

Before dracul noticed, a slash had pierced him from an incredible angle, although the slash missed it still took a strand of his hair making dracul surprised, you know although he had been sparring with kevin, kevin was in no way a good swordsman, although he was talented compared to the average person but the gap with him and dracul was very large, kevin had only been able to keep up with dracul because of his better physique overpowering dracul with both strength and speed coupled with his ingenious way of using simple slashes and his superb control of his body he had been ahead of dracul in their matches. But since dracul had broken through and was able to combine his innate law runes with his swordmanship kevin was bound to lose, but the sudden outburst from kevin and the near perfect slash caused him to doubt his judgment.

"looks like you've finally improved on your swordmanship" Dracul said while piercing his sword to kevin.

Kevin felt the sword tip attracting him like a black hole's gravity attracting light, although dracul stab hadn't reached such a level but being able to bring out such a charm coupled with the fast stab and draculs gravity technique centered around the sword attracting him kevin felt the sword was unavoidable. With a grunt kevin forced his sore body to use gear again. With the rapid beating of his heart and the speedy circulation of blood kevin felt the whole world speed down again, with a sneer kevin avoided the stab and rewarded dracul with another slash causing him to retract the stab and defend himself, gasping for breath kevin laughed "lve told you before as long as you are faster and calmer than your opponent anyone can be a master of swordsmanship." "maybe but I think it only applies to some not all, if you hadn't had any knowledge on the basic way of using a sword in the first place you couldn't have been this good, even with that method youre using now to stimulate your potential."

Kevin couldn't help but keep quiet he knew dracul was right he had only said that before to give himself some time to catch his breath although dracul was a relatively taciturn person he always got talking when it concerned swordsmanship, catching his breath kevin once again raised his sword, although gear the method that he had created was good, but the problem was that it was too good his body couldn't take the strain, he knew that after this move he would probably faint "lets decide this in one move."

Dracul nodded to show his acceptance raised his sword silent waiting for kevins attack, he didn't move because he had figured out kevin was basically using that technique to boost his nerve reflex and agility allowing to attack and create flaws whenever he attacked. Kevin cursed under his breath knowing fully well his plan had been seen through, his brain was turing widely, most of these days he had been occupied tried to reproduce the remaing parts of the navy six forms (from one Piece) and had hardly started practicing any sword moves or techniques, the only thing close enough to a sword technique in the six forms was the technique that used legs and wind pressure to form a slash, and that was what he had been using as a sword move since the battle that move works best when it happens unprepared and now that drake wasn't attacking it wasn't gonna cut it. Taking another breath kevin activated gear again, feeling the speed of the world slow down kevin used shave to move instantly to draculs position raised his sword and stabbed. As the sword stabbed out it resonated with the incomplete rune and applied the laws of friction that he had glimpsed and used in gear to the sword stab, countless fire elements flowed according to the trajectory of the sword making it burn, from afar it seemed a meteor was heading straight at dracul. Kevin felt that stab was the best he had ever made in his life although his body was already failing, he was excited cause he felt now had a chance of winning and right now that was all that mattered to him he didn't like losing and didn't want to lose if possible but unfortunately luck didn't seem to be on his side today, the last sound he heard was dracul's cold voice saying "I won."