
What a Cunning man?

Its been a month since arrival at Hogwarts Aren had made tremendous progress in is studies. The books available at the library had been of great help in solving most of his problems but searching through many books just to find the solution to a single problem had been a headache. Regardless, his time had not been wasted as he had buildup a stable foundation in magical theory but most of it had been too stupid or completely hogwash. Leave to the wizards to needlessly complicate things when it could be solved easily using the basic.

Bell had not been pleased when Aren had ditched him to spend time in the library, however, he was quick to change his mind when Aren mentioned they could spend some quality time together if he wanted. Bell had never excused himself and ran so fast in his life as he did on that day.

The good news was that he had made a new friend. A certain bossy-know-it with bushy hair, and buck tooth. She had been a great help to finding the relevant facts from those mountains of books. Did you know that she liked to blab about her life when nothing book related to discuss? Ahh! Poor girl is socially awkward. Being the kind man that he was Aren had indulged her with his magnificent presence.

But unknown to the easily jealous know-it-all, Aren had already memorized the entire first-year curriculum. What Aren had her search was advance knowledge with basic concepts, therefore, making it seem as if he was still a step behind her. The look of pride on her face when she tried to explain things to him was truly irritating. Aren snorted as he thought, 'As if a brat could teach me anything. Be happy while you still can brat. Daddy is waiting for you to grow up nice and strong.'

With a solid background spend the next month practicing magic in the room of requirements. But when it came time for experimenting and practicing different potions Aren had finally noticed what it feels like to be poor.

Aren laughed at himself at forgetting that the world revolves around money. The MC had joined the Quidditch team within this past month when he was busy making friends with the buck tooth.

Anyhow, Harry, he had to wait until Christmas to plan an effective out the schematics for borrowing the philosopher stone. Dumbledore will move the stone to the third floor immediately after introducing Harry to the Mirror of Erised. The old man must interact with his toy sooner or later after all.

Aren had decided to focus on the theoretical aspect of potions until he had the necessary funds. But that didn't stop him from practicing charms and transfiguration on the student body. Students from all houses except Gryffindor had to visit the hospital on regular basis. Some had become ill, some vomited until they puked blood, some suffered brain damage because they started walking around naked, but the most serious cases were those of human transfiguration. Some had grown two head, four arms or had them replaced with Animal limbs.

The ability to cast silently while hiding his wand had gotten those Weasley Twins in a lot of trouble. They had been searching for the perpetrator to both congratulate and take revenge on. However, they had made no progress so far due to the number of detentions to get them busy until the end of the year. But they will soon be free as the number of accidents had exceeded their usual capacity. Therefore, the teachers will eventually start to notice that someone else is responsible for these acts. Aren could already see himself expelled when McGonagall gets her hands on him. Aren had heard some of the older brats from upper years swore that they had never seen her so furious in all her years teaching at Hogwarts.

Regardless, Aren had learned another fact about the Weasley family at the Great Hall due to his experiments. The twins received a letter which started to scream in a woman's voice. He had informed that the letter was a howler. Anyhow, Their Mother sure can screamer her lungs out. Aren began to wonder how much will she scream when he pays her a visit?

He could already hear her wails of pain and agony as he tortures her and her family together. After all, a family should experience everything together, Aren thought.

Coming back to the previous topic the repeated experiments Aren had performed helped him form a hypothesis that magic is a type of energy that could perform miracles, such as creating everything from nothing. But to create something from nothing requires energy, therefore, the wizarding community uses different materials to reduce the cost of magic required to achieve their desired results. However, magic which requires a high amount of magic needs magical materials to be performed such as blood. That is why sacrifices were so common in the middle ages.

Theoretically, if you have an endless supply you magic you can play god.

Therefore, the creation of the philosopher stone is nothing sort of a miracle of magic itself that is given form. He can already see Nicolas Flamel sacrificing thousands of lives to create such a stone.

What a Cunning man?

He had managed to hide his misdeeds from history and instead labeled himself a common man turned immortal that can create endless gold and potions of life, therefore, there is no way that he would give his most prized treasure someone else even though the person is his apprentice after all humans will always be humans.

The destruction of the stone in the Harry Potter series clearly illustrates this fact. Nicolas Flamel is an old monster that had lived for centuries so there is no way a man like him doesn't have a closet full of skeletons.

Aren breathed a sigh at his circumstance and here he had just started planning about steal the fake stone instead he managed to solve some deep mystery. This world is far more dangerous then he had previously thought.

Magic was so complicated that he still had no idea what the correct way is to cast magic with brute forcing through everything. Those spell words and wand waving that he looked down on now needs a second glance from him but why is that even important Aren screamed in the Room of requirements. The upper years learn to silently cast eventually so spell words are nothing but a bunch of shit that helps brats to better visualize the effects.

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