
A Date Never To Forget

Tony is sitting there lost in a moment of curiosity. He's arranged a blind date in pub with a women he has no idea or clue what she looks like. He's been talking to her for months, forming a bond and connection, online. They decided to meet up today and see if this blind date is attractive in life, as she is online, with her eccentric tones and quirky comments. She really did know how to make him laugh and connected with him in way's he never thought possible. It was like she could read him like a book. As she anticipated everything he said and done, not only online, but whilst arranging this date. There was only one rather strange request she had, she wanted to meet Tony, in a man united supporter's bar. Tony is a Liverpool fan and couldn't understand the request. Either she wanted to put his life in danger or she has no fucking clue about English football. But he seen it as a test regardless. Either he fall in love and is either, totally besotted with her and finally finds the women of his dreams or his friends and family will think he's crazy and disown him, for dating a woman of an opposing team. Tony summarised she must be a man united supporter. As why else would she want to meet him in this bar? So he decided to meet up and wear his Liverpool FC shirt, like she requested, but then decided to wear a winter coat, simply for a bit of cover and support in these cold conditions. He'd been waiting for 3 hour's now and decided to pass the time by creating a negative video on YouTube about the trouble he'd had in life, but still managed to survive, adapt and learn from them all. Making himself a better person by killing the negativity that was affecting his life.

But Tony's way of expressing himself isn't exactly seen in a positive light, but he could never understand why?

Is it not better, to simply be honest, even when you know you are wrong?

Adapt and move on from previous mistakes?

And after the brief video is made and uploaded, Tony decided he had enough of waiting for her and given up. He then decided to leave. His curiosity didn't stop there. He simply hoped she was ok and everything was alright with her wellbeing. As he stood up he could hear a slight whisper in the background, like someone was whispering his name, Tony. The pub was a generally big pub and the whisper came from the direction of the kitchen and toilets, so he decided to check it out. As he began to progress down the hallway he could hear the sound getting louder and louder. And he could see a flashing of light by a door that looked like it lead to an alley way outside, that ran parallel with the pub. So he decided to check that out too. As he opened the door a gust of wind and strong breeze entered the building. And he bumped into this beautiful lady wearing gold plated armour, with short black hair and lightest bluest eye's he'd ever seen. Tony smiled to himself and thought to himself, this was his date, with a brief thought of how beautiful and angelic she is.

"About time, Tony muttered under his breathe.

"You are gorgeous," he stated with a brief smirk on his face.

As he moved forward to give her a loving embrace and hug for the first time. She smiled back, placed her hands over his shoulder and struck him in his bollocks with her knee.

"And I thought you liked me?" whimpered Tony as he fell to the floor, in sheer pain and disbelief.

Tony couldn't understand why his supposed date was so dominating and aggressive? But it was certainly no way to greet a person you liked. It was at this conclusion, he decided, she wasn't exactly, the one for him. She then, effortlessly picked him up, bought him over her head and slammed him on the floor on the opposite side of her.

"Anthony Lavery?" the aggressive women asked in her authoritarian tone.

"Yes," whimpered Tony, whilst trying to draw breathe.

"You are under arrest for instigating and starting World War 3!" stated the lady.

Tony shook his head in disbelief either he was on drugs or someone spiked his Guinness, either conclusion Tony came to, he decided this lady was crazy.

"Listen Lady, I don't know who you are? or what drug's your on? but World War 3 hasn't happened, stated Tony in confused manner.

"We are living in a time of so called peace," Tony began to say before she struck him with her next blow.

She elbowed him in the chest as he began to stand up. It was at this point he decided, to fight back. Tony is a man of morality and doesn't like violence against women, regardless of how aggressive or beautiful they are. The blow took his breathe once again and he began to feel dizzy and faint, he then dropped to his knees, whilst struggling for air. As she went in for the knee to the head and the knockout blow, he managed to bring both arms up and cross them, to parry any oncoming blow. She managed to turn in mid air and went to strike him in the face instead. Tony managed to grab her wrist, bent her hand in on itself and put pressure on her elbow to bring her into a submissive position.

" You aren't making much sense to me! Tony mumbled.

"There has been no war and I certainly have no intentions of starting one!" continued Tony.

"Release me and we'll talk," the lady shouted.

"Ok, ok, said Tony, whilst loosening the pressure on her arm, wrist and elbow.

"I don't like violence against women anyway. " It's not like you give me much of a choice," continued Tony, whilst trying to find a resolution to an intense situation

Both of them began to straighten up but were still suspect about each other's generally honesty and each other's true intentions. Tony opened the door to the pub and was intrigued to see if she was willing to take this conversation in a public place, for his and her own safety. Just incase another aggressive fight broke out between them both. The lady declined and pointed to the shelter and open garden at the back of the pub. Tony analysed how far it was from the pub garden to the pub. He figured he had enough time if she started again, to get to the pub and ask for help in restraining her and then telling people to phone the police and arrest this crazy lady. As she turned and walked towards the garden Tony noticed how muscly and toned this women was, but he couldn't understand why she was wearing gold armour. She looked totally out of place and didn't exactly look like a local. But dame she sure is pretty, thought Tony.

"Are you sure, you wouldn't like a drink?

"You might actually chill out and give my balls enough time to rest, before you try to kick them and my arse again," stated Tony in a sarcastic manner.

The Lady began to laugh for the briefest of moments, shook her head and declined his offer. They both sat down on opposite ends of a family table, at the back end of the pub.

"Now, where do I begin?" The lady stated in her deepest of voices

"For a start, you can tell me how am I the instigator of WW3?" Tony politely asked, in a slightly confused tone.

"Have you ever heard of CERN? "And the large Hadron Collider," she asked.

"Yes, Tony muttered even more confused.

"The Place where they smash atoms together and have a hugh 24ft Statue of Shiva outside their main headquarters," continued Tony whilst looking for some clarity to a crazy situation.

The lady began to smirk for briefest of moments

"Well this will make my job a whole lot easier," she smiled.

CERN where not looking to smash atoms together to see the outcome. We already knew the outcome. We were trying to open a gateway to the other dimensions and parallel universe's and make connections with them. And we succeeded.

"So what does this have to do with me?" asked Tony.

"Well if you stopped interrupting me, I'll let you know, she stated in the meanest of voices.

"Before I let you know where you stand in all of this, I need to let you know how it all started," continued the aggressive Lady.

We discovered 5 Parallel Universe's and 7 Dimensions so far. We can access the 5 Parallel Universe's but can't access the different Dimensions, but we know they're, there. We also discovered scars and ripples in our universe, which implied there are more parallel universes, but accessing them would be difficult. In one parallel universe, you are rich. One where you are poor. One where you are good. One where you are bad. And one where you and everyone else is fucked up and crazy.

"Oh," Tony muttered, whilst constantly looking at the pub door and wondering how appealing, his escape route to sanity looks.

She continued with her mad theory. "Before the Tower of Babel was built humanity where Divine and Pure, Angelic you could say."

"Wait, what? Tony said in sheer disbelief

"What does Bible Stories have to do with Parallel Universe's, different Dimensions, World War 3 and Me?" Tony shouted as the aggressive female pulled out her gun, shot and stunned Tony ,with an electric shot, to the chest.

Tony began to shake with the mass volts of electricity running through him and then suddenly he began to laugh.

"Am Epileptic, you idiot, stun guns don't really work on us, as our bodies create more electricity than that. "The next stage of human evolution, baby," Tony muttered, whilst still shaking and trying to raise an arm to pull this thing out of his chest.

The aggressive Lady didn't look to happy and she suddenly had curious expression on her face. She simply turned the dial at the top of her gun to release a higher voltage. At which point Tony dropped to the floor, as he couldn't handle the increased voltage. She got up out her seat and proceeded to the edge of the table.

"Now you, seriously will shut the fuck up and allow me to speak," stated the lady, with a great big smirk on her face.

It was at this point two men came out the pub and noticed her standing above Tony. Whilst Tony looked totally pissed or drunk, with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

She shouted out loud to the men, "He's had to much to drink, "he's a dick anyway, look how he makes me dress, and I thought he loved me? "Any chance you could give us some privacy lads, whilst I sort him out?" asked the aggressive lady.

The two men began to laugh and entered the pub, again.

"Now you can hear me but you won't be able to move much, for the next 5 minutes." She picked Tony up and placed him back in his seat.

And she continued with her story. "Anyway, after The Tower of Babel was destroyed these Gods supposedly created a divide between humanity by creating different languages and religion's, but they also manipulated our DNA.

"Have you ever wondered, why human's only use 10% of their brains?" she asked.

"Now you know, why," she continued.

As it reduced the chances of us creating another Tower. And it also reduced our chances of becoming Angelic and Pure, again. You see Angelic and Pure beings can be interdimensional. They can travel through dimensions and differently realities at will. They seem to create portals to travel to these different worlds or parallel universes. But this all depends on their evolutionary stage. Early Angelic and Pure humans didn't have the ability of interdimensional travel. So they decided to change thing's around and build a device and a tower that would give them, these capabilities. After studying ancient texts instead of humanity evolving and progressing at each level, through spiritual enlightenment and then gaining access to the other dimensions like ever other being, we decided to create the Tower of Babel to skip a few evolutionary stages. And return to where the Gods where supposedly created, The 7th Dimension. This angered the Gods, as they had not hit that evolutionary stage either or had the ability to enter that dimension. And that is why they created the divide. And then, they supposedly influenced those different worlds and parallel universes for the greater good or their own agenda, depending on which reference you get your information from.

As Tony listened to this ladies wild story he couldn't quite see how all these different stories where quite connected. The lady's story then began to become even more bizarre. Instead of going on about Ancient Tales, different Dimensions and Tony starting WW3, she then proceeded to talk about biology.

You see, every thought and opinion you have, resonates at certain frequencies. And those frequencies unlock certain codes, within our DNA. They also unlock our chances of reaching that next evolutionary change, as a species. Unfortunately Love is the highest frequency we can unlock and at any one time. We didn't know how get any further in the spiritual evolutionary spectrum and become Angelic and Pure again.

Where earlier humans given this gift?

Did they learn to unlock it themselves?

Or was it a communal decision by the different variations of themselves in the different parallel universes?

So we decided to try and find a way through these riddles and evolutionary puzzles. We thought, through communal loving feelings, of the species, would help unlock or trigger the next stage of human spiritual evolution.

You see, large majorities of the worlds population have collectively all thought the same thoughts before. During 9/11 the world collectively where all shocked and in utter shock and despair. Those collective negative thoughts and feelings created a mass magnetic frequency that interfered with the Earths magnetic field. The international space station and satellites where monitoring those events and registered these changes during those events.

Now if we can do this through negative thoughts and feelings, what would happen if we could use love to create a world wide event where our whole planet resonates the same thoughts at the same time?

Creating a unified frequency that is so strong it would change us in every way possible. Not only change how we think, but our genetic makeup too. We tried to make us Angelic and Pure Beings again in every way we could. Anyway once we discovered these new Dimension and Parallel Universe's, we decided to do exactly that. And create like a spiritual domino effect throughout our different worlds and parallel universe's, that would trigger a mass global spiritual event. And that's how we started to police it and created an organisation called PUP, Parallel Universe Police. And we remove anything that creates those divide's.

We've succeeded in a total of 4 parallel universes so far. In one world racism created a divide. So we removed that by creating a world where everyone is equal regardless their colour. We also stopped other's using racism as a tool, to create a divide or gain an advantage in society, by using it for their own political agenda. We also created a test where every race would take count of how many times they and those around them, talked about other races. The population would then see how long they could go without talking about other races. If they failed they would try again. At first the test were weekly, then monthly, then yearly. And those that succeeded to free themselves from negative points of view where rewarded.

