
Conversation Between Group Members (Part Two)

Bibi Dong, who had just acquired the most basic information about protagonists from Esdeath had a few questions to ask.

"Is it okay if I come next, Senior?"

"That's fine, just ask what you want to ask."

She quickly sorted out the information in her mind, she knew that most of these group members are far stronger than her, so she plans to inquire about what she wanted to know very concisely.

"Who is the protagonist in my world and what is my role."

She is hoping that she isn't some kind of love interest, she'd rather be a damned villain than that. And she herself knows that her love for Yu Xiaogang never completely died out, even if he is a scumbag and a coward.

"First of all your role is one of the last villains. In the end, you succeeded to become a God but were killed by the protagonist.

The protagonist is a boy named Tang San, he is also the son of Tang Hao. Yes, I mean the Clear Sky Douluo.

After he had a conflict with your Spirit Hall, his wife died and he hid in a small village with his son.

But what he doesn't know is that his son is not truly his son anymore, well actually you can argue about this topic. Anyway in my opinion, if your son has the memories of his past life at birth, then he is already an adult and not a child. I would never acknowledge such a child as my own, just because I could never be sure, if it is truly a reincarnation or if another soul has replaced my child's soul at birth.

Ah, I'm straying away from the topic there.

Anyway, Tang San is someone who is reincarnated. His past life was not in your world.

I forgot to ask something important. How far in the timeline have you gotten? Wait, that's not a good way to formulate this question, have you heard of the Shrek Seven Devils?"

It's a bit difficult to keep talking if Takashi isn't sure about the timeline.

'The Shrek Seven Devils, who have made some wind in Heaven Dou City? So they are related to the protagonist? One of the members seems to be called Tang San.'

She had always inadvertently paid attention to her rival in love Liu Erlong, so she knows that her Blue Tyrant Academy accepted this group of talented young soul masters called Shrek Seven Devils. But there is one thing that makes her heart hurt about this...

"Yes, the Shrek Seven Devils seem to have joined the Blue Tyrant Academy some time ago.

There is something I need to know about this Senior. You just said that Tang San is the protagonist, who will kill me in the end. Also, his father is Tang Hao, who has a huge conflict with Spirit Hall.

But is Yu Xiaogang the teacher of Tang San? Do-Does Yu Xiaogang know about this? When I was killed, did he care?"

Takashi was at first a bit confused when he saw her become so emotional, but when the topic Yu Xiaogang came up, he understood. That guy, Takashi doesn't understand how he did it, but he managed to completely charm not only Bibi Dong but also Liu Erlong.

"He knew that Tang Hao is Tang San's father very early on and I can tell you clearly he does not have you in his heart at all."

Actually Takashi is not that sure if Yu Xiaogang really does not care about Bibi Dong, but it's always nice to block that bastard a bit, otherwise, he may continue to harm a good woman like Bibi Dong. Not because he is jealous. No!

Bibi Dong felt a bit overwhelmed when Takashi told her directly that the man she loves doesn't care about her. Forcibly suppressing her emotions, she took a deep breath and threw Yu Xiaogang out of her mind for the moment. She doesn't want to talk or think about him anymore.

"Okay let's forget this topic for the time being.

How did Tang San manage to defeat me after I became a God?"

"Obviously because he also became a God and a more powerful one than you. Not only him, but all of the Shrek Seven Devils became Gods in the end."

"How is that possible? It is too difficult to become a God."

The other group members looked at her with sympathy, they have also been at the point where they felt that protagonists are a bit too unreasonable.

"Get used to it, that's just how protagonists are.

You guys shouldn't complain. Although you from the original timeline without the chat group would indeed have suffered under the unfairness of fate, now that you joined the group you are much more unreasonable than they are.

You can become stronger quickly without limit, you can travel to different worlds, and even if you still manage to be incompetent enough to get into a dangerous situation in your respective worlds, you can always call me and I will help you."

The others nodded, Takashi is right about this. With the chat group, they have already become luckier than a so-called son of luck. They are all smart people, of course, they won't need the group leader's help for such a thing, otherwise, they would feel ashamed.

Well except Loki, his eyes were shining from the moment Takashi offered his help. Even if he was repeatedly assured that he is safe for the moment in his world, with his cautious personality he doesn't feel that way. But with the promise of Takashi, he can truly rest assured. In his opinion as the group leader of a chat group that can travel to different worlds, Takashi is definitely a multiverse level being.


Author Note:

Guys, so I have been writing fanfictions for about two months now and the feedback has been pretty good.

I plan to write an original novel and wanted to ask for your opinion.

Is my writing interesting enough? Would you read it?

The topic of the novel would be one of these novels where the MC gets transmigrated into a novel villain and fights protagonists (plundering luck etc.).

Of course, I would write it in a western-fantasy world (So no Chinese cultivation type)

Maybe some game elements in it? Please give me suggestions, it would interest me what my readers like.


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