
Gabby's visit

Now I know what you're thinking.I probably got into a fight or something.BUT NO.That's not what happened.Trust me,I WISH that happened to me.But I got the short end of the stick(Is that even a saying?).

As soon as I closed my eyes,I heard a lot of screaming and kicking and pushing,you know,all that riot like stuff.My body felt hot;My eyes were blinded by white light,which is a big deal since my eyes were closed;I felt like all my life was just a dream.

It was ecstatic in short.

Just when I was living the moment,someone called out to me,"Open your eyes".I couldn't care less.

"Didn't you hear me?Open your eyes".

I still didn't care enough to open my eyes.


(Now,I dunno if that is the sound you make when you slap someone,so cut me some slack.)

I woke up with a start."Wha-Who did that?!"

"That would be me."

I looked around but I saw no one."Where are you and what are doing in my room,jack a**?"

"My,my.You musn't talk like that to an angel,dear boy.",the guy replied with a voice so buttery,it makes Morgan Freeman look lame.

But wait,Morgan Freeman doesn't have a buttery voice..

"Are you seriously thinking of Morgan Freeman right now?"

"HOW DID YOU KNOW OH GOD-",I was starting to lose my,let's say,cool.

"I'm an angel",he sighed,"I can read your mind like an open book.But I'd rather not,given some of the things I've seen."

"JUST COME OUT OF HIDING DAMMIT!"I screamed in the most manliest manner possible.

And then he rose,from under my bed,a majestic looking dude with 10 foot wings of pure white feathers and a robe so white it should be in a Tide commercial.His hair was somewhat messy, and his eyes were,obviously,sky blue,and a Halo hung over his head to top it all off.

An angel,I convinced myself,and it wasn't hard to do.

He cleared his throat,and I sat upright,giving him my utmost attention.

"My dear human!",he said with a booming voice,"I am Gabriel,the messenger of God.I have come to you to tell you that you,child,have been chosen as a prophet of the lord.You will spread his words across the globe,and warn them of the upcoming danger."

Now I'm religious guy,so this wasn't shocking,but I was a bit stunned.I mean GABRIEL coming down from the sky and telling you that you have been chosen as a prophet is kind of a big deal.Like,I-would-sell-my-soul-to-satan-for-it kinda deal.But something was nagging me,and I had to ask it.

"What is the danger you speak of?",I asked as politely as possible,though every single inch of my body was aching with excitement.

He studied me for a while before answering.Maybe I had this massive grin etched across my face,because he looked mad.

"You will learn soon enough.But first promise to me that you will keep your secrets when I ask you to do so.",he said sternly.

"I swear.",I said quickly.

"Think before you answer,child.What I ask of you is far too much to ask of a human.A promise upon the name of lord should be kept with utmost reverence."

I was startled by this response.But he was right.I can't go around swearing on his name for no reason.I should be careful.

Finally I said,"I swear upon the name of the lord,I will keep my secrets when told to do so."

He smiled for the first time,and I knew I wasn't going to be incinerated.

"The evil humanity faces this time",he no longer smiled,"is itself."

I was confused for a second,but then I realized what he was talking about.And it isn't fun.

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