
Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

The Cultivation World is filled with countless treasures and heart shaking mysteries but even the most holy places are built above bottomless darkness this is a world where strong eats the weak, the strong rules and the weak is ruled, weak have no rights and that's how it always had been until he made is debut Ye Tian was a cultivator with an average innate talent but he was born with a rare defense type physique and for him it was like a poor man treasuring a jade ring, betrayed by his own first love and the master he respected like a father he tried to escape as far as he could but his destiny was not that simple At the brink of death Heaven showed mercy on him and the dormant mystery hidden in his soul got released...he got his memories from his past life when he was a Peerless Genius on Earth although those memories still belongs to the time when he was a mortal named Rex Andrews but memory was not the only thing he got from his past life Ding.... [System’s requirements met] [ System initializing 1%..2%…10%…30%….80%..99%..100%] *** Discord: - 1) https://discord.gg/wu5jWHF 2) https://discord.gg/fTVyP33

Deleted_Account_00 · Fantasy
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402 Chs

Chapter 27

The muscle man did't understand much but understood its time to get serious as he does't know his opponents true strength any wrong move can result in instant death

just as Rex was getting ready he sensed something and Switched off Bloodlust than his expressions took s U turn and he started to look like an innocent and a little scared child

'was't he going to attack what happened' The muscle man and the girl became confused

just as they were thinking they felt a strong pressure and looked behind Rex an Old lady and a middle aged women came flying

the woman beside Wang Cang was tall she had long silky hairs her figure was particularly standing out her body has beautiful curves which looked like a piece of art that is priceless coupled with her face with those sparkling red lips would put all the girls Rex had ever seen to shame

"whats happening here"Wang Cang asked than her eyes landed on Rex

"Junior greats the Patriarch and Great ancestor"they both said as they cupped their hands and bowed

"Reporting to Great ancestor we were chasing this thie.."the muscle man who become scared cat was just telling the story but suddenly Rex ran and jumped in the arms of the Old Lady

"Granny this man was bullying your cute and handsome grandson and even tried to ambush me attacked your feeble and weak grandson with that spear"Rex said with teary puppy eyes than he pointed at the spear which was stuck on a stone a little far from them

these words were like piercing arrows to both the muscle man and the short haired girl

'Gr…Gra..Grandson'the patriarch was still trying to confirm if the work stress of the sect these days finally took the effect

Wang Cang just wanted to punish Rex in front of everyone but after looking at his puppy eyes her heart melted than she remembered what happened last time when she tried to punish him and snapped out of it

"Luo Ru it it correct"Wang Cang said while looking at the lady like figure

her words gave a 4000 volts of shock to everyone present there even Rex was a little surprised he did't except it to be that easy

".a…an.ancestor… that.. when i came both of them were"Luo Ru was just about to say further when she felt something and looked towards Rex and found him staring back at her like he was saying

there will be revenge

and she already seen his status in front of her sect ancestor than she gave a sorry look to her junior

"th,..ts…its hard to explain i remember junior brother Lee was attacking the little brother while saying thief thief "after saying that she did't turn her eyes at Kong Lee

'i didn't lie….i just hiding a little truth.....and it was junior brothers fault in the first place so….yes yes i definitely didn't lie' Luo Ru comforted herself

"what.."Kong Lee was speechless although he was at fault for attacking he was only trying to immobilize the thief with honest intentions

even Rex knew that even if did not dodged the spear was not thrown to kill him

"Kong Lee you recklessly attacked him without even making sure whom you are attacking and you did't even check his cultivation before using a spear now you won't receive any Qi replenishing pills for this month"Wang Cang said while looking angrily at Kong Lee she was really angry because of his actions because if Rex had low cultivation base than he will defiantly receive an heavy injury

"th,,er..understood ancestor"Kong Lee wanted to explain but when he just tried to check the cultivation of Rex he was't able to do so and when he looked at the angry ancestor he knew their is no way out of it