And in the other worlds we removed poverty from one world by creating equality throughout society and made everyone equal. We did this in the poor universe by taking control of the one rich guy who was running it. The guy ruling it, was sticking Fluoride in the water supply to make people stupid as it stops neurons from firing from a faster rate and calcifies certain parts of the brain, responsible for spiritual development, especially the pineal gland. He also had aeroplanes leaving chemical trails and poisoning his people. So we stopped that too.

In the rich world and other parallel universe everyone was egotistical and up their own arse's. In that world we created an event were everyone, eventually fought for the greater good. We created a fake Alien Invasion.

And in another world Religion was the divide. Everyone had their own religion which created mass war's. We made the world see that you didn't need religion to have faith in God, simply believe. As God is in your head and heart. We also created a national hug day. Where everyone would embrace the person next to them to create frequencies of love and respect.

"Now, if we have resolved these challenge's in 4 other parallel universes why do you think, we haven't resolved it in this world? she said with one eyebrow raised and a curious look on her face.

"We are in the crazy parallel universe. So instead of their being one problem that creates a divide there are multiple problems."

We have a device that allows us to see some of these events and watch them before they unfold, a few hour's before they occur. Unfortunately the device only allows us to witness humans and the outcome of the scenario's they create. And not Deities or other spiritual beings. We have the option of changing those realities if it creates a further divide. And that is why, the changes we make create a Mandela Effect.

Tony was now lost. He followed her up till now but he had no clue what a Mandela Effect was, so he to raised an eyebrow. The aggressive Lady thought he was taking the piss by imitating her, so she slapped him. It was at this point Tony was able to finally raise an arm but he couldn't feel anything else. So he made an expression to let her know he didn't understand her previous sentence. So she explained what the Mandela Effect was, and how they change words in songs, even written event's, scriptures, books or movies. And even though people remembered thing's one way, since their manipulation and changes, thing's obviously had a different meaning to how they originally were. And therefore recreate a different outcome and reality and avoided events which lead to further divide's in society. It was at this point Tony had decided this women was crazy and he was going to run. He compiled with everything she had to say but let her continue until he could feel other parts of his body again.

She went on to tell him because of his YouTube video upload someone would witness that video and take extreme measures in their own life and counteract their original destiny. They decided to kill a popular Prince who had access to nuclear weapons. As that Prince had the main political control over him and his people. And stopped them advancing by purposefully creating poverty, so by eliminating him, he thought he could change the destiny of him and his people. The family of the Prince decided to nuke the country of where that person was from, to show that country and the international community their a force to be reckoned with. The leaders from the international community decides to put a kill order on the Prince's Family which leads to a very quick WW3 and the mass extinction of not only most of our species but almost the extinction of every other species too. The event would leave only a few rich people to survive in their nuclear bunkers. And as these people have never even wiped thier own arses in life, how do you expect them to survive or even repopulate our very planet after a nuclear war? Or rectify any wrongs? It didn't exactly leave much hope for humanity or our planet and way of life. By the time she told Tony all this he had recovered his full movement.

"So am here to arrest you and put you in prison.

"We will remove any knowledge of your existence from the world. "And make anyone who claims to have a son, friend or lover that disappeared, look crazy."

It was at this point Tony got up, he turned to run to the pub. As he ran away the crazy lady grabbed the hood of his coat. As she held on to his coat as Tony continued running. This process removed his coat, revealing Tony in his Liverpool shirt in a man united supporters pub.

As Tony got to the pub entrance, opened the door and asked for help in detaining a crazy lady who was trying to kidnap him, he didn't quite get the response he had hoped for. And there he stood in all his pride, with his Liverpool shirt on, in a area full of man united fans and crazy lady with a stun gun right behind him. They all simply seemed unfazed. 50 supporters of an opposing team suddenly stopped to turn and where all looking at him with a confused expression on their faces. They all were wondering what was going on. Tony was in two minds take a chance trying to run through the pub or have another fight with the lady outside, who'd already crushed his bollocks once before and ended any fighting mentality he may of had, with less than normal amounts of testosterone, coursing through his veins. Tony decided to take his chance running through the pub. It was at this point that a horrible sound ran through the building. It stopped everyone from moving and suddenly everything went blank.