

Life ends in a flash.

One moment you're running around aimlessly when you were a child.

Then finding yourself in debt.

Tough isn't it?

It's difficult to grasp, kind of comical in a way. Talking to myself right now asking "Why am I here?"

A question I contemplate without any reason, it is easy to answer, I'm a lazy person who wasted his potential, nothing else to it.

Had multiple opportunities and luck when I was raised. Could've studied hard enough to become a functioning member of society or something, though an imbecile would probably not appreciate that, hate it, then proceed to do what's worse.

Live like nothing matters.

Nothing matters? sure, makes sense at the start. Why would you work hard enough to live happily, and acquire things that make you happy, while you can appreciate what's around you.

Cool, nice, but, hey... What can you appreciate if you throw it all away? the moment? live in the moment surrounded by mouses and diseases left and right, a barrel that acts as a source of heat for winter, food that expired months ago, can you truly find happiness when you knew you could've had better things? like a house, any house, friends, a community, family, anything that fulfills human needs.

Maybe you can, can't say that's impossible. After all I haven't tried, nor am I planning to, because I'm tired of life.

Struggling everyday isn't for me, and I don't wanna live like a homeless person for the rest of god knows how long my life would be.

'Ight, guess I'll jump.

"1.. 2.. 3..", I jumped.

I don't wanna die, bad idea--

Suddenly I open my eyes in a panic.

Everything around me is... White?

And a figure is standing before me, I can only describe it as pitch black.

Kind of like the color that absorbs light, a blackhole in a way.


I can't speak, my mouth is moving- Wait there's no mouth.

No hands, no... Where's my body?


I'm overloaded with so much confusion.

"How long will you last?", the figure speaks.

"Huh...", I reply as if I woke up from a bad dream.

"A soul is known for commitment, a statue of stone that never wavers even in storms; Can time sway you into giving up?", the figure elaborates.

"Excuse me what's happening?"

"An experiment I'm conducting."

"What may this experiment be?"

"A way to confirm the validity of the previously mentioned question."

"I see, then how about no."

I heard the figure, I don't care.

It was scary at first to kill myself but I liked the aftermath, just nothingness and calmness.

Surprisingly I was aware, but in a constant state of sleeping.

"You're in no place to choose any option.", the figure replies indifferently.

This is bad.

"Who are you to even sa-"

My vision cuts.

The black figure raises his hands as a spiral of darkness swirls around and expands until everything is consumed by it.

Too many questions to ask, but what unfolded leaves me in a state of disbelief and makes me completely dumbfounded.