
I can tell that you share my thoughts

As the days go by, we find ourselves trapped in a life of confinement, enduring treatment that is even more degrading than that of slaves. Each morning, we are forced to rise before the break of dawn. We are faced with a challenging task that requires physical exertion even before the class commences. 

In terms of class, we are fortunate enough to still have access to courses, just like any other student. However, the only difference is that we now have to watch the live class lessons through a monitor. 

A group of five young men dressed in prison attire were assembled in the creation room. On the table before them, