
Chapter IV: Mortal Reinvigoration (3)

Around the world, a great movement occurred. Fate streams thickened to a density that even the average mortal could see as Bala returned to his original body. At the moment of his arrival, he opened his eyes to witness the energy in the room fluctuate.

If the ladies deep in cultivation were awake they could see the phenomenon and the illustrious white cloak that covered them and attached to Bala with blinding radiance that not even the sun could match.

And as fast as it manifested, it began to change just as quickly. Fate is the almighty Dao that not even supremacy could conquer. Mortals split the stars and immortal hegemons fall like stones and shatter to dust. All of this is within the fates calculation.

Even now, Fate grasped the essence of Bala, the world around him, and the greatness of Mortal Reinvigoration in the prison world. For a person in the prison world, Mortal Reinvigoration cleaned the body and made them equivalent to an average person in the higher realm.

Alas, in the higher realms, the average person would have an incomparable body purity compared to the most talented people in the prison world, with the exception of Bala and a handful of others. But Bala had long planned a way to keep the ladies pure and their potential growth without a ceiling. Fate had grasped this moment accordingly.

Stepping from her cocoon, Saeko Busujima was an incomparable beauty. Like a fairy descending, her flawless body emitted a floral fragrance, and her beauty a captivating allure. In the middle of her deep purple hair was a silver strip. Her aura then changes abruptly, emitting a thick air of pandemonium.

While others would have found her presence appalling and unbearable, Bala embraced it as his cock twitched in excitement and anticipation for their future. How could he not? Seeds planted a thousand years ago were finally sprouting.

"Nurarihyon." Bala muttered as a thick silver stream of fate broke into the house with a heavy sword aura, "It's good to see that the blood sacrifice all those years ago didn't go to waste."

Bala recounted the memories of the gift he gave to Saeko's Ancestral Grandfather.

Nurarihyon, the first, was a terrifying Sword Yokai when disturbed. Sadistic in nature and insatiable when aroused. However, when calm, which was his preferred state, he liked to drink wine and jump from house to house as he didn't like his own because his wife always nagged him.

Nurarihyon, while it's the name of the Yokai race, was the name of the First Nurarihyon Yokai leader, as there could only be one, every generation. But every generation after the original has been titled Nurarihyon no ko, not to bring dishonor to the name Nurarihyon.

Now that Saeko reinvigorated that blood gift from so long ago, Bala wondered if there was a current Nurarihyon no ko or if they died out. If one was alive, he or she definitely felt Saeko's existence and it would be Saeko's ultimate struggle in this life.

'Nurarihyon no ko or something related…' Bala thought, 'I hope they are alive. The perfect whetstones'

The energy in the room fluctuates again and Rei descends. The girl developed well, even her ass plumped. After Mortal Reinvigoration. The body reached peak maturity. For older people, it was turning back the clock. For younger people, it was a leap into the future. For Saeko and Rei, they had become mature sensual beauties.

Bala waited for Rei's body to settle and found that she was entirely human.

"Bala-sama," Saeko spoke with a slow alluring voice and a twinkle in her now blood-red eyes.

She was mesmerized by the brilliance of his fate. Though each of them borrowed a ray of his light, he was still the sun. Now that the fate streams were visible to the naked eye, Saeko caught a glimpse of her master's hidden magnificence and vice versa. Bala also found the origin of the brightest fate stream that day at Fujimi Academy.

Bala walked over and kissed her soft peach lips instead of replying. Saeko instinctively opened up for him as she reveled in the familiar thrilling feeling of her tongue being claimed and played with by her master. Bala was impressed by her sudden mutual expression.

Their tongues danced as one of Saeko's hands rubbed his muscular back, and the other grasped his rising dragon, waking from slumber.

When they parted, Saeko looked at him with hazed eyes and his cock still in the palm of her hand. Bala then felt soft mounds pressed against his back, and another elegant hand reached around and attempted to cup his balls but couldn't contain them as the large sack spilled from her jaded fingers.

"Haha, the Yin Qi is brimming in you two after stepping into the third stage. Use this method to solidify your foundation. Then we'll play." Bala spoke as he pushed his mental power forth, and a single method penetrated the ladies' minds.

The method was the only memory he received after reconstructing the Undying Heart centuries ago. And it's the only memory he would receive until he passes through Fairy Gate and reaches stage ten. Bala had learned long ago that Stage Nine of the First Fairy Gate was the cape for his prison --a rank only achieved by meeting the harshest criteria. It wouldn't be a prison world otherwise.

"Undying God's Little Wives' Sutra," Rei spoke softly.

'Little Wife? Is she even worthy?' Saeko thought to herself as she looked at Rei. 'Hmm, I should make as much progress as I can before Saya wakes. Rei isn't worth fretting over.'

Saeko took a step back from Bala and bowed. She then found a seat and began to digest the technique. After Mortal Reinvigoration, Bala could now see the world energy enter her body in small wisps. Her acupoints are open, which makes taking in and growing the internal energy much easier. The body was also purified and she could use the energy to nourish her body even further.

