
chapter 1

At 2 o'clock in the night...

It was night time, the streets were deserted, in such a situation someone was trying to go inside the house by opening the window. His face was covered with a cloth. When he could not enter inside even after many attempts, he became tired.

Then someone from behind him put his hand on his shoulder and said to him, "We knew that at this time of night, no one could do anything other than act like a thief in their own house."

 ( The one who was trying to enter the house through the window like a thief was none other than Kaira's friend Karan and the one who had caught him. She was none other than Kaira, the heroine of our story.) 

So let's know a little more about Kaira, Kaira Sharma is a simple innocent girl living in Mumbai city. Who lives in her father's friend's house in Delhi in connection with her studies. Kiara a living heart: She is a bubbly and very beautiful girl, with big eyes, thin lips, long hair and a very fit body. The girl who is very innocent, unaware of the outside world, lives only in herself, is proud of being the darling of her family.

When someone put a hand on Karan's shoulder, Karan got scared but after hearing that person's voice, Karan took a sigh of relief and turned back angrily and said to her, "Kaira, you scared me. I thought mom or dad. 

 Then Kaira hit Karan lightly on the shoulder and said to him, "Why do you do such things? Because of which you have to come and go secretly. By the way, where were you till now?"?"

( - He is a friend of Kaira's brother and also of Kaira. When Kaira's family sent her to Delhi, her brother gave the responsibility of taking care of her to Karan. Karan loved Kaira deeply. And both Kaira and Karan's family knew this. In fact, their families had decided to get them married after Kaira completes her studies. But Kaira did not know anything about Karan's feelings. For Kaira, Karan was just her good friend and nothing else. ) 

Hearing him, Karan said while caressing his arm, "Hey, it was not there. He was preparing for your dance performance in your college tomorrow." 

Hearing him, Kaira shook her head and said, "Why are you standing here now? Let's go inside. It's late in the night. Let's go inside before Aunty Uncle also wakes up."

Karan listened to her and went inside the house with her. Both Karan and Kaira went to their respective rooms and slept.

Next morning , g , 

Today Kaira was up earlier than usual, because today she had a dance performance in her college. 

Kaira loved dancing, or as they say, it was everything of Kaira. Kaira used to dance in happiness as well as in sadness. Kaira was so crazy about dance that whenever she listened to a song, her feet would automatically start tapping.

Kaira came down from her room and came to the hall and saw that Karan's father Mr. Rajendra Gupta was sitting on the sofa and drinking tea. Seeing him, Kaira said to him while coming down the stairs, "Good morning uncle."

As soon as Rajendra ji saw Kaira, he said to her lovingly, "Good morning son. How did you wake up so early today. Are you feeling well?"

(Rajendra ji loves Kaira like his own daughter, Rajendra ji is a manager in a bank by profession.)

After listening to Rajendra ji, Kaira sat on the sofa next to him and said to him, "Hey! No uncle, today there is a function in our college, in which we are doing a dance performance, just to rehearse for that, we will come soon today."

Then Karan's mother Reena Gupta coming from the kitchen said, "Go to college later, first come and have breakfast."

After listening to Reena ji, Kaira went towards the dining table to have breakfast. 

Kaira was sitting at the dining table having breakfast, and Reena ji was serving her breakfast. Then Rajendra ji said to Reena ji from behind, "By the way, Reena ji, where is that worthless son of yours? It's not morning yet sir?"

Oho ! I forgot to tell that everyone lovingly calls Kaira as Kittu, it is very rare that someone calls her Kaira.

As soon as Rajendra ji stopped after saying his words, Karan came down the Coming down the stairs, he said, "Yes! Now you will call me worthless, this darling of yours has come. I feel that ever since this Kittu has come here, I have no respect at all." Is in this house." 

Saying this, Karan came to the dining area and sat on the chair near Kaira. And started eating from Kaira's plate. Kaira started laughing at Karan's words. Seeing her laughing, Karan stuffed parantha in her mouth.

Kaira pretended to eat the paratha from her mouth and said to Rajendra ji, "Uncle ji, see what he is saying to us?"

Rajendre ji, after listening to him, started scolding Karan and said to him, "Let me know if you say anything to my daughter. I will throw you out of the house, have breakfast quietly and drop Kittu to college. "

Hearing Rajendre's words, Karan lowered his head and muttered to himself, "Yes, I am definitely the driver who can drop her."

Seeing him mumbling like this, Kaira said, "Did you say something "

Hearing him, Kaira got up from her chair and hanging her bag, said, "Our breakfast is done. Let's go."

After listening to her, Karan came out of the house with Kaira, taking the keys of his bike and then put her on the bike and left towards her college.। 

Dear Readers, that's all for today. The rest is in the next chapter, and my dear readers, I want you to give your love to this one too, just like you have given love to my first novel, you will also like this novel very much.

Next chapter