
Chapter 97 Want A Child

Growing up with his mother all these years, Charlie could easily tell Ashlynn's ability to change the subject quickly. When she started ordering the servant around, he struggled to get up from the couch and went upstairs.

That same night, Elsie was tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep. She hated Charlie. She hated him as much as she loved him. Whenever she thought of him cheating on her despite countless vows of love, she couldn't find herself able to forgive him.

Worse still, the thought of him and Kenia having a love affair made her feel as if her heart had been gouged out. Besides the pain of living a life worse than death, the incomparable humiliation was tormenting. Elsie wished she could kill them.

While she had tried her best to treat her infertility and endured Ashlynn's torture, he had long abandoned her as he built another family of his own behind her back.

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