
Chapter 1

"I still wonder, wonder beautiful story. Still wonder, wonder best part..."

Amber thought of this song while staring at the man sitting next to her.

"To Orchard Hotel please," Vince said to the cab driver.

Handsome, tall, slim, kind, sweet, smart... all the positive adjectives describe him. Amber feels so lucky and blessed to have Dr. Vince as her boyfriend. She is a petite, cute, pretty, and clever accountant.

They were on a vacation for a few days and decided to go to Singapore for their trip. The couple just got off the plane and on a ride to their hotel.

"Do you want to eat their local food after we checked in? It's already past 2pm and surprisingly we didn't eat anything in the plane." Amber asked.

"Sure. I've always wanted to try their duck rice. Let's go to a hawker center later," Vince replied.

Amber sighed and said, "3-day trip without looking into financial reports and an earful lecture from my supervisor. Must be nice haha."

Vince retorted, "Yeah. 3-day trip without my scrub suit, likewise a break from the operating room. Must be really nice haha."

The cab driver halted and said to the couple that they've arrived in their destination. Amber paid for their cab fare. She squinted her eyes as she got out of the cab and quickly went inside the hotel.

"Oh it's hot and very humid." Vince said as he went to the trunk to get their luggages. He then followed Amber inside the hotel.

"Here's your key card. Enjoy your stay here," the receptionist said. The couple smiled and said their thanks to the receptionist.

"Let me carry my luggage. You can't possibly carry those two," Amber pointed out while she wiped off Vince's sweat on his forehead.

He grabbed her hand and said, "I'll prove you wrong. If I can carry these two luggages will you grant my wish?"

"Tell me your wish. I'll see first if your wish is within my capabilities," she muttered.

"It's a secret. You'll know it in time. It's just a simple wish," he said.

Amber agreed to him and went to the elevator. Vince followed her there as well.

"Here we go," she said to him while opening the door to their hotel room.

He passed by her with the two luggages in each of his biceps. She laughed at him. " You... monster. Omg guess your gym subscription is worthy after all."

He smirked. "Later you'll have to grant my wish." She smiled and said to him, "Okay but let's go out first and eat. I'm starving."

After a few minutes of walking they were already at a hawker center. Laid out on their table are the following: a delectable platter of duck rice, an appetizing laksa, two small bowls of mango milk shaved ice for dessert, and two refreshing cups of sugar cane juice. The dishes were good for two persons. They shared and ate silently and finished in just a short while.

Vince laughed at Amber and said, "Are you that hungry?"

"Ha-ha look who's talking," she snapped at him.

The sky's already pitched black after they were done with their sumptuous meal. The lovely couple strolled along the Orchard road, went to luxury brands shops, watched some of the passersby, took some pictures together, and talked for a while.

Amber glanced at her watch and saw the time. She exclaimed, "Omg it's already 10. Look how fast the time flies when I'm with you lol." He hugged her then.

He put his arm around her as they walked back to their hotel. "I'll shower first then it's your turn," he said. She nodded and he hurriedly went in the bathroom.

After a few minutes he's already done. Vince checked his notes for tomorrow's itinerary. Tommorrow they would have to wake up early so as not to miss the bus for their city tour. They'd have their free time after the city tour. He mulled over on what to do and where to go after their city tour. After some thinking, he just decided to go wherever she would take her to.

Amber came out of the shower after a while. She went in front of the mirror and did her skincare routine there. He was watching her with his loving eyes. Vince asked if he can dry her hair. She said yes. He reached for the comb in her small hand as he whispered in her ear saying, "You smell so nice."

Amber turned her face to him and oooppss... they kissed unintentionally. She was about to break away from the kiss but he tilted her chin and began to kiss her passionately. She was astonished to what he did. That was their first kiss. She did not move at all. He was biting her lower lip gently then he stopped. He saw her blushing like a ripe tomato. He laughed at her then she punched him lightly in the shoulder.

Amber pouted her lips saying, "Why did you do that?" He said he was carried away and he's always wanted to do that since they started dating and finally he did it. She replied to him, "You know what, that was my first kiss." He asked in surprise, "Really?" She answered yes and hid her face in embarrassment. He laughed at her again and pulled her to his embrace.

Vince asked her. "How was it? How was your first kiss? Did you like it?"

Amber looked at him innocently and responded, "I don't know what to say and what to feel since it was my first time. I don't know how to kiss at all."

His face was so close to hers and he said, "Allow me teach you."

His lips brushed past hers. He started off with his light kisses from her forehead towards her lips. Then he gently bit her upper lip followed by her lower lip. He asked if he can continue and she nodded. He pushed his tongue on top of hers. She exclaimed in surprise.

He said, "It's fine. Let me taste you." She mumbled, "You pervert."

He laughed and continued exploring her mouth. It was a burning sensation. She breaks away from the kiss since she can no longer breathe. She can feel her face so beat red. He looked at her with his naughty smile.

He teased her saying, "That's how you kiss. But you should also know how to breathe in between my kisses. Allow me to show you how it's done."

Vinve inched closer and pulled Amber closer to his embrace. He began kissing her this time more passionately than the last one.

As she was about to choke due to lack of oxygen he said to her, "Breathe, exhale then inhale like your usual breathing."

He let go of her and asked how it was. She blushed again and hid her face to his shoulder. Amber muttered, "I love you and your kisses."

Vince lifted her face next to his and said, "Alright, now let me dry your hair."

"Hmp, thought i'm going to sleep with wet hair." She replied.

He tapped her nose and began combing her hair.

Then he asked her, "Do you want to cut your hair? It's too long."

"Do you prefer me having short hair or long hair?"

"I haven't seen you yet in short hair."

"Okay when we come back home I'll have my hair cut to shorter one. Do you want it like a bob cut? Shoulder length?"

He offered, "Let me accompany you when you'll have your hair cut for me to see which style suits you."

She nodded.

"That's it for today. Let's sleep, since your hair's already dry. I got what i wanted. I finally kissed you hehe that was my wish," he said.

He tucked her in and went to the light switch to turn off the lights. He positioned himself next to her under the blanket. Vince kissed Amber's forehead and whispered, "I love you." She said in reply, "Good night. I love you too."

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