

"Nikki get outside you need sun you know and play with the kids outside!!" Stephanie her mother called her

Then the Nikki's room Open a Child Muki appeared looked Frustrated

"Mom I don't want to Play with those smelly Kids" Nikki Complained

"But if you stayed in there you wont have any friends " Stephanie said to her

"Mom i don't need them , and if i study in my room i can get Excellent Grades that mean i can have a lot of offers from Excellent Universities out there" Nikki Talked back

"Hon let Nikki do what she wants besides Nikki is very different from other children she is far smarter and Matured for them" Albert who was done putting on clothes after a well deserve bath

"Albert stop siding with Nikki she will never learn" Stephanie Complained

That was true Nikki when she was just 6 months she could Crawl, Walk, Run she can also talk Fluent English and Tagalog , Read Properly and Write illegible, The kid can even solve basic Math Equations from Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication And Division she even asked her parents to buy her Highschool to College level books in Science and Math in just 6 Months she already learned Basic to Advance Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mechanical Science she also Learned about Basic to advance Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus and many more but the one thing she had her mind on is the Mechanic Science she loves seeing technology in the books , wants to know how it was build and how do they use it

When she was 2 Years old she has started Participating in Quiz bees and Spelling Bees some of them where a High school level or A College level she already won 20 times but one time she lost is because she Underestimate her Opponents but she didn't make than an excuse she Learn from it that you should never underestimate an Opponent and Never let you Pride get the better of you

Although because of that kids never let her joined them they told her they don't want weirdo's playing with them and some even bullied her infact the Barangay Captain's Triplets are the most notorious it Was Annie, Frank and Rebacca those three are 6 Years older than her

They always beat her up she lucky for them Nikki's Wounds healed up in seconds but the Emotional bullying that is a damage to her confidence

Back to the story

She was now 3 Years old

It was night Albert was back from his work as A Surgeon in the Hospital luckily there are not much patients in the Hospital while sitting in the table enjoying there dinner they didn't knew it will be the last time they will be together

Suddenly a fire spread very Quickly Albert and Stephanie's instinct is to cover Nikki but they were too late the fire ingulfed the two instantly turning them into dust while Nikki froze in fear the Flames Reached her , her body was turned into complete dust just like her parents but unlike them in just a seconds she regenerated her hair and eyes changed to Bloody Red

"What is happening to me" Nikki fell to her knees the Power inside her is overwhelming but Nikki is stubborn enough to move and so she did Nikki's first instinct is to get out of the House in her first step she smashed through the wall and Nikki didn't felt pain she came out of a Concrete wall Nikki look at the damage she left it curved perfectly in her size and shapes

She heard scream and Cry Nikki followed the noice and it was the three that bullied her holding on there Public official who is now a skeleton Nikki came to there need and save them

Rebbeca was crying but Annie was worst , And Frank tried to act tough but he failed horribly

"You three get out of here meet me at the Gate try callinh an adult and Call a Fireman " Nikki said as she remember the only entrance and Exit of this Community

"What will you do" Frank looked at her

"I will save as many as i can hopefully everybody " Nikki said as she left the three cautiously walk

Nikki search and found 25 Children ranging from a Child as old as her and a teenager but for now Nikki didn't care

She was able to tear down a Concrete House , She got hit by a Falling Brick and was fine all this happened in seconds Nikki didn't know but she was gettinv a hang on this abilities or so she thinks

She saw so many skeletons everywhere from humans to Animals she even saw a severly injured kid

She bring Him outside

"Come on heal" she then saw the Kid Heal from All of his wounds

She tried to find an adult but to no avail and then a Kilometer away the Sound of Firetrucks came to the Place in a Hurry she arrived with the kids

"Hey if they told you on how did you survive please tell them the events was too fast and you didn't know who saved you ok" Nikki looked at the seriously the Children nods and she left

She had a feeling having Abilities such as her's isn't normal and Authorities and Abnormalities don't mix well for the one who is an abnormal case like her's she is bound to get experimented and be a Lab rat she doesn't want that and so she run away to who knows

"Little one just relax breath in and out" a 6'7 who's a very Muscular and has a scar on his right blind eye

"Who are you" Nikki Questioned as she is on a defensive

"Calm down I won't hurt you, if you don't give me a reason too, now if you want your abilities to deactivate just think of it and if You want to activate it just think that you want to activate your Abilities but lets just call it an Esper" The Very Muscular late 20's guy said Nikki did what he said better than Nikki's Plan which is none

And it worked

"Th----" Before Nikki can thank him a tranquilizer hit her and dropped but The Muscular caught her before falling

He tossed Nikki into the Car and they drive to a Place where Nikki will understand the World they are living, the Real World.

Next chapter