
l am not just a girl!!

"PLEASE COACH!, put me in first seven please!,l do my best" - Lyan grab his coach to face her "please coach"

"i'm not put you to first five because you are a secret weapon" coach said then wink at her 'what?'

"I am a what?!"

"Lyan just sit down and watch your team mates I knew you know that just trust them"

Lyan just sit down and watch her team mates to lose?"coach?"

"Lyan be ready"

"got it coach"

'what?? a first year high school will sub their ace??'

'what are you doing coach?'


'don't mind them'

when they look at me I feel that they understimated me well "let's see"

"I am not just a girl , be ready boys"

"a girl named lyanna will sub their ace player nicolo"

"and don't shock she is a girl"


"what are you doing coach,she is a girl,you promise that you never let her played"

"I said that to all of you, if you are not going to lose"

"but coach!!"

"just play"

They played, I played , we win in this competition , SOCCER