
Post War

Hah! with a swing of his sword, he killed the last of the basmodian army. He's non other than Harold, the lightening god. He and his army just ended the long fought. war basmodian army, and after months of war against the basmodian army, they ended it with victory so he could finally go home to his wife, Rosalind after being away for nearly ten months.

Matching home with his army, they all went to his castle. On reaching the castle, he found the soldiers that were supposed to watch and guard his castle all lying on the ground, going closer to see them very well, he found out that they were dead. He rushed in seeing everyone was dead, going into his throne room in the castle he found everyone there dead save for a man who was still struggling to breathe, his body tattered with wounds all over and blood covering his entire body,on seeing Harold he tried to speak.

"M my l lord, S...S...sik, h he ambushed the castle killed everyone and t..took the lady, your wife", he said trying his best to breathe.

Raaarh!! Harold roared running to his personal chamber, where he and his wife sleep. On entering, he found everything scattered; clothes and accessories all over, the bed all torn out. Seeing his room in such a tattered state, his knees became weak he slumped and fell to the ground.

Aargh!!! he roared again, he dropped his face to the floor. After few minutes, he raised his head again, but a devilish grin could be spotted on his face. He began to laugh hysterically, after ten minutes of non-stop laughter he stopped, but still retained the devilish grin on his face. He stood up, moving his black hair that was on his face to the side, he had dark brown eyes and a tall stature, 2 metres in height. He exited the room, walked down the stairs into the throne room, sitting on his throne.

"Hmph", he harrumphed, "Sik, Sik, Sik, you've got nerves you know, first you tried to kill me and take my kingdom, Purasia but you failed. Now you come to my kingdom, when I'm away and take my wife" Harold thought to himself now spotting a grim expression.

A man walked into the room, clad in black clothing covering his neck to his ankle, brown hair, black eyes, had a height of 2.8 metres fitting his bulky body. It's Gavin, Harold's general, following him was a lady, deep blue eyes, long black hair tied to a ponytail, a height of 1.8 metres.

"My Lord, we've searched the whole castle but couldn't find a living soul save for the man you saw on entering the throne room", Gavin said as he bowed to Harold.

"Hmm", he nodded, " And you Sheila, what are your findings? Harold asked the lady behind Gavin, whose name is Sheila.

"My lord, I searched around the castle and the only thing I could find was this note and I think it's for you", she said walking over to give him the note in her hand.

He collected the note from her and read it;

Dear Harold, I know coming back from a long fought war, you'll be longing to spend time with your wife, so I abducted her just when I heard the news of you ending the war and returning so soon. I know you'll want to rescue your beloved wife so I'll tell you where you could come rescue her from me. I took her towards the west of your castle, I and my men will be waiting for you in blah blah blah blah blah, ha! what else do you want to know. Just find us if you can, I will be waiting for you, happy journey here and I WISH YOU DEATH!!

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