
Rueful ft. Laziness // ✒


lazy moves, lazy to think, lazy to the all things can bring you at abyss of rueful world. doing that you want to dost but because of the motto 'what a waste of time' you decided to not do it.

even though you wot that 'tis significant in your life-- such: for your school, career, future, and for everything. but of course, 'cuz of your shitfulness of your laziness, you didn't bother to assist it, canst not give your damn majestic little time. ye were there thinking the not-so-important while touching your saccharine lips. you were just there solving for your present not for the unstable unbrightly future of yours.

how regretful 'tis

how come? how come that you will not rue from all the things you deliberately choose a wrong path? how come that you'll not regret in this situation right now when you thought before that ye will not regret from this?

thence thither, you suffer, you're anguishing on the future you are in. the world of your mind is full of 'regrets' like-- why i didn't assist it? why i didn't hath care for it? why i didn't gjve myn precious time? ah, because of the fuckyng laziness of mine.

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