

Aren was pleased that he will have to make some original product in order to get a steadily flow of cash, but he didn't have the funds necessary to practice potions as that subject just eats up money. Other subjects are interesting but unless that won't allowing him to make some fast cash therefore the only solution to his dilemma was to rob houses during his summer bank.

Now he had to learn an invisibility and silencing charm from the library but considering the amount of magic that would require he would have to scrap that idea as well.

Aren was so busy destroying the entire room that it was almost passed midnight. It was just not is day Aren sighed as he slowly walked towards the Ravenclaws common room.

Aren was too tired to think straight therefore was surprised to bump into someone after curfew. The person responsible was the boy wonder himself and his group.

Aren didn't had an opportunity to ask why they were out passed curfew when he pulled him up on his feet before Harry grabbed Aren by the hand and dragged the startled psycho after him, Ron and Hermione following close behind.

All the time Harry and his friends had spent trying to find their way around the castle was paying off now. Harry led them through several corridors and down several flights of stairs until he finally saw what he was looking for: a single door that looked as if it had not been used in quite some time. Harry tried the door, but it was locked.

"Move," Hermione said pulling out her wand and pointing it at the door's lock. "Alohomora!"

There was a click from the door, and suddenly it swung open. Harry quickly ushered his friends through the door before pulling it closed behind him. Harry pressed his ear to the door trying to hear any sounds that might be Filch following them. It was hard to hear anything because of the sound of his three companions' heavy breathing, and what sounded like a music box playing somewhere in the distance. He was just about to tell them to be quiet when he heard someone walking past the door.

Harry held his breath trying to hear better, but his heart was pounding so hard that he could barely hear anything from the other side of the door. In fact, the longer he stood there, the louder the sound of his friends' breathing became. Now, someone was tugging on the sleeve of his robe, but Harry ignored them until he was positive that whoever it was that had been walking by was gone.

"What is it?" Harry whispered as he turned to look at Aren who was calmly pointing at the hug monstrosity behind him.

Out of all the things that Aren and Harry had seen since he arrived at Hogwarts, the sight that met his eyes this time was enough to leave them speechless.

Not only were they pale that they almost seemed to be glowing in the dim light of the room, but Aren doubted they had breathed even once since they had entered the room. Harry was the only one who had managed to keep his composure.

Instead, the sound of breathing that he had been hearing was coming from an immense three-headed dog that was sound asleep behind them. So far, they had not managed to wake the dog up, and Harry did not want to be there when it did. As quietly as possible, Harry pulled the door open and ushered his friends outside.

Aren wanted to play ball with the dog but decided otherwise and didn't resist when he was pulled outside of the room by Harry.

"When can anyone tell me, what is going on?" Aren inquired even through he was had guessed what had happened.

The Trio looked at each other before Harry started telling him that he was challenged to a duel by Malfoy and they had encountered Flinch and had to run away before bumping into him.

Hermione being the upright girl that she is immediately asked why he was outside after curfew. Aren only raised an eyebrow before replying that he was practicing and had lost track of time.

"What in the world are they doing with a beast like that in a school?" Ron blurted suddenly.

"Obviously it was guarding something," Hermione said glad to be rid of the awkwardness.

Aren looked up at her, obviously (faking) confused. "Guarding what?"

"Honestly," sighed the young girl as she got up and walked towards the stairs to her room. "Didn't you see the trapdoor he was laying on?"

"Missed that bit, Hermione," Harry chuckled. "I was concentrating on the three heads."

"Well, yes, they were quite startling," replied Hermione, but her face had paled at the memory. "As it is though, I've had more than enough adventures tonight. I think I'll turn in now."

She turned started to walk away without a word. Harry and the brat looked at each other before shrugging they waved good bye to Aren before leaving.

Aren instead of going back to his common room walked back inside the room with the Three headed Dog. Silently Aren began to around it in circles before climbing on its back for a better look.

"Well aren't you a nice dog, fluffy." Aren commented as he slides down before casting an itching curse on it but it seemed to have no effect on the magical beast. Ever so Curious Aren began overpowering the curse little by little but the result was still the same. The mangy dog was sleeping soundly without a care in the world. Irritated Aren kicked its nose before walking out of the room.

After Aren had left the stupid dog finally stirred but finding the room empty it went back to sleep.

Please bear with me! True killing will begin with with second year. First Year of the series is getting the Psycho to understand the mysteries and complexities of magic.

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