

A bright yellow sun hung high in the azure sky, bathing the city below in gentle light. High upon the wall of the city stood a single man looking out over the fields. The man was tall, well built and handsome, with platinum blond hair tied in a ponytail that reached his mid back, and electric blue eyes set above a full mouth and square jaw. He was dressed in standard military equipment which consisted of a breastplate, pauldrons, bracers, leg guards and boots. However the most striking thing about him were the large wings sprouting from his back. They were at least 5 meters across from tip to tip, and were made of completely white feathers with a hint of gold on the edges.

He took in a deep breath of morning air, savoring the sweet taste of spring blossoms on the wind. Afterwards sighing to himself as he thought about the coming battles. "we are so close." he thought while gazing back upon the city behind him. "we have fought for generations to get where we are and finally the end is nigh." a melancholic look flashed across his face as he remembered all his loved ones who had died to secure their freedom. But the determination in his eyes never faltered. "I will secure our future." he swore in his heart "we will become eternal."

He was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn't notice another soldier approaching behind him. "Michael!" the newcomer shouted, "The counsel is beginning, your presence is requested." Turning his head Michael briefly took in the newcomer, recognizing him instantly.

"Ramiel." he said gently, "thank you for letting me know, I will be there shortly."

"You had best hurry," Ramiel replied with a slight smirk on his face. "It would not due to be late, least of all when the whole assembly has been called." A look of surprise found its way to Michaels face as his eyebrows raised slightly.

"The whole assembly?" he queried "So that's why the legion was recalled, must be some momentous news if Father has gone this far." Michael again looked beyond the walls as he schooled his face back to calmness. Taking one more long breath he then turned and said, "very well Ramiel, Lead the way."

It was a short 15 minute walk from the walls to the assembly hall set on the south side of the city close to the gate. Along the way they admired the grand villas and marble structures that made up their beloved city. The streets were wide and clean seemingly paved with amber crystals, and trees orderly grew along the sides. It was early springtime and the blossoms from the trees gently floated on the wind giving the air a nostalgic feel, as the fountains and statues added a rustic charm to the city overall.

Arriving before a dome structure they spotted and unusual number of patrols stationed around the grand building. The looks upon the guards faces were tight with worry, and their wings shuffled nervously. Michael wondered what was so momentous that it would cause all this ruckus but remembering the last time the assembly was called it made sense to him why they would be this nervous. It was ages ago but it was an assembly like this that caused the first civil war, and it must be something of equal importance to justify another gathering.

Glancing at Ramiel he ascended the stairs returning the salutes of the soldiers he passed, Ramiel following close behind as they entered the assembly hall. After passing through the gilded doors he was met with a gathering numbering 10's of thousands, all shuffling around trying to locate their seats before the meeting began, several guards were acting as guides trying to expedite the seating, but there were so many people it was difficult to see if they were having any effect at all. Michael and Ramiel ignored the mess and immediately walked to the west side of the building which was to their left, after arriving they went through another set of doors that led to a staircase heading up to the next floor. Two guards were stationed at the top but upon seeing Michael and Ramiel they silently opened the door and stepped aside allowing them entry.

The first thing Michael noticed were the 9 other individuals already present in the room, all seated along a large rectangular table made of dark wood. Each individual sat in identical chairs with a crown set before them upon the table. Each had a set of wings very similar to Michael and Ramiel although they varied slightly in color and size. You could tell that each of the individuals in this room were powerful beyond measure. They all turned to look at who entered and upon seeing the two they bowed their heads slightly in a show of respect and welcome. Michael and Ramiel returned the gesture and found their seats close to the head of the table.

Michael then turned to the man across from him asking, "How long till Father arrives?"

"Your guess is as good as mine brother." the man replied with a light chuckle. "I was fighting in the east until day before yesterday when I got the summons."

"So I know about as much as you do. seeing as you returned only a day before myself."

A pondering look appeared on Michaels face as he asked, "Did you succeed in the eastern front?"

The look on the man's face changed slightly as he replied "Do you doubt me Michael?"

A small smile sprouted on Michaels face as he looked at his friend. "I would never doubt you Gabriel." He said as he looked into his brothers eyes. "We have fought together for far to long for me to question your abilities."

A light laugh escaped from Gabriel as he replied, "I know brother, I just cant help but tease you sometimes." The whole table smiled at that as they were use to the brothers interactions. Gabriel then went on to say, "Truth be told I was only on the eastern front due to rumors that the devils might be involved in the recent progression of our enemies in the region." The looks of everyone changed after hearing that, ranging from rage all the way to despair and pain. "I found no sign of them of course." continued Gabriel as he tried to lift the moods of the others, "It was simply a precaution for a worst case scenario."

"Be that as it may," Michael began, a pensive look upon his face. "We cannot afford to take chances, The devils have frustrated our efforts on every front for eons, and with us being only one trial away from ETERNITY..." He let his words trail off as everyone knew what he meant. A tense silence settled over them as they each contemplated the significance of their current situation. So few ever made it this far in the trials, falling to one horrible incident or another. It was finally at an end and all could feel the weight of their race upon their backs. While all within a race would be forced to participate, it was usually up to the strongest members to actually carry them through the trials. So while there were billions of angels, the majority of the pressure fell upon these 11 Archangels as they held the most power below their Father. The rest of the angels were organized according to rank, which was equivalent to their power. A majority of which fell into the soldier class. Cannon fodder on the grand scale of things but still they had their uses.

As they sat and pondered over their situations a great pillar of light suddenly appeared in the room, startling those inside. They each snapped to attention and bowed slightly at the waist their right hand over their hearts as they shouted reverently "Hail and welcome Father!" As the light slowly dissipated they could see three beings standing on the raised floor at the head of the table. The one in the middle smiled at them and returned the greeting saying.

"Thank you my children for your love and faith, it brings me joy to see you all here." A sweet smile rested on the mans face warming the hearts of those present as they could feel how much he loved each of them. "I am sorry to bring all of you back on such short notice, however things are in motion that require our immediate attention." After saying this he and the two next to him sat in their seats at the head of the table. Once there were seated the 11 others sat as well and focused entirely upon their Father and what he had to tell them.

"I will be frank with you my children." He began, looking each of them in the eye. "I have just received the details for our final trial." He paused for a moment seeing the nervous/excited faces around him. "While the trial is not a new one per say, it is however going to be very difficult to accomplish as it is an opposition trial against the devils." The jaws of everybody dropped after hearing that as it was almost unthinkable that their final trial would pit them in direct conflict with the devil race. They had conflicts with them in the past and it could be said that they were age old enemies, but the opposition trials are different. They always end with the complete eradication of the other. "This is not the only point of concern," he continued seeing the shocked faces around him, sighing he said. "This particular trial is also a guidance mission for a budding new race called humans. The very same race I created to complete my first trial."

Disbelief was the only clear emotion Michael could register within his own mind, and he was sure the others felt it as well. Looking steadfastly at The Father Michael timidly posed the most prevalent question upon the Archangels minds.

"Does this mean what I think it means Father?" All eyes turned towards The Father waiting apprehensively for his response.

"Yes Michael I'm afraid it does." He responded heavily "It means we have problems."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This is my first novel so please bare with me as I'm trying to make it a good one.

Phwantomcreators' thoughts