1 Opening of Curtains

Project: Iris

a Science-Fantasy novel

TWO years ago, a virus spread throughout the City of Flynic and the most infected area was the Flynic City Airport. There was a scientist that was carrying an unknown briefcase and accidentally dropped it. Almost half of the people there died because of the highly contagious virus.

After a whole month of recovery, people were slowly forgetting about what happened. They thought everything is back to normal, but little did they know, something was changing---and that was because the virus has spread unknowingly. According to the news, the virus is not harmful so it won't do anything to you, but the only question is why half of the people there died? That was only one of the millions of questions around the world left unanswered after the incident took place.

The whole thing was forgotten, and after a whole year, Flynic City finally got its peaceful day. But everything changed when the first iris popped out: a nanite user, her eyes were color blue but almost light blue in contrast to the edges. According to the witness, they were just playing, and when one of them lost they started fighting and then murdered that person. Furthermore, according to some sources that the girl is one of those 65 survivors in the Flynic Airport tragedy.

After that incident the government started to track down iris users, every single one of their kind was hunted. And that was just the beginning, they thought that the virus only spread in Flynic City... little did they know that the virus quietly breached each neighboring city.

And after that, the whole world suffered from the constant fear of iris users and started to kill them, and all the iris users started hiding and concealing their true colors---until an organization appeared.

Good day,

Annihilators humbly invites you to be one of us. You are an iris-user, one of the few miracles that existed. We will protect, nurture and cultivate the strength and weakness of your ability.

We wish you to come and find us, when you are ready, stop hiding and show us your true colors.
