
Vampire and Werewolves

[A couple of days later]

Theodore can be seen sitting on the porch of his new home watching the snowfall as he pondered what to do next over a cup of tea.

With his knowledge he can create things that could push humankind to a whole new era, with just a mere snap of his fingers he can cure any disease and even bring someone back to life, he can revive extinct species like megalodon, Titanoboa, and even dinosaurs, only if he acquires their DNA first, he is even capable of unlocking the true capabilities of any human being giving them access to a much higher percentage of their brain capacity, but that would be like chopping your own leg with the axe created by your own two hands.

"Should I leave this place now? Honestly, I don't see any reason to stay here." Theodore muttered as he gently placed the cup on the table before him.

Unlike he presumed, no one is after his arse, he didn't see any movements from the FBI or any of the secret agencies from all over the world, it seems Lucy and the professor never mentioned his existence to any of their colleagues.

And even if they did have knowledge about him, they won't be able to catch or even touch a single hair of his, he looked completely different from his old self, all the wounds on his body have healed up, he altered his own biology to upgrade his body beyond human limits, his bones are four times stronger than a normal human body, instead of the large muscular physique capable of generating more force, he found that lean body would be better in terms of stamina and agility, and stamina is an important key, both in bed and in the ring, as for strength he can always rely on his telekinesis.


Suddenly he felt his new phone vibrates in his pants pocket indicating that he got a message, but he noticed something immediately the electromagnetic waves around him is acting weird and this happen when something or someone is messing with the said wave.

Grabbing his phone out of his pocket he switched it on, Lucy's face appeared on the screen. "Lucy, what do you need now?"

"I found something that might pique your interest, Theo." She answered. "We aren't alone, Theo, I was going through the old archives I found this. Look at this..." A picture of a 7ft tall wolf on two legs appeared on the screen.

"I found this in archives of Pentagon, at first I thought it was a mere ruse until I looked more closely into the matter. I hacked into every camera of places these creatures sighted and I managed to find a few of them hiding in Budapest, these things are like werewolves from those fantasy movies, they can change their forms at will." Lucy showed him the videos of men changing into werewolves.

"And it looks like they were being hunted by enhanced humans." Lucy informed him while she shows him a photo of a beautiful woman, clad in lustrous black leather, with shoulder-length, midnight Black hair and alabaster skin.

This is new, Theodore thought to himself. He has seen the future but he never saw these beings in any of his visions and top of that he knew that woman, that was Selene from Underworld, it's the character played by the British actress Kate Beckinsale.

"That isn't an enhanced human being, dear Lucy. That's a vampire." Theodore said. "So you know?" He shook his head.

"No, I never saw them in my visions. So there is two possible explanation for this; First, these beings of myths are master at hiding, which they are. Second, they were eliminated before humankind could find about their presence, or when I looked into every possible future my one and only goal was to find what will happen to humanity in the next hundred or so years, so I didn't focus on other matters, that could be a reason why I didn't saw them." He answered.

"So what do you think?" Lucy asked. "You found something truly interesting, something I can use. A vampire's healing, a werewolf's fortitude, and its inhumane sense of smell, I can create a much more powerful and advanced version of them." Theodore muttered.

"I wonder if their physique or their metabolism will be different or similar to us humans, well I will know once I get to see one in person or cut one open." He said those words so casually that the idea of cutting open a living being sounds completely normal to him

"What do you want me to do now?" Lucy asked for his opinion. "Observe these people especially this woman, and also did your scientists and police friends know you are still, well alive?" Theodore gathered the newspaper and the empty cup.

"No, I didn't make any further contact with anyone after that day. I took heed of your warnings and observed if these people will use my knowledge for good or bad, although the professor has good intentions with it, he claimed that the knowledge is U.S property. Del Rio informed his higher-ups & things turn to completely shit after that." Lucy replied with regret as Theodore stood up from his seat to enter the warmth of his house, the wind has suddenly picked, and its getting way too cold outside.

"Well, I did warn you."

"I just wanted to help humanity." Lucy said softly. "Well, that was clearly a mistake." He reminded her of mistakes once again.

"So how much knowledge did those fuckers manage to download from that USB drive?" Theodore changed the subject on hearing the gloominess in her voice.

"About 9% of actual data, their computer are not that advanced to compile all of that data." Lucy said.

"Well it would take 5 years more for them to create the perfect computer to read and compile all of that data but they won't be alive by then or they "

"What do you mean?"

"The U.S will soon drop a nuclear warhead on china, and Russia. This will be the starting point of World War, also keep tabs on your scientist friends they are going to reveal information about the USB drive to the public pretty soon."


"What do you mean by why? You know why, Lucy. You know very well." He replied calmly. "For that USB? Are life means nothing to them?" Lucy asked as she finally understood how bad she messed up.

