The beginning of the end.
It all had happened so suddenly, many were caught off guard that day, with no sense of reality, no sense of refuge. It was on a dark and gloomy stormy day, that of which was never-ending and that of which would never end.
The day had begun like every other but with one noticeable flaw. The bright and pleasant sun that had been there since all of creation, invoking all of mankind with tranquility had been ever so hidden behind the rainfall of the dull and dreary gray clouds that laid overcast the hanging sky, blocking out all possible sunlight which seemingly resulted in the engulfing of the world in complete and utter darkness. Perhaps such was a prophecy that mother nature herself had foretold, that of which foretold the fate of us, the damned.
Questions rang out in the minds of many on that day, and for the days following, "What had we done to deserve such a cruel and unrelenting punishment?" We might never come to know, but does it matter? For we had no time to dwell on it, our situations were already bad enough as they were.
For one, the general population was in mass hysteria. As all across the globe, almost instantaneously, ruptures and cracks formed out of thin air, almost as if someone or something had tried to claw or force their way in. These tears and cracks were those that seemingly broke the laws of physics and refuted general relativity. After being left unchecked, they slowly began to break open.
The visible and audible crackling of space, sounded similar to the breaking and shattering of glass to thousands of pieces. With dark crimson red electricity like sparks forming about the portals and flying around in every other direction. Portals, warps, gateways to another dimension, of another plane of existence had formed.