
Chapter 5: Id 0

So Joe got to work immediately opening the command panel and got to work via the glow of the panels themselves. He first experimented a bit with what he could program and ended up with a basic way to constantly heat his surroundings to a comfortable level and to gently illuminate his surroundings by using: convert 0.25 mana to heat per second, convert 0.1 mana to visible light per second

Although light is a spectrum of frequencies, without any other prefix it would default to visible white light, but just to make sure he added visible to the front to avoid any potentially unwanted results. So now that Joe had some basics he now went to start programming some classes. Classes in programming refer to instances of objects and what can happen to that object, this includes things like states of an object, attributes, properties, and methods. He wanted to start here as this is the only place he could think to start.

After thinking of what class to start on first, Joe instead started on a material database instead for each element and in a cascading style to determine the effects of elements and the differences between the materials themselves, how they behaved at different temperatures, how they interact with the other elements and in varying amounts by investigating all the properties of an element, mentioned above then investigating the next element to the fullest and then having to have all the previous elements interact with the element last created in all the ways possible with the upper limit of the number of protons an atom could have being 500. Joe knew that any elements even vaguely close to that threshold would be extremely radioactive and have a half-life of who knows how short, but in the long run, he knew that this would be beneficial as it would not only mean that he would know the properties of all known elements and even know how to stabilise elements that people haven't even see yet but how they all interact with each other and how all other compounds interact as well. Joe named this database 'the atomic database' and that any compound formed by the above process into the 'composite materials database' to under-go the same testing as the above including every element combination as well. Although this is an exponential task to complete, it was ok enough to set up and Joe knew that these databases would prove invaluable to him in the future. Not for him to go of inventing new elements or anything but so he would be able to sure up his own defences and use weak spots that others didn't know existed. This took him three-quarters of an hour to set up and he set it on its way, Joe knew that this would take a long time to complete so he knew that it would take a while to be useful.

After Joe got that done, he started work on an 'entity' class that would lay down the physics groundwork for all the ensuing classes using inheritance, including but not limited to velocity and positional data(relative to the respective astronomical body), transparency, tangible, or just anything related to physics would be in this class. Next, he made a 'creature' class to contain anything living and detect their attributes, while after making 'animal', 'beast', and 'humanoid' classes to contain more specific things about the individual species such as the animal class would contain all the regular species of animals with each instance of an animal came across would add to the species database and any related attributes and tactics it demonstrates right after he initialised that. The beasts class on the other hand contains any information on beasts, with beasts being what you would consider an enhanced animal with examples being most non-humanoid races in the alternate realm. The 'humanoid' class on the other hand is more or less the same as the other two in terms of function in terms of cataloguing but also include factions and affiliations, such as guilds or factions that they belong to.

Going back to the entity class Joe now made the other child class 'objects', this would include things like durability, rarity and so on, with further child classes being 'equipment', 'vehicles', 'structures', 'parts' and 'materials' including all the other relevant classes and database initialisations such as 'weapons', 'armour' inheriting from the equipment class and putting in to add enfaces into the weapons database including a summon reference trait as well as setting the binding and linking methods for the object class as a whole. This section of the classes/databases will get filled out over time as Joe comes into contact with more things.

Now that all the preamble is out the way Joe could finally start on the 'user' class which inherits off the humanoid class as this is the one that could determine what he would be able to do. Now Joe had some theories about what happened when people transferred between this world and the alternate realm that being that due to the body of the individual being left here when they transfer so it wasn't a direct transfer and that people gain their abilities here when high enough level it wasn't just the mind that got transferred over it had to be something that had a strong connection to both that was transferred over that had to cross some sort of barrier to get across that held back your abilities until you were high enough level, Joe thought that it would be that person's soul! When your soul strength is low you rely on the system for all your abilities so obviously travelling to an area outside the domain of that system you would lose that support, therefore, access to those abilities, but as you get higher level and your soul gets stronger you are able to manifest more of your ability here as your soul is less reliant on the system to perform them. This would also explain why you lose a level when you die in the game as it is the system having to quickly and forcefully remove that person's soul from their body to avoid them going to the afterlife, the equivalent of something that you were holding onto tightly being forcefully ripped out of your hands, you will be mostly fine but will leave some damage, also why you enter a weakened state after you respawn as your soul is still recovering from being ripped out your body from before, and how in system initiated duels you don't suffer any losses after as the system and person's soul are ready to exit upon the end of the duel.

So to test this theory he quickly coded all the necessary parts then tested

test =detect administrator-soul

if test = true:

display " soul theory is correct"

after 5 seconds, dismiss window


display " soul theory is incorrect"

after 5 seconds, dismiss window

and then he ran the code and almost immediately a green pop up box the same colours as the coding screen appeared.

{soul theory is correct}

And at this Joe was pleased as this meant that he could carry on with his plans

class user (humanoid):

def user initiation(target)

detect target-soul, set user-Id. autoincrement

set user-type admin

set security_clearance _level omega

display "you have been added as a user to the creator consortiums systems, you are an {user type} user with {security_clearence_level} security level clearance"

after manually targeting himself through the interactive shell he bootstrapped himself into his system.

