


"....em...EM...EMIL..IA...EMILIA WAKE UP NOW!!!"

"mm...what is it Lucas" the little girl said as she rubbed her eye and answered the little talking box next to her.

"we have to leave now! Look the Door is open this is our only chance quick grab your bag and lets go!" the little black box said

The little girl looked and the giant iron blast door and seen that her brother was right she quickly picked him up ran to the far corner of the room where the lab techs had place a giant pile of stuffed animals. she lifted the big teddy bear and grabbed a little purple backpack she quickly put it on and headed for the door. when she got to the door she noticed smoke coming from it the reason she didn't notice it till now is because their room has high vaulted ceiling and it would take time for the smoke to reach her height the hallway how ever was completely covered in smoke she immediately got on her tummy and started to crawl through the smoke covered hallway. on her way she noticed that the once lab room where the people in white would take her to get her shots and medicine was on fire and the cause of the alarms. as she continued to crawl carefully away from the flames she spoke to her brother through there telepathic link.

{Lucas what happened when I was sleeping?}

{ I don't know either Em I was going through another system update when it happened. I noticed my programing was off and i went to fix it and you know when i do that i can't see what is happening around me. I'm guessing one of the lab tech's had enough of what they were doing and decided to burn everything?} the little box said

{ But it don't make sense the lab is open all day everyday there is people in white here all the time if it was that easy we would have left long ago? we have been watching them for two years now they have never left this level without at least 7 people in white and 3 men in black watching the door.}

{ I know but we can find out later you are almost to the first check zone are you ready you have to stand up in the smoke hold your breath and i will open the doors be prepared to run because we don't know what is behind the door.}


when they got to the big check point blast door she wiggled to the side of the wall on the right hand side took a quick breath and stood up she lifted her little box brother to the wall keypad and he quickly set up a wireless link to the system it took im 30 seconds to quickly hack the keypad with a swish the door opened and they quickly noticed the hall inside didn't have any smoke they quickly ran inside and her brother told her the key word to shut the door. when it close all the smoke was completely shut out. she turned around and breathed in the cool air in the hall way and look straight ahead the hall they were in was the offices of the lab tech's she had only been here once with Dr. Roge to meet Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Dr. Roge said that they were the ones who paid for what they were doing to me and lucas i wanted to scream and hit them but Lucas calmed me down and told me it would only get us in trouble I didn't even talk to them that day and just stood there while they talked around me and Lucas as if we were just objects that they owned.

as we continued to walk i noticed many of the offices file cabinet's opened and paper everywhere meaning that their was people here but they left in great hurry. about 15 mins of walking we made it to the 2nd checkpoint. lifting her brother high she put him near the keypad and braced herself to run in case someone came back which she doubted but to be safe she was ready.

Next chapter