
Detective's handbook 3

Arthur's(The guy at the back of Nash) POV

"Is there something wrong mister Morton?" the lady in front ask

"No, its just that my seatmate seems to be the culprit of the murder downstairs"

'No shit is this guy serious'

I know that there is a murder that happened downstairs cause I am also late but just for two minutes but I didn't expect that we are waiting for a crazy guy that just reveals such information boldly.

I stared at him and he seems to be confused, its just pure silence after he spoke so I approached him.

"Hey, you serious?" I whispered

"Yep." He replied

The guy beside him puts his head down but the moment I looked at him he is smiling, I don't know why but I suddenly stopped feeling good the moment I saw his smile.

"Ahh miss, Mister Morton here said he is just joking."

"Oh is that so? Well Mr. Morton that is not a good joke."

"I actually said the truth." Morton whispered

I whispered back to him "Just wait till we have a vacant, pretty sure people in here doesn't want to have a murderer among us."

Page 1 line 7: People who knew the existence of Prodigal Detectives doesn't have the authority to question a P.D.'s decision unless you are someone who is put higher than them.

I am still listening to this boring shit but I cant get the evil smile from earlier out of my mind. I try sleeping but my imagination just puts creepy things inside my head, damn this is the fault of this guy in front.

Page 1 line 30: Most of the laws are suspended when a P.D. is on a job or not.

Why would they suspend the law just for persons like me who doesn't seem to function like normal people.

"Uhm sir! Ma'am! I just cant seem to understand why you guys recruit us or me? I mean I don't get along with people since they are scared of me due to my parents."

"I am already expecting you to ask that." The guy wearing a suit said

"Well you see the number of good detectives in our country and not just detectives but also those who are high rank are good at their jobs are starting to decline, So as a company who search for possible way for humanity to move on another level we have come up with the idea of having kids do the detective work."

"But there would be so much oppositions inside the government so I suggest to them to hide your existence to the world which they agreed." He continues

"But why me??" I ask out of curiosity

"Admit it or not, you guys have your flaws or problems with society and normal people would tend to call you guys defective but base on our research no matter how defective a person is as long as you guys watch the more information you can gather." He said

"That just doesn't make sense." A guy sitting in front of the guy with evil smile

"My family owns one of the biggest conglomerate in U.K. so how come you guys thought I'm flawed." He continue

"I know that you are Victor Caine son of the 9th richest person in the world plus a soccer prodigy but the people around you doesn't seem to think so highly of you unlike what you are thinking."

This Victor guy came rushing to the guy in front and grabbed the collar on his suit but before he can push him to the board the guy wearing a military uniform tasered him putting him unconscious.

Me and Morton were task to put Victor in the infirmary on the third floor and wait for him to gain his consciousness back but before we left the room the guy wearing the military uniform gave us a handbook and introduced himself.

"I'm Lieutenant Ryuji Namikaze of the Zealandian army it is a pleasure to meet the future heroes."

'Heroes... Me? A hero? That just sound stupid.'

We carry Victor to the infirmary and wait for him to gain his consciousness which took an hour.

"Where am I?" Victor asked

I ignored him so Morton took the floor to talk to him.

"Infirmary, you lost consciousness after grabbing mister businessman." Morton said on a calm voice

"You are that crazy guy who tried joking a while ago." An expected impression from a rich guy

"Its actually true but I just tried and get along with that guy's trick." Morton said

"Shut up! If I haven't said that you're joking, the situation would probably get worse." I exclaimed

Victor sits down and leaned on the wall.

"How long was I out?" He ask

"Hours... maybe longer"

"So how did you guys get the invitation of recruitment." Victor asked

Damn this person has so many questions, it is getting annoying.

"Got it in the mailbox." I answered

"A guy waited for me in the house that I lived in." Morton said

"Mine was through a business meeting." Victor said

Man nobody asked you.

The three of us left the infirmary and wondered down the building to find a place to eat before going back.

"You are that guy from earlier." Morton said pointing to a guy who came across.

So Mr. Crazy here know this old man who is probably 60 years old.

"Oh detectives, didn't expect to see you wondering around here." the old man said

"Can you please explain what is going on in here." Morton requested

Why is he so straightforward.

"Alright Mister Nash Morton, but before I tell you lets go to the canteen first I am feeling kinda hungry." the old man replied

We agreed and followed him to the canteen on the first floor. but as we walk I noticed a room covered in yellow caution tapes meaning that the possibility that what Morton said is true.

"Here we are! Now lets eat."

Next chapter