
Capsulating Shadows

Sorrow , hate and Greed you feed.

what is more eternal than sorrow and shame.


your perceptions of the influenced deceptions of your reality.

CANNOT be everyones DESTINY.

The rules dont apply to me.


like if the hamster said fuck the wheel.

peeled away at his owner and split his guts.

that is a monster?

no. little hammy has become more, than you could possibly imagine. The game changer , blamer and redeemer of his triumph. dignity and perseverance, that hammy wasnt a little bitch like anyone thought. hammy had a HAMMER of RIGHTEOUSNESS is his SOUL of the fiber of his being. not being different than anyone else , AWOKEN SOONER, the little bloomer has become. a Gladiator of sorts , what makes us and happy alike? we can strike back, reverse the pikes and stakes to use it against them. the ones who have hurt us , abandoned. forgotten we shall not for the hatred they have brought. breaded their worst fear. a power inside us that can make then disappear forever. never let then underestimate you.

those who realize going through hell is condemnation. it is , but in the eyes of the manipulator.

it can favor those who live in meanings to their end. to change to have better friends. give each other meaning. being freely flying through the sky so high NOBODY can take you down. for the ones that try would wonder, "what's so funny?" , "why do you laugh?!!" . I always reply "you lost."

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