

Jack Wilson was a programmer who worked 9 to 5 and was exhausted. He had no time for hobbies, friends, or romance. He only had his computer, his code, and his coffee. He lived a dull and lonely life, until one day, he collapsed on his desk and died from a heart attack.

He expected to see a bright light, or maybe some angels, or maybe nothing at all. But instead, he found himself in a dark and cramped space, surrounded by liquid. He felt something squeezing and he realized that he was in a womb.

He was reborn as a baby.

He tried to scream, but all that came out was a weak cry. He tried to move, but he had no control over his limbs. He tried to think, but his mind was foggy and confused. He had no idea what was going on, or why he was in this situation.

He felt a sudden jolt, and then he was pushed out of the womb into a bright and cold world. He felt someone cutting his umbilical cord, and then he was wrapped in a cloth and handed to someone. He opened his eyes and saw a woman's face, smiling and crying at the same time. She was his mother.

He looked around and saw that he was in a small and dirty hut, with a fireplace, a bed, and some wooden furniture. He saw a man standing next to his mother, holding her hand and looking at him with pride. He was his father.

He heard them speaking, but he couldn't understand a word. It sounded like some old European language, maybe Latin or Germanic. He had no clue what they were saying, or what they were naming him.

He felt a surge of panic and frustration. He wanted to tell them who he was, what he knew, what he wanted. But he couldn't. He was trapped in a helpless infant's body, in a strange and primitive world.

He wondered if this was some kind of punishment for his sins, or some kind of joke by the gods. He wondered if he would ever get out of this nightmare, or if he would have to live this life all over again.

He closed his eyes and sighed. He thought of his old life, his computer, his code, his coffee. He thought of how boring and lonely it was, but also how comfortable and familiar it was.

He opened his eyes again and looked at his new life, his parents, his hut, his world. He thought of how hard and dangerous it would be, but also how exciting and adventurous it would be.

He didn't know what to feel, or what to expect. He only knew one thing for sure.

"Ah shit, here we go again."

My first novel, so so point out any mistakes.

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