
Where It Started

Chapter One, "Where It Started"


"On average, there are roughly 40,000 new supers documented each year. Tell us, how do you plan on dealing with the miscreant uprising? Studies from the top universities nationwide show that roughly 65% of super become miscreants, 30% become rogues, and only a mere 5% join the light!..." 

"Well, what can I say... More delinquents require more jail cells!"

Could Triumvirate be any more textbook? That was quite literally a response you would see in movies.

Well, he can't truly be blamed.

In a world of heroes, villains, and monsters... they all tend to stick to their script.

In this world, people can awaken inexplicable powers. 

Be born with the correct amount of T-Cells, and experience a life changing event and in turn become on par with Triumvirate himself? Who wouldn't take that deal.

Watch your friends die, become a mother, get raped... Most of us would surely never pass up on such an offer.

Well... I guess I can only speak for myself to be honest.

I awakened about 3 days ago so I can attest to that.

Maybe we should go back and see exactly how that panned out?...

Shall we?

We Shall.


"Greetings mother! I have returned from my fair journey to the convenience store!" I say, closing the door behind me with fervor.

Whipping the bag of goodies I bought to my frontside, I stick my hand in and grab a strawberry chocolate milk.

"Mom?" I call out again, surprised to not hear the usual, "Shut the fuck up kid", coming from her mouth.

"Huh, strange..." I whisper, putting the milk back into my grocery bag

I trot forward to my gracious birth giver's room, prepared to kick her door down and wake her from the beautiful slumber she must be having.

After all, it's movie night!

"Oh mother! Isn't it great to see your daughter's beautiful face!" I say joyfully, swinging her door open with a huge smile on my face.

Ever since dad passed, mom hasn't been the happiest person. I'd say her depression and the sociopathy, that we both carry might I mention, got the best of her.

So, of course, being that my mother is the only person I remotely care about in this world, I took up the mantle of being her knight in shining armor!

Her last sliver of joy in this world!

But I guess not everything can go as I plan.

I stare straight ahead, arms flayed out, bag of goodies lifted to the side. My eyes stare at the sight before me, the man mounted atop my mother not stopping his weird and distasteful movements for even a moment.

"Seriously?..." I mutter, dropping both my arms and the bag I was holding.

I can't help but scowl, a weird feeling welling up inside of me.

"Are you fucking serious?" I step forward, emotions nearly spewing out of me.

My fists ball, my feet moving involuntarily.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" I scream, my fists ramming into the naked mans back as I get a good look at my mom, who laid limply beneath him.

It was clear as day to me...

She was long dead.

My fists let loose on the mans backside, unfortunately they weren't very effective.

The man whipped his head around, letting me get a clearer look of my mom's lifeless eyes.

An overwhelming amount of pure... rage, sprouted inside of me.

But of course, that didn't really help much.

The man swung around backhanding me flat in the face.

"Who said you could put your hands on me, bitch?!" The man screamed, getting off the bed and stepping towards me.

I had fallen onto the floor from his hit, sitting straight on my ass while I stared up at the nude man approaching me.

Of course, I didn't know it, but this moment marked one of two events that would make me the person I would become in the future.

The man was only two steps away from me when I felt a burning feeling. 

The fire permeated throughout my body, a strong hunger growing.

Both my stomach and my mind urged for the weird presence within the man before me.

I could practically smell it.

There was a small clump of something inside of him, like he had tried to hide away a five star meal from me within himself.

And, who in their right mind would pass up on the opportunity to eat good food?

I bounced to my feet, lunging at the man.

I didn't notice it at the start, but in the same moment I was felt the burning in my body, I had started to feel lighter.

I started to feel stronger, quicker, better...

My right hand reached forward, digging into the mans chest my it was a block of slime.

With my arm fist deep in his chest, I closed my hand, gripping and pulling something out.

Unconsciously, in a pure rage, I had pulled out a chunk of the mans heart.

The man in question just stood motionless for about half a second, before crumpling to the floor like a lawn chair.

Of course I wasn't paying any attention to him any more, as I was more focused on the still beating fist full of cardiac meat. 

There was something in it, something I was not aware of at the time, but something that I already knew a lot about.

Instinctually, my mouth opened, the clump of meat falling into it.

It was slightly hard, but still soft.

I felt a crunch with my first few bites, the texture being coarse, but somehow slimy. 

I'm sure it would have felt gross if my mind wasn't consumed with the pleasure I was feeling.

I felt the organ dissolve before it could even reach my stomach, the burning feeling calming down as I felt it concentrate in my chest.

I understood what it was that I had been feeling.

What had been burning in my body, and what had been calling out to me from the man I now rendered a corpse.

It was T-Cells.

Theocentric Cells, as they were called as they were once thought to be the manifestation of God within a person.

It was widely known that every human had at least a very small portion of T-Cells in their body. The average person having a mere 500 to few thousand T-Cells within them.

To be able to awaken as a super, it was theorized that a person would need at least 10,000 of their trillions of cells to be Theocentric, and only that way, if they were to awaken, whatever power they gained would no doubt be incredibly weak.

T-Cells are a permanent thing, as there is no way to increase or decrease your T-Cell count, so no matter what, a super will not be able to evolve their ability, but they of course may temper their control or creativity.

Yet, just from context clues, hadn't I just absorbed the T-Cells of another?...

I had just increased my T-Cell count, and I could feel it.

Consuming foreign T-Cells led to death nearly 100% of the time, and for the small less than 1% chance of success, the consumer would turn into a monster that forcibly awakened and would forever be forced to have no control of their power.

But clearly that didn't happen to me, did it?

The more T-Cells you have, the stronger your body is at it's baseline, and the more versatile or powerful your ability is.

Now, standing in my room, two corpses in front of me, and having came to this conclusion.

I couldn't help but smile, for I could see the future ahead of me.

"Are you kidding me?" 

I turn around, seeing a man standing in the doorway, an annoyed expression on his face.

"We were supposed to commit dozens of small crimes, spread our name and instill fear in the people... Then we would grow our authority and man power, becoming a well known crime syndicate in Roswell." He spoke, shaking his head, his hand massaging his chin.

"After all, the heroes can't stop somebody that can see the future." I heard him giggle, quite effeminately at that. 

The new entry change his position, deciding to creep towards little ole' me who was still kneeled in relative shock.

"You know I haven't really talked about my powers since I awakened..." He stated, "It might be a little fun to boast to my victims before their untimely demise." 

He adopted a jarringly fake frown, tilting his head at me as I simply had no idea what to do.

I could feel it in this man.

Smell it.

Taste it, practically.

He was different from the other.

This man was a super.




Authors Note!

Greetings, and welcome to my novel Prophet! I hope you stay, and follow me along in this journey as we uncover the secrets of the world alongside our protagonist.

I would recommend doing so, as what I have in mind entertains me to say the least!

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