
Project Camelot

Disaster lies on the horizon. Humanities only hope is to rely on self-mutation with the assistance of an AI. Project Camelot was created to push their biology to its limit while playing a game. How far can you go? How would you react if nearly everything you knew was gone? ---- Just a fun Lit RPG I'm making. no fixed release rate Any quests you want to see comment below and I will do my best to incorporate them.

cluelessauthor · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Second Floor

At the top of the staircase were two stone doors, just as polished as all the stone in the building. They depicted a great battleground where spells were being fired in all directions. Corpses could be seen, the flames looked real, and the water seemed wet. It was an incredible work of art.

I couldn't help myself; my feet stopped as I marvelled at the image. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" the manager's voice brought me out of my daze. "I have never seen anything like it. It seems like someone stopped time, and the warriors are just waiting for it to start again."

He laughed and patted my back, "That is an apt way to describe it. The creator of the doors was truly a wonderful craftsman; may he rest in peace." 

After standing there for a short minute, he coaxed me forward. "If this is how you react to the door, how will you react to the treasures inside?"

This got my feet moving despite an internal silent protest. I didn't even pay the gold to come here, but I can imagine rich folk would be willing to pay just to come and view this door.

When we reached them, the manager pushed both of them open. The doors swung open silently and effortlessly despite how heavy they should have been. That just further showcased the skill of the craftsman who made them.

If the first floor was luxurious but intimidating, the second floor was terrifyingly opulent. The tiles and stones were still the same, but each tile or stone was bordered in gold instead of having a seamless design. There were three clerks dressed in expensive-looking suits standing around the room.

There were several podiums scattered throughout the room. Each was made the same as if they were all perfect copies of an original. Each podium held items or potions on some kind of solid gold display. It was no wonder you needed to spend 1LG only to enter the room; that money probably went straight to the upkeep of this place.

Standing wide-eyed, I asked the first question that popped into my head, "What is the least expensive item in the room?" I knew I couldn't afford anything, but I still wanted to know how far I needed to go to even think about anything on this floor.

"The cheapest item on the floor is the Reset Potion. It is only effective on God's Chosen, or 'Players,' as God calls you. It reverts your strength to its original form. It costs 5 Large Gold for a single bottle."

My wide eyes seemed ready to pop out of my head when I heard the price. It was a fantastic effect, but the price tag came with it. I didn't know how resetting our attributes would affect our bodies' mutation, and I wasn't willing to find out. 

I didn't plan to use the potion, but knowing that my stats weren't limited to my first selection was quite liberating. Knowing I couldn't use this floor for a long time was good. By my estimate, when I had stats in the triple digits, I might be able to afford something.

I began to look around, focusing on the accessories and consumables. There were only two potions on the floor. One was in a golden bottle with purple wax sealing the top, and the other was in a crystal clear container with a matching stopper; it held a vibrant green liquid inside.

I headed over to that one since the golden guy looked way too fancy, and odds are; it would be the Attribute Reset Potion. This green one, though, was so vibrantly coloured it looked like it was glowing. 

{{Essence of a Dragons Vitality: Consumable potion. Effects: Triples Constitution Permanently and Grants the Following Passive Skills: Dragon's Vitality, Dragon's Durability. Cost - 80 Platinum.}}

{{(Passive)Dragon's Vitality: Regain HP/S equal to half of your Constitution outside of combat. The effect is halved while in combat}}

{{(Passive) Dragon's Durability: Provides additional Physical Resistance equal to your Constitution stat total.}}

My jaw slackened, and my knees felt weak. "So powerful," I spoke in a soft voice. 

"Indeed it is. When you reach a certain power level, folks drink it like water. It does lose its effect after the second dose, though. If not, those monsters wouldn't be so different from gods." While the manager was laughing at his joke, I was shitting my pants in fear. 

'People drink 80 Platinum like water. 80 Platinum, I haven't even encountered platinum yet!' "Um, how much is a single platinum? I haven't encountered it yet."

"It would be strange if you did. You have been here less than a day and already have a Large Gold coin. Some people live their lives without seeing a single piece of gold. Anyways, 1 Platinum coin is equal to 10 Large Gold coins."

I just nodded my head numbly. At this point, these prices are so much higher than I expected. It's insane. At this point, I was just window-shopping for my distant future. I needed one of these at some point; it's too good to pass up. However, I should wait as long as possible for the best effects.

Moving on, a pedestal held half a dozen rings; I just quickly looked at their names and prices. I would get too excited if I started to look at their effects.

{{Signet of Frost, Signet of Fire, Signet of Wind, Signet of Earth, Signet of Light, Signet of Destruction. Cost: 100 - 400 Platinum}}

There was a ring with a pedestal all to itself; I couldn't pass up checking on that one.

{{Ring of Domination: Can permanently enslave 3 creatures and make them undyingly loyal summons. Any creature can be enslaved so long as the spell is cast uninterrupted. (Players immune) Summons can be called to your side at any time. Cost: 100,000 Platinum + Ownership Contract.}}

I found myself salivating at the effects of the ring. Looks alone, it was worth at least 100 Platinum, but its effects were incredible. Like the others, It was a golden signet ring with 3 dragon heads reaching out with teeth bared. These three heads had fangs embedded into a  black gem covered in small green runes. Each head of the dragon had different coloured gemstones as eyes.

I knew I could not take it and get away, but I had the thought. I had more than an impulse thought. I seriously considered it. Only when the manager coughed could I pull my eyes away; he gave me a knowing look before telling me about the ring.

"That beauty was found at the bottom of a dungeon inside a hidden room. It is probably the most dangerous item in the room due to its effect. They could control heads of state or have powerful creatures at their beck and call. The contract is a necessary part of the sale, it guarantees the ring can't be used against the guild's interests. It is truly wonderful, though. Even without its ability, many nobles would have great interest in owning it."

Sorry for the wait! I was focusing on finishing up the chapter for NARUTO, Kushina's Brother. I will release three chapters here for every one of that series.

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