
Protagonist Killer

A man that doesn't know his past, except for specific memories, was suddenly throwed on a weird but familiar world, in a dangerous situation. And now he has to survive in this world without any guidance but a system that came out of nowhere. Read the Tags. I placed a lot of Tags that has mature content as this novel will be full of spicy lemons. But, of course, it will have plot as writing too much lemons is mind tiring. Have a good time reading it. Also, if you see mistakes at the beginning, don't worry, it becomes better as you read. If you understand me.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) All the rights of the works I may use as reference are from the respective Authors, with the exception of my OCs. Also English is my third language, so forgive me if you see many mistakes or chronological errors.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Chapter 93 : Īsan VS Urahara (Last Part).

\AN: Double chap today. Don't forget to give me your stones./

'Now I know how Cell feels after he achieved perfection. But this isn't enough, I want more strength. I need more power. The Hougyoku was assimilated as if it was part of me, already. The feeling is like every single being that isn't like me, are trash. Trash that need to be removed or bow to me. This is why Aizen became so arrogant, this feeling is addicting. But I will not drown myself in it. I can't let the Fears win. System, why does the Hougyoku's power is so familiar to me?' I wondered.

["The Hougyoku is your second lock."]

'Wait... How do you know about my two locks? '

["I know everything about you."]

'This is... Creepy. Do you know who is the being who helped me?' I asked.


'Do you know what the Fears are?'


'Not replying eh? This means that some parts of knowledge the System is not willing to tell me.' I lamented.

Turning to Urahara, I asked. "Now... Where we were?" I dashed at him and swinged the sword on my right hand.


We clashed swords, Urahara dragged his feet back, even if his feet was sticked to the ground, then I got near him again and fainted an attack.

'Let me do an experiment.'

He believed in my faint and attacked while I just lowered my Reiatsu and let his sword cut my arm off. While my arm was falling, I released the sword on my left hand, grabbed it and dashed to really far away.

Then I placed the arm together with my shoulder and it was almost instantly regenerated.

'I don't need Orihime to heal my severed limbs anymore.' I thought while gripping my black sword that never left my hand.

I felt that it was back at full strength. The Hougyoku truly make wonders. Looking at Urahara, I saw that he was waiting between for me to go and get my dropped sword.

"I think you let something behind." He said.

"You think?" I said while extending my left hand.

The sword then desintegrated and reintegrated on my left hand.

"Thanks for telling me." I mocked him.

He dashed at me and swinged his sword many times, I just dodged by disappearing at the right time and reappearing right after the sword passed by where I was.

'This fight is coming to an end. At this point we are not ecen fighting, I'm just dodging his attacks. After each attack he is getting slower and slower.'

"Urahara. I'm going to end this in the next move." I disappeared and reappeared many meters behind.

From both sides of my hips, katanas scabbards appeared. Sheathing them, I took a Iaijutsu stance while grabbing both swords hilts. Then my Reiatsu began to overflow, the ground below, and many meters away from me, began to crack. My right side had crimson Reiatsu while my left one had dark green Reiatsu that was emitting lightning.

"{Nitouryuu: Shikei Hanketsu(Death Sentence)}." When I said that, I drawed both swords at a blinding speed while aiming at Urahara. The slash was in an "X" shape, the left diagonal slash was dark green, it was made by my lightning Reiatsu, while the right one was crimson, and it was made by the poison mixed with my Reiatsu.

Then they flew at Urahara, he almost did not had time to defend as he lifted his Bankai and sword to try to stop my attack. If he dodged, Karakura Town and all of its residents would have died by now as the city would have been blown up.


While this explosion caused an earthquake and destroyed almost anything in front of me, I sheathed my swords and stood still, unfazed. The explosion made a huge smoke cloud appear while the fire began to cease. When the smoke began to clear, I saw Urahara kneeling while coughind blood. Many parts of his body were red from his blood and from the burns.

I saw that on his chest, there was a "X" and on the path that separated us, was completely destroyed. Looking at the half of a mountain, I saw that it fell on the ground. The huge mannequin behind him began to break and fall in many peaces.

"Urahara. I enjoyed while it lasted." Then, I saw his body falling on the ground.

Turning around, I went to where Nemu, Menoly and Orihime were. But they flew to really far away since I didn't held back. The shockwave sent them really far away. While I was going there, my body began transform, and when it stopped, I was back at my original form. The only difference was that now I had two swords on my hips. The absence of the Hougyoku showed that it had completely fused with me.

Then I began to descend from where I was as they were down the mountain. When I did, I found out that Orihime, Nemu and Menoly were full of dust and had small branches stuck to their hairs. Going to Orihime's direction, I got behind her back and encircled my right arm around her back while grasping her left breast tightly.

"Ahhnn~!" She was caught off-guard.

"From now on, you are not my slave any longer." I told her before looking at her eyes.

I saw that in them, she had some insanity deep inside of them.

'I think it is time to corrupt her a little more.'

Then I whispered in her ear. "Subordinates like you is always in the danger zone when it comes to fall back down again."

"No. I will not go back. Never." She said.

"Then, all you need to do is become my wife. If you do, you will be the one who will step on others, not the other way around." I licked her earlobe.

'Maybe I can create a sadistic Orihime. It will be interesting.'

"Hnn~. I-I can't do it." She said, to my disappointment.

"You just killed Ichigo. What is stopping you now?" I asked.

"I-I just can't." She said.

'I changed my mind. I thought that she would be interesting. Someone who I could corrupt. If she has no ambition, it won't entertain me. Soifon will be much more interesting or maybe Isane, a lesbian and a really tall woman. They will be fun to corrupt.'

"Orihime. Fret not, you will never have to fear being degraded to a slave." When I said that, I saw her eyes glow.

"R-Really?!" She squeaked.

"Yeah. Because you will stay as a slave until you die." Looking at her eyes, I saw them losing their glow instantly while her hope too, was lost.

"I can't go back. I can't go back. I can't go back. I can't go back. I can't go back. Please, I don't want to go back." She repeatedly said.

'Hmm. The Tres Bestias really did a number on her. As I let them do whatever they want with the slaves, especially, those who rebel against me. With some, like Cirucci and Menoly, having special privilegies, since they proved themselves to be useful to me.'

"What will you do now?" I mercilessly asked while taking my hand away from her breast.

'I may have gripped her breast for a few moments, but it was really divine.'

Then Orihime's body slowly fell on the ground.

"Its time for us to leave." I said while resting my hand on her shoulder.

Suddenly, I felt my hand being pulled and grabbing something squishy and soft.

"Please, let me be your subordinate! I will do anything you desire! I will obey you in anything you want without questioning!" She loudly said, now standing.

I gripped her tit strongly while admiring her beautiful moan.

"I'm looking forward for your performance." I said while smiling.

Nemu then came to my other side.

"I haven't been rewarded from my services!" I looked at her emotionless eyes.

And I saw that deep in them there was something that she could not hide behind her emotionless facade. It was jealousy and envy.

Pulling her, I encircled my other arm behind her back and grabbed her big right breast.

"Menoly, it is time for us to get all of our comrades and our rightfully earned spoils of war."