

" I promise I will protect you at any cost " " Thank you for coming into my Life I love you . " Jennie envelope Marvin in an embrace. *********** " Who ever did this to you is going to pay with his or her life I promise you that " . A very harsh voice echoed in an empty room " Thanks I know you will always help me " . Valerie said and embrace her sister in the dark sobbing and her sister clenched her fist in anger. ******************* " Don't be scared I will be here for you .forever love " . Egbert said and placed soft kisses on Mary's fore head as she gave him a tight hug ***************** " Sometimes I feel like pushing you off the cliff and running down to the bottom to catch you . You kinda affect me emotionally and get me angry most times but I won't hurt you and don't be scared of me . I will protect and always be here for you ". Rhoderic said close to Odet's ear . And she nodded smiling . ************************* " Right now I think I know the way you are feeling but it can't change a thing. But did you really think I would love someone else other than you ??" . She didn't say a word and it made me feel am talking to myself. I took her face in my hands . " Did you ??" She only nodded and I smiled a bit and pulled her in for a hug . " I love you more than anything in the world and I will protect you from your enemies and fake people ". " Is that a promise ?" " Yes it is ".

Joy_Imabe · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 : Life Goes On.

Actually life on the street was pretty amazing . No Valerie and I get to eat whatever I like . I made a new friend her name is Alicia but I call her Ali . she is way older than me but was very discipline and beautiful.

Sometimes I don't even know what am doing but I was just doing things unusual and stupid. Sometimes I burst into loud laughter or I cry every single tears out . The both of us stayed in a little cottage .

My wicked step sister seems to like me alot as she keeps hunting me round the city . It has been two weeks since I have been alone with Ali and I was getting used to it . A little girl like me on the street , just nineteen years on this difficult planet Earth.

Since I was a dish maid , I was used to that hard life it was easy for me to earn money . Ali was also hard working she provides alot for the both of us . There was a man always begging her to come back home but Ali always refuse . I work in a very rich family with two twin who always make me go mad .

Something weird happened today , I have been waiting for Ali to come back but she didn't return . I was so scared how will I even sleep.

" There she is " . I heard a very familiar voice .

It was my worst enemy . Valerie she was with that man wearing mask .He grabbed me harshly .

" No where left to run " . Valerie said close to my ear .

" Leave me alone ! "

" We are going home dear no more street life " .

Valerie chuckled .

" I don't want to go anywhere with you " . I sounded like a scared child .

" You should have been dead by now I refuse to kill you so that can still keep signing me those papers and I get all the money , all the power , all the fame and you get nothing " . Valerie said has she stuck my hair behind my ear.

" You are so cruel " .

" And you are so kind . Now take her to the car and throw her into the boot . Be fast " .The mask man nod and was about to pick me up when I bite his hand as hard as I can and ran away .

" You Idiot . Go after her " Valerie shouted at the top of her voice .

I was as fast as the wind . It was easy for me to run cause I have been doing that always . The rain didn't resist as it fell heavily making my vision blurry but I couldn't stop not now when he is catching up.

Soon I was at the middle of the road and I was run over by a car .

Death here I come , welcome me into your humble world of darkness.

I closed my eyes and I pass out.

I woke up dead .

Or maybe am not dead yet cause am in no heaven or hell . Everywhere was dark . I can't even see thing . But I could feel I was lying down on a bed . I tried to seat up but I can't my body ache and I whimper in pain as I made an attempt . My head , feet , legs face were all band .

Why did I survive I wanted to die that made me remember Valerie . Maybe am kept here by her because everywhere was dark . I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep .

Ali is she okay ?

Is it day or night ? I don't even know.

The door cracked open.

Oh no . A gasped escaped my lips as I shot my eyes open wide . I heard footsteps walking towards me and soon stopped. I felt someone towering over me . I felt icy fingers on my ear and soon on my hair .

Who is this ???

I should play dead .

Those cold fingers travel down to my nose and soon on my lips.

After a long while , I heard the door closed quietly .

Did the person even move to the door . I was so scared .

What if am kidnapped ???

" Pearl , Mom , Ali " . I called after a while hopping one of them will answer my call but every where was dead , silent , cold , dark like a grave site .