"Greed, Lust, Anger, and Pride are like a bottomless pit, when I was a normal person I always wanted this, wanted that, I was never happy with what I got. It's human nature, we always want more and no matter what it is, no matter how much you've got of something, then you're always searching for more things. We humans are never satisfied with the things we got, we want more and more, that is our nature." He said in return.

"Now stop bothering me, and do your work." Lucy gave a downcast nod and stopped interfering with the electromagnetic wave, ending their conversation.

Theodore turned the doorknob and walked inside, he switched the phone off and tucked it back inside his pocket. He locked the front door behind him and walked through the hallway until he was back inside the living room.


Heavy rain pelted the rooftops, while the wind carried a hint of the chilliness of winter. A stone gargoyle, grey black and slick with rain, perched on the ledge of a historic Klotild Palace, an imposing, five-story apartment block adorned by elaborate Spanish Baroque stonework.

Buses, trolleys, and taxis zipped along the cobblestone streets below, braving the torrential downpour. Just beside the gargoyle, stood a beautiful woman, clad in lustrous black leather, with shoulder-length midnight Black hair and pale skin.

She gazed grimly from the rooftop. Her electric blue eyes were fixed on the cramped streets beneath her, the crowded sidewalks below were choked with umbrellas, obscuring her view of the pedestrians scurrying about in the rain.

The surveillance teams had reported sightings of Lycan activity in this district, but she had yet to spot a single.

"Did they make a mistake?" She thought irritably, even after waiting for more than an hour she saw no signs of Lycan.

Her eyes continue to scan the entire street and suddenly her line of sight fell on a small café on the other side of busy, her superior sight caught the sight of a handsome man with bright golden eyes sipping on a cup of coffee.

Something about the man is off, there is a glint in his eyes that she hadn't seen before. They are cold, jagged, primal... Something animalistic, she immediately went on guard, but strangely enough, she didn't smell that familiar scent of Lycan on him, and his heart rate look normal, an average heart of Lycan rates varied between 44 – 220 beats per minute and respiratory rates between 11– 44 breaths per minute.

This man has the normal pulse for a healthy adult human being that ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute and normal respiration rates for an adult person that ranges from 12 to 16 breaths per minute.

She shivered, her tongue tracing the contours of her fangs as she stared at his exposed neck. That man is healthier than any human being she ever saw. The desire to drink his blood was tempting her to give up and call it a night, she never felt carving like this, she would usually quench her thirst with animal blood or blood bag.

But this, the scent of this human is almost intoxicating, like a fine wine. She scolded herself, appalled that she had allowed the human to distract her from her mission.

This was no time for boy watching, and even if there were room in her life for romance, which there most certainly was not. She was a soldier, not a dreamy-eyed maiden or a rash seducer, killing werewolves was the only passion she indulged.

She shrugged off that feeling out of her head and focused on the street below her. Her keen eyes searched the packed streets below. At first, she spotted nothing suspicious & in between gaps she would turn to look at the man.

Then her eyes landed on two crooked-looking individuals making their way down a crowded sidewalk.

Even in human form, she knew full well that the two men were not really people at all, they are her kin's nemesis masquerading as a human.

She recognized those two at once from her initial briefings, the larger black man was known as Raze. He is the right-hand man of the Lycan leader Lucian and second in command of the Lycans. His companion, a smaller Lycan was a Caucasian man, with nervous, ratlike features, the two Lycans hurried down the sidewalks following a young man trekking through the rain about half a block ahead of Raze his fellow Lycan.

Turning her attention Selene looked up to see if her fellow Death Dealer had detected the two Lycans as well.

Atop of a four-story building, opposite to her, perched on the rooftop was a man with a digital camera taking snapshots of the two Lycans below them.

The man lowered his camera, and looked at her, awaiting Selene's signal to proceed. She flashed a silent hand signal to her comrade in arms.

Without a moment's hesitation, Selene stepped confidently off the ledge. She plummeted a full five stories toward the concrete floor of the alley. The daring fall almost certainly would have killed a mortal woman, yet she landed with the nimble elegance of a cat, so inhumanly smooth and graceful that her boots created minimal sound upon touch down.

Her comrade dropped into a cobblestone alleyway from above, falling in behind her. Selene and the man quickly melted into the crowd after exiting the alleyway.

Selene paused, the fringes of her awareness detected that she was being watched. But by whom? She looked around and pretty soon she spotted the same young man from the café staring at her with an amused smile on his face, but before she could react the man disappeared like a phantom.

"What the? Am I seeing things now?" She questioned her sanity, before turning around to continue on her Lycan hunt.

Words count: 2115

_HERMIT_creators' thoughts
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