2 First World

[Nooooo! Zach awoke from his dream. Soon it hit him. It wasn't a dream; it was real. He started crying, thinking about how everyone he cared for died right before his eyes, His friends. If it was the last thing he did, he would avenge them.he sobered up And made his mind detached, little did he know something in his brain just made him a little less human emotion.

He sat up, trying to look around and get his bearings [hello slayer]Who said that? I asked.[I did your assistant]

I have read many novels in my day, so I figured out what was going on. I have a

system. Fuck you system tell me why would I trust you I said angrily [Sir I was made by the universe you just have to trust me]

I have read to many evil system novels, Im not trusting this I thought to myself.What do I Call you? [you may call me PSA short for personal slayer assistant] PSA. Heck no, that sounds like personal shitting assistant, would rather not think of that every time I say PSA when talking to you, I'm going to name you Kelly.

[name is now Kelly]

Hey, Kelly, inform me what you can do.[I can check organisms such as yourself for damages and see your strength currently and also I will navigate you to worlds]

Kelly scan me for injuries [.....you have had a severe concussion and your brain has experienced PTSD, so you are trying to cover it up by acting confident, and you also have A small penis caused by a accident]

Can you fix my small penis I asked? [Not with your current strength]. Fuck I proclaim.Now on to other stuff, where are we, asking? [you are in the world known as spur-0789]

is their other slayers and where are they, and what are my duties? [we cannot tell where other slayers are, and your duties are to kill the protagonist that gets out of line. ] How do I get stronger? [by killing the protagonist you can gain expand skills]

The classic system, I take to myself. I look around trying to get used to my surroundings. I decide to walk hime, dealing with the pain and ringing in my ears. I got to a bass street.

I looked at the road. I couldn't see a car in sight. I was thinking I was in the middle of nowhere. Kelly, where is the nearest human I ask [the nearest human is 562 feet (0.17 km) south-west]

Ok, south-west would be around here by looking at the sun.

By following the road I found to a horse barn, but I didn't risk going in I needed info, Kelly what types of protagonist is in this world [ The best horseback rider] hmm that's lucky I thought easy .Hey Kelly what do I do to absorb them, do I just slaughter them or…

[you just kill them. I will do the rest of the work]

what do I use to kill, Calm down you got this, I look around the area trying to find a rock that would be sharp enough to end someone.
