

" If it wasn't for my love of exploration , I would have killed myself five years ago " (Reading this synopsis, you're going to think it's another novel about transportation to another world, and the mc is going to get bitches and live with happiness and make friends and something like that, but TRUST ME, IT'S NOT.) "PROJECT ZESTA: The Lord of Chaos" is about a mentally ill and unstable young man. When Kayne was about to turn 15, an accident made him forget all his memories, leaving him to face a completely strange world with no friends, no family, no dreams, and no hope. All he remembered was his own name. Years passed and when Kayne reached the age of 19 and entered university, all his expectations about the world burned, leaving him with more mental illnesses and a fucked life experience. The only source of joy he found was in reading novels and fantasy stories that let him wish and dream about being transported to another world, where just maybe, he could find his true identity. Kayne wakes up one morning at 3am from the nightmares he always has when he forgets to take his medicine. He think it's just another long night he’ll have to spend alone in his dark apartment, but surprisingly, Kayne gets sent to another world. In that world, Kayne will go through a lot of events that change both his mentality and his view toward life but not in a good way. As Kayne goes through different experiences and meets other people, he's going to find himself killing and destroying himself from the inside. After reading my novel, chapter by chapter, you’ll realize that the MC is neither a villain nor a hero; he just wants to find his true identity from before losing his memories and try to live his life.

Potato_Big · Urban
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20 Chs

chapter 1 : introducing

" If it wasn't for my love of exploration , I would have killed myself five years ago "

Hi , my name is KAYNE I'm 19 and I just entered university I was living my normal boring life like a graduated student working in the night and go to college at morning it wasn't a really fancy university it was just another cheap place that the government afford it for me and I work part time because I am an orphan، I'm not a recent orphan. I grew up in an orphanage until I entered high school, or so I was told

, I'm not sure about that because I went through an accident that made lose all my memories and I didn't remember anything except my name.

I used to rely completely on myself cause no one was around me and take care of me no family no friends it's me and only me

It is true that I get support from the state, but that is not enough or it does not make me feel comfortable cause I was relying on someone I don't know and I kinda felt like I don't deserve it

but recently I don't like how everything is going on with my life i have been taking medicine since I started highschool it's almost five years now

I Continued taking medicine and kept going to the damned university.

I meet scoundrels and mf's who always pretend to sympathize with me and feel sorry because I am an orphan or because I lost my memories, as if they know what it feels like not to remember who you are or what have YOU DONE

Two reasons made me take pills the first one is so I can sleep peacefully and minimize the effects of my Insomnia and the second reason is that one specific nightmare that keeps kicking my head every night in that nightmare the only thing that I can see was a the sky raining and the voice of a woman screaming but I somehow managed to accept it until...

"Everything is starting to look gray I'm at my teen age it should be the gold Time of a man were I supposed to screw around and make memories but the only thing I do was studying working and trying to sleep sometimes I work out but it's a bit rare this days for me " Kayne said while looking at the ceiling of his dark room and rising his hand on the air " and there's me who wake up at 3am because of a mother fucking woman keeps screaming on my damned head " kayne punched the wall next to him in anger " aw ! That hurts ،huuuh I need to pee" kayne gasped then he get up from his bad while scratching his hand

It was completely dark but kayne Walked around the house normally without turning the lights on because He used to the small, depressing apartment he had lived in since he entered high school. It was given to him by the government because some rich guy choose to donate the whole building that he own for some reason

Kayne entered to the bathroom when he was trying to pull out his little man

Suddenly a blinding light came from the window that was in the bathroom

"Huh! ?? Wtf is this ? Is it some fire works? I don't think there's any events this month" he said with a surprised tiered face

Then a very loud sound came from outside which surprised kayne even more what caused his feet to slide and he hit his head to the wall

" Aaaw this hurt as fu_ what the!? _where the hell am I " Kayn found himself in a forest with such long trees not giving the sunlight to touch the ground, " I remember that I was in the toilet and that loud sound surprised me then I fell to the ground and hit my head so bad wait _ " Kayne tried to check the back of his head but he felt nothing " the fell was so hard I still remember my skull getting break " with a shocked face kayne said to himself

"Hmmm where tf am I ?" He said while started looking around only to se himself in. A completely dark forest with long trees that hide the sky

" reincarnation!! "

Then Kayne who was a person who loves novels and fantasy stories about a person Incarnate to another world or strange systems and windows statistics he came to realization that he was transferred to another world and maybe his own body at the other world died

A smile start shining in his handsome face

Well every single normal human being will be freaked out and trouble traumatized but KAYNE isn't a normal or to be more clear he isn't thinking straight or with more specific word KAYNE IS CRAZY because of forgetting his memories and the special treatment he used to go through and endure it during his whole life , Kayne was totally mentally ill .

not feeling love at all , only relies on himself and fir him everyone is a another stranger

Kayne was just a guest on his world or that what he felt and what made both his brain and his heart works in unusual way

and his thoughts aren't as normal as other people his age that all their attention was about girlfriends and living their golden life Kayne was stupidly preparing and wishing for that day, the day where he is released from the shackles of ordinary human life that he was obligated to go through it and what he was waiting for is an escape from this maze where he act like he like something cause others likes it or hate something cause others hates it it was all a world of NPCs

