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DeMarcus watched with interest as Chevelle walked into the kitchen. Her entry was quiet, her sock covered feet muting the sound of her typical heavy walking. The shorts she wore, displayed her long tan legs and DeMarcus looked away quickly. "How was your run?" His voice came out rougher than normal and he found the need to clear his throat.

Chevelle jumped slightly, her glass milk tea bottle almost slipping through her thin fingers. "I'm sorry," she murmured, looking down at the floor.

DeMarcus raised an eyebrow, "there's no need to be sorry. I was the one who scared you."

Chevelle sent him a small smile. "I have a meeting in the office today at 12:30."

DeMarcus nodded and swallowed the cinnamon toast crunch cereal. "Do you want to take my car or yours?"

"Can we take mine?" She asked, pushing a long bang behind her ear. "Thank you," she muttered when he nodded. Sliding out of the room, Chevelle hurried off to her bedroom. Piling her hair up into a nude turban, Chevelle threw on a matching nude dress. Grabbing a nearby black collared shirt, she tossed it on and tied it just under her chest. A few curls slipped out of her turban and fell against her face. Slipping her feet into her black converse platforms, Chevelle grabbed a purse and walked out of her bedroom.

"Ready?" DeMarcus asked as he twisted the earpiece around so it rested comfortably in his ear. Turning to face the President's daughter, his posture went stiff at the sight of her before he quickly masked his surprise. Nodding at her once, he led her to the four car garage that housed her Tesla Model Y. "Which one?" He questioned, looking between the Tesla and the Audi Q5.

"Tesla," she murmured. "My Audi died a while ago, I just haven't gotten around to replacing it." Climbing into the passenger seat, Chevelle pulled out her severely cracked iPhone XR and sent Jeremy a text.

"Hey babe," Jeremy's voice floated through the car speakers. "You on your way?"

"Mhm," she sighed leaning her head back against the headrest. "We're probably five minutes out."


"Me and DeMarcus." Chevelle took a sip of her drink, "my bodyguard remember?"

"Right right right. Alright well see you soon."

The call ended and Chevelle rolled her eyes. "Hi Johnny," she waved to the security guard in his booth. "How are you today?"

Johnny looked into the window and grinned. "My wife brought me donuts ten minutes ago. I'm a happy man."

Chevelle laughed, "that's what I like to hear! Bye Johnny." Waving goodbye, Chevelle turned back around to face the front just as DeMarcus pulled into her designated parking spot.

DeMarcus was more like a shadow to Chevelle. Following her around wherever she went and barely making any news. He stood in the far corner of Jeremy's office listening to them talk about Chevelle's next partnership. Glancing over the room, like he had been doing every five minutes, he raised an eyebrow at Jeremy's assistant who was staring intently at him.

Bea flushed and looked away. "I'm sorry," she stuttered. "What were you saying, Boss?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "When you're done making a fool out of yourself will you tell me what my availability is next Thursday?"

Hastily pulling up his schedule Bea furrowed her brows and looked for next Thursday. "You have to be at Henry's school play that day—from 3:30-5:30."

Collapsing into his chair, Jeremy sighed and rubbed his temple. "I knew having kids was a bad idea."

Chevelle snorted as she poured Fiji water into a short glass. "Don't be mean to my children, Jer."

The manager pointed a finger at his client. "God children. You'll have to find someone else to take as your date. Maybe McCullen."

"Thomas?" She put her hand against her chest. "Absolutely not, I'd rather go alone than go with him." Her lips curled up into a sneer as she thought about her psychologically abusive ex-boyfriend. She had yet to tell Jeremy what he had done to her, so it made sense for him to mention his name—he believed they separated on good terms.

"Okay, then go alone—there's nothing wrong with you going alone."

"I'll go," DeMarcus spoke up. He watched three heads turn towards him, shocked by his proposal. "I'd be going anyways, it would probably make more sense anyways if I was your date."

Jeremy smirked slightly and nodded. "Alright it's settled then—you'll be Chevelle's date to the Charity Gala."


"I brought your dress and coffee" Jeremy knocked on the door to the bedroom Chevelle had converted into a fitting room.

Her fanciest clothes lined one wall, two walls opposite one another was covered in a mirror, and the other wall had a vanity attached. "Thank you," she sighed as she took the coffee from his hands and pointed to where the dress would be going. "What are you doing here, I thought you had to go to the play?"

"I still do, I just wanted to bring your dress for you."

Chevelle smiled at him. "Can I see the dress?"

Moving behind her, Jeremy unzipped the black cover and revealed the olive green dress he had purchased for her. "I had to fight someone for this dress," he rolled his eyes. "This mom wanted to buy this dress for her daughter's senior prom."

Chevelle laughed, "prom is in May."

"I'm aware, that's how I got her to hand it over. And not to mention her daughter is barely 5'2, so they would be spending even more money to get it hemmed." Checking his watch, Jeremy cursed. "I have to go, the makeup artist will be here in two minutes."

"Alright," Chevelle fell into her white salon chair. "Love you, Jer."

Jeremy kissed her forehead, "love you too, babe."

Leaning back in her chair, Chevelle picked up her book and continued reading. A knock startled her out of her false reality and she looked up.

"Maya is here," DeMarcus nodded his head and stepped aside to let the makeup artist in.

Squealing with delight, Chevelle hugged Maya tightly. "I missed you, it's been so long."

The blonde laughed and squeezed Chevelle tightly. "We should go for drinks soon or something."

Humming Chevelle climbed back into her seat and listened to Maya talk about her time away in London. "Thank you," Chevelle smiled as she stared at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was natural, a bit daring but yet still light. "Wanna help me out?"

Lights were flashing as DeMarcus and Chevelle pulled up to the annual Leukemia Charity Gala. Handing the keys to the driver, DeMarcus wrapped a hand around Chevelle's waist and walked the two of them to the red carpet.

Rounding the corner, Chevelle put on her best decent resting face and stared at the cameras.

They changed angles a few times, but stayed glued together at the hip. DeMarcus glanced to his left, his eyes unwavering from her face. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked, but he swallowed the words and turned back to face the cameras.

Chevelle tilted her chin and pressed her lips against DeMarcus's ear. "Let's go," she murmured.

DeMarcus tried his best to suppress a shudder when he felt her lips kissing his ear, but he failed. Tightening his grip on her waist, he steered them towards the main building. "Bar?"

"We'll have to make it quick," she murmured. "They're going to do a live auction soon. Could I get a Bloody Mary and…"

"Vodka Tonic," DeMarcus sent the bartender a curt nod. Sliding a twenty across the counter, DeMarcus let go of her waist and grabbed the two drinks before handing the red drink to her. Wrapping his right hand around her waist, they continued on to the auction all. "Any idea what you might buy?"

"Every single Marchy they offer a trip to Venice, Italy—I've been trying to get those tickets for the past five years and still I've come up with nothing. In the end I typically buy a piece of art and something else."

"Maybe this year I'll be your lucky charm," DeMarcus grinned cheekily.

Chevelle turned slightly to look at him, her eyes appearing to be almost sensual. "Maybe." She looked him up and down slowly before turning back around to face the front, her stomach turning into butterflies when DeMarcus squeezed her hip.

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