
Chapter 6

Lucas' pov

Jessie could probably could see the pain in my eyes from a mile away. That's how close we are. She's always been like a sister to me, so I've never had any problems opening up to her. Even if I didn't, she'd notice that something was off anyway.

"Come in Jessie."

We went up to my room and I just kinda flopped.

"She rejected you didn't she. I kind of guessed she did from how you sounded on the phone, so I brought you some ice cream, and now we're going to watch bad movies to take your mind off of it!"

Jessie is amazing. She really is.

That evening we fell asleep to ice cream and bad movies, with her head on my shoulder.




Lucy's pov

Right. That's that sorted. Hopefully it will all go to plan and they'll end up together. I mean she's had this love for him forever. I'm not going to get in the way of their progress as a couple! Mwahahahaha 😈. It's not like he doesn't like her anyway. I can clearly see that he was only telling himself that he was in love with me because he was scared to admit that he loved Jessie all along. Nobody would truly be in love with me anyway, and even if they said they were I wouldn't believe them after Matt.

Damn. Why am I still thinking about him after all these years? Guess it really hit me hard.

Anyway, I need to get to the park tonight. At THREE IN THE MORNING! THREE!!! What the hell was he thinking making that the devils hour?! Now I have to set an alarm for 2:45 in the morning, so I can wake up, get dressed and get to the lake that's in the park! Whatever. I suppose I have to do it though.




At 2:59

Well. I'm here, but there's no sign of anyone that might be the king of hell. No one at all actually. Thinking about it, I wonder what he would actually look like?

Would he be tall or short?

Muscular or thin?

Divinely handsome is of course a given. I mean, not to be overly narcissistic or anything, but he's my dad. He would have to be hot as hell to attract my mom. Pun not intended.

At exactly 3:00, I heard a voice behind me.

"Waiting for me?"

I jumped and turned around slowly. What greeted me was a tall and muscular man with flame red hair looking down at me with his arms crossed.

"Are you my dad?" I asked, knowing the answer before he told me.

"Are you Lucy Arabella Jones? If so, then yes. I am your father."

I'm sorry that releases are not structured, like at all, but I'm only writing as inspo hits. Sorry?

Also, I've started writing another book, so please read it!

Moonstonewolfgirlcreators' thoughts