Now that her mind and body were open to new levels, Saeko dived right into the sutra seamlessly.

"Master… why…"

"It's beyond you." Bala interrupted her, "focus on what you can comprehend."

"The Undying God's Little Wives' Sutra," Rei spoke softly.

"Mmmm." Bala hummed in confirmation.

Rei was then seated next to Saeko as she didn't want to fall behind. Taking Bala's words to heart, she pushed out worldly distractions and focused on her new task. In Rei's heart, if Bala said it was beyond her understanding, how could she protest?

"Divine Blood…" Bala muttered while watching the Fate streams churn again, "Even if they all make it to the eighth stage, they can only survive a few hundred years at most. If the Great Catastrophe lasts for a thousand years, they'll never see the arrival of Fairy Gate. There are only four Divine clans and three Demon Lord clans left. I have seven people to prepare for Fairy Gate. " Bala spoke softly as he looked at his ladies.

"One hell of a coincidence," he added.


Across the ocean in an American villa, the occupants congregated merrily as the world burned around them. On this warm Texas night, the richest Japanese-American family in America celebrated the coming of the second phase and their surging younger generation.

This family was none other than the Nurarihyon Nara clan. The Nurarihyon Yokai had defected during World War II. At the time, the Nara Clan had subjugated the Nekoshou and like Bala, the Nekoshou were talented at calculating fates.

After the bombs dropped during World War II, the Nurarihyon no ko ordered the Nekoshou race massacred, and with their blood sacrifice, he divined the fate of his clan.

So on this night, when the fate streams were known to everyone. The Nurarihyon Nara Clan and the subordinate clans of their demon parade were in for the shock of their lives as everyone's fate streams turned murky gray from their usual pearly white. Even the fate of their most talented descendant dulled to the edge of the barrier between white and platinum.

Inside the villa, an old man sat at the head of the house and sighed as this great change in his clan's fate was unsurprising.

"Archduke…" a young man spoke as he bowed.

"I know…" said the archduke, "Many of us here have received the same education. I'm no longer Nurarihyon no ko. What we do in response to this event lies with you."

The young man sighed as the clan debated the prophecy derived from the Nekoshou massacre for decades. Even now, the clan was torn about the true meaning of the prophecy..

"Prophecy says a demon princess of the sword will be born and touched by a God. When that happens the fate of the demon parade will be obscure. This could be the beginning of the end or it could be the ascension to eternal glory…

Only seven people qualify to initiate this process and we only know of one potential demon princess of the sword." The young Nurarihyon no ko spoke.

The clan that was once loud and merry fell silent, and all of their attention fell on a young wheelchair-bound beauty with a mix of deep black and silver hair, tanned skin, and golden eyes.

This girl is the only half-blood Nurarihyon of the main family and the stepdaughter of the current Nurarihyon no ko, Nakita Nara.

Nakita's presence was like a greatsword before she fell ill, and now it was even more harrowing as her mind's comprehension of the sword far surpassed what her body could express, even at its peak.


"Uncle…" she replied with contempt. Never once did she call him father.

The Nurarihyon wedded twin siblings every generation to keep the blood pure. When Nakita was born, her father was killed, and her mother was put in chains and raped to bear her younger twin siblings, who she also despised.

But what could they do? Nakita was even stronger than most elders at the tender age of 25. And her comprehension of the sword baffled the hidden world.

"Do you have anything to tell us?" he asked.

"You know everything that I know. Please carry on." Nakita spoke calmly.

Nuararihyon no ko continued reluctantly.

"If Nakita hasn't been tapped. Then that could only mean a person of that family has awakened with a high blood purity with a divine blood master or lover at her side. I've thought long and hard about this day like many Nurarihyon no ko before me. And my decision is to wait. The second phase is coming. Reports of evolved undead are everywhere. If we can make it to the third phase. The divine blood master and the demon princess with Nurarihyon blood will definitely appear. Until then, we should prepare for friend and foe."

All the while, Nikita had vastly different thoughts than her uncle. After departing the party, Nikita returned to her and performed her nightly rituals, and went to bed. Or so it appeared. When the eyes that stalked her finally looked away, Nikita opened her eyes as a shadow appeared at her bedside.

"Lady Nikita…" it said as a corporal figure formed.

"My uncle is a fool." she spoke without turning over, " Divine Blood Clans are terrifying for two reasons. Their legacy is mostly intact, be it martial skills or blood purity. Finally, they have some information about what's beyond Fairy Gate. If the ruling powers still fight for dominance, why would a god allow his disciple or lover to negotiate with the likes of us?"

"What should we do, Miss?" the shadow asked.

"I'll leave the clan tomorrow and seek out the Busujima Clan. I'll petition the god, if there is one, to save my mother and stay out of the fight to enter the Fairy Gate."


"It's my decision. The Nara clan and the demon parade can face death alone. Gather my mother's guard. We'll leave during the youth hunt."

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