But kayne was waiting patiently waiting for the moment when he can show his true colors and reveal his true thoughts this what kayne actually want he just want FREEDOM

maybe for some people who gets a lovely family and successfully life out there this Teleportation will be like hell for them and can't wait to go back to their world and their lives but ...

for someone like kayne who did think about killing him self many times only to answer his question a question that filled his thoughts too many times

" I think this life is just a test maybe if tried to kill myself someone will appear from somewhere and tell me that all this was a prank cause I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MY LIFE IS THIS BAD " such stupid question he may kill himself to find an answer and ...

and the feeling of not belonging that always plagued him and the boring normal routine he was ment or forced to go through it every single day

This situation for kayne is the best

While sitting on the grass Kayne was thinking about what actually happened and started to Analyze the situation and place everything at it's place

" This place is weird there's some plants I never seen in my life and what's wrong with these long ass trees" he said while rubbing his Chin while sitting on the grass " okay this is a good evidence that I'm not on earth more " kayne stretched his neck and then his back then " if it's like the novels I've read then what if I say "Statistics wind_" the moment he said that a window appears from nowhere saying:


AGE : 18

RACE : HUMAN / $#@¥&

CATEGORY : Not available

TITLE : A traveler between dimensions

General characteristics :

Positive ( courage _ depressed _ suicidal _ PSYCHOPATHIC _ strange )

" HMMM I totally respect this window's opinion about me but what does it mean by  "STRANGE " ?? "

( the statue STRANGE It has a strong relationship with the fact that kayne is someone transported across dimensions. Not only that, but this situation will be one of the factors that change him completely, but that is a story for another time.)

"Anyway let's think about it later now let me " he's said while gasping deeply "

hmm let's see my statistics :

Strength: 4

Endurance : 3

Agility : 3

Intelligence : 5

The body : 3

Unrushed Statistics: 10 (A gift to welcome you to our world )


Ew wtf is this ?? Even Richter scale for earthquakes are higher than my fucking statistics " kayne shouted while grabbing his head " but seriously why are my statistics so low like that ? Is there something wrong with this window??  Huh?? what is that ?? " Kayne said to himself and then he noticed a mark on the window when he clicked on it he saw...

(Explanation poems ) let's see

                  EXPLANATION POEMS

dear user we know you dislike your statistics thinking it doesn't suit you , But you should know that statistics are given at the expense of your status in your world, and it is like this :

Regarding strength, the strength of a newborn child is 0, the strength of a child between 5 and 10 is 1, and the strength of an elderly person between the ages of 10 and 15 is 2. As for the statistic 3, it gives the majority of teenagers and elderly people the strength of 4  Be adults at their  Statistics 5 are given to athletes at their peak  ( KAYNE has Strength statistic is 4, which an adult usually has. Well, this is because he is naturally fanatical about strength and has an inferiority complex about his strength. It is sad to say that when his colleagues were enjoying a beautiful romantic life with their girlfriends, he would hug him.  An iron bar loaded with 100 kilos of weight, how sad )

For other statistics are the same but for intelligence and body it depends KAYNE gets 5 at intelligence even though he gets normal grades This is due to the fact that your intelligence cannot be measured on a piece of paper, so do not be discouraged by your bad results and it is due to the fact that he is educated in general and reads a lot of books. And for body man you're just weird looking

" Come on stop shaming me for the way I look I didn't choose to look like this even though all my classmates said that I look handsome "

Okay dear user we wish for a happy second


(The explanation poem disappeared)

" Hm? so you say that I'm as strong as a grown man in his peak and for my endurance and agility I'm mid my intelligence is high and my body is _huh:( " kayne said to him self

" Okay first let's distribute the additional statistics I got 10 statistics I will increase Strength, Agility, and Endurance and body to 5  "

STRENGTH : 4  ⬆️ 5

ENDURANCE : 3 ⬆️ 5

AGILITY : 3 ⬆️ 5


BODY : 2 ⬆️ 3

Unrushed Statistics: 1

" WAIT WHAT ? What just happened to my points and the fucking body's stats only increased to 3" kayne shouted then started to scratch his chin and counting the points.

", knowing that if the strength, agility, and endurance stats require only 1 point for evolution, then the body requires 4 points! " Kayne slammed his hands to the ground when he came with that conclusion

" How about intelligence, let's try raising it " kayne said before summoning the window



" Why does this program hates me a lot ? " Kayne with dumbfounded expression was looking at the window Infront of him the a notification reached him saying


You need 5 points to raise Intelligence (the requirements for raising other stats increase as you reach a certain level as well) 

this program is a fucking is simply a thief and it's racist toward me there's no other explanation for all the hate that he show toward me " kayne said with a dramatic and British accent

" Anyway I think it's simple how to get points the only thing I need to do is killing monsters but it's weird I don't notice any change in my body after rising my statistics could it be that this shitty program stole my po_ " Kayne after doing the dramaticly scene just Sat down and start checking his body but after he didn't notice any deference he was ready to do another dramatique complaining show but he suddenly fell on his face losing conscious

Chapter 1 : ended

first chapter don't judge me I'm still a newbie

Potato_Bigcreators' thoughts