{you have been added as a user to the creator consortiums systems, you are an admin user with omega security level clearance}

immediately after setting user-type to standard and clearance to gamma. Joe spent time creating various aspects of the user interface such as command recognition both verbal and mental so he could either think or say the command having "verbal command" to say to the system that he is passing in a command and same with thinking 'mental command'. Joe added a hud that could display various things like the map made from storing the visual information he got from looking around that has the ability to split sections of that so that say has different maps for here and the alternate realm, with other things like radar made from displaying creature position data in a kilometre radius from himself, a health indicator, mana reserves that currently display "data missing" among other things that can be added later. Created the skeleton structure for his inventory.

Before he could complete his 'user' class he now needed to complete a mana class or just in general how mana behaves for a user of his system and do it the way he thought it should be done. Mana, it is the ability to inflict the minds will onto the world and as such is needed to cast spells, skills abilities and such, mana is but one name for this type of energy, chi another this energy taken from a source be it divine, demonic, Gaia, anonymous entity, or from the soul is channelled through various mechanisms, the body, a staff, arcane focus, or magic circle to use that energy, to make it more efficient, refined. However, joe always thought from all the reading he did from this world and all the web novels that read, that that was a very crude static and inefficient way of doing things, that using tools and circles were good crutches for people without proper control over their power, but that's all they were, crutches, objects, things that could be taken away, or find yourself with. Mostly needed because people use mana wrong, more accurately their perception of it is wrong. partly due to the fact that thoughts that tried to use it right had trouble keeping large amounts stable. Think for a moment in all the depictions of a spell being cast mana has to be drawn in or generated that is then put into reserves and when the casting begins they have to motivate the mana with the help of their crutch into a static formation to then to be fired off then hoping that you cast the spell right and get the desired effects this whole process taking seconds to minutes for low to high- midlevel spells or abilities but think how much faster would it be if that mana was already motivated, prepared to be sent off at a moments notice fluid by nature wanting to move as fast as the swirling mana around it, where the mana can serve multiple purposes at once. Think of how inefficient it is to have limited ability to draw in and store that mana to be constantly sitting at max mp unable to generate more mana until the mana there is used and then when it is you find yourself running out when you could have been generating more, mana is fluid and should be treated as such. Why need to move mana to your arms, legs, head, etc, when you have the full flow of your mana circulating through all those areas already? why need to waste time and energy getting your mana up to speed when all your mana is up to speed and heading in that direction already? and why sit at max mp when the mana generated is being moved away so that more mana can generate? It seems silly, doesn't it? and why do you think that having a larger mana pool increases magic defence? As the more mana someone has is the more resistance any magical attacks have when going through the target, the more mana there is the more mana to oppose the damage done by that attack. If that happens with mana that is static and goes in the direction the other mana is going in. Imagine what would happen with mana that is constantly pushing trying to get out as the immense force of the circulating mana constantly trying to move around and out faces a small portion of mana that is trying to break in and do damage, for if the force is not greater than then the attack will not get through but if it is it will face significant resistance. And to this end, Joe starts programming this only limiting the mana cap to what he thinks his body and soul could withstand.

Joe programmed in four mana stores and exes mana distribution. The first is the soul mana store, this mana store is one that is made around the soul with the cap for this store being 1000, the number will remain constant as this store is to protect the soul and mobilise mana around the soul to draw more mana out and to move it away, this mana store can only let mana out and can't allow external mana in, conveniently also does not allow any corrupted/infected mana (if it even exists) have any contact with his soul. So after the store is filled the mana that comes out of the soul mana store (SMS) is split 50% to the burst mana store (BMS), 25% to the main mana store (MMS), 10% to the emergency mana store (EMS), and 15% strait to the exes mana distribution (EMD), you might think it strange sending mana strait to the exes mana distribution as that mana has just been made but remember that is what his passive abilities run off of as the mana for that has to come from somewhere and needs an at least stable minimum supply to it.

The main mana store (MMS) is the main reserve of mana that is used to cast spells, use abilities, or the like. receives 25% exes mana from SMS, max mp = 500 x level + 100 x spirit, moving reserve fill % of received mana -5% + exes mana to the EMD; burst mana store (BMS) is for burst power for either mass mana output or sustained connection, receives 50% exes from SMS, max mp = 1000 x level + 200 x spirit, moving reserve fill % of received mana -5% + exes mana to the EMD; emergency mana store (EMS) is mana only to be used by emergency protocols to ensure they have the mana to use, receives 10% exes from SMS, max mp = 100 + 100 x level, moving reserve fill % of received mana - 50% + exes mana to the EMD; exes mana distribution (EMD) that decides how the mana provided will be used, receive exes from all relevant mana stores, apply distribution protocol being "distribute mana among passive abilities, redirecting unnecessary mana allocation to higher priority abilities or those under their performance threshold."

Looking at the time and seeing that it is only half 10 at night, Joe decided that he would wrap up getting his abilities done and some spells before going to sleep for the night, as he is hiding in quite a remote spot in the park no one would see him sleeping here, would they?

hi to anyone reading, i am speeding up in writing this as my will to get on and wright this increases, the list of spells abilities protocols and features will come out as an auxiliary when the next chapter gets released, and to any reading in the future, there may be significantly more on there than he has now as it is kept up to date with the latest chapter so just look for what is written in the story so far and that is most likely what he has just done.

comments are always appreciated, see you in the next chapter

Id_0creators' thoughts
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