some time." Claire out of thin air, stated. 

It was honestly surprising to see her talking nicely, I mean, at first I thought she wasn't friendly at all, maybe, she's just a tsundere whatsoever. 

"Let's go." Azusa said. 

All three of them started to advance forwards (with chakra accumulation on) whilst I was just standing there, trying to channel chakra around myself. 

This is my first time doing this accumulation thingy, so it mayhaps take some time to fully get comfortable with it. 

Zero, Claire and Azusa dashed towards that composite rakshasa at blinding speed. 

"I'll land an attack on its stomach!" Zero confirmed the region he was about to attack. 

"I'll take care of its movements!" Claire said as she created four gigantic swords via chakra. 

Azusa didn't say anything but his facial expressions were telling that he was serious and was going for a fatal point to attack at. 

All four of them jumped up high to keep up with that composite rakshasa height. Azusa used his momentum to preserve himself, within the equivalent time, he also landed a simultaneous axe kick at that composite rakshasa's forehead. It seems like it's doing damage as blood is spilling out. 

Claire used her swords to planted each of them at the rakshasa's arms; all four of the swords were planted on four of the respective arms. Putting a limit to their movement. 

Zero concentrated an immense amount of chakra onto his right fist, in order to amplify its attack potency. He then unleashed a powerful punch towards its abdomen. The force extracted by that mere punch was so strong, it insisted that composite rakshasa spill out blood from its mouth, which also caused a shockwave to occur, slightly shaking up the existing pressure on the atmosphere. And even made a hole in that composite rakshasa's abdomen. 

On the other hand, I was trying to concentrate/supply a vast amount of chakra on every part of my body. A yellow aura started to emit out of my body, it looked like I was coated in some kind of vibrant aura. Exhaling a little bit, I thought. 

("if I can preserve this scenario for a while, I can probably employ the technique more quickly.") With that thought existing within my mind, I preserve my concentration, whilst maintaining my gaze at all of my teammates, who were currently buying me some time. 

Even though they had dealt a fair amount of damage to that composite rakshasa. It instantly healed themselves. Well, it was kinda expected by all of us Brahmans. 

("Tch, their regeneration capabilities is insane, how are we supposed to purge it..") Thought Zero. 

"Everyone, stay back!" Zero cried out. 

Following the command, Azusa and Claire retreated back, which was the same case for Zero. 

"At this rate, we're never gonna make it.." Said Azusa in a tone which made him look like he had lost all hope. 

"No, not yet." Said I, dashing forth; my speed transversed through the wind, plus, my body was radiating a golden aura. 

If the composite rakshasa were to use their wind manipulation; creating tornadoes or some other kind of natural phenomenon, we would be screwed. I bet everyone here knows it as well. So, it'll be  just wise and courageous of me to step in, ending this chaos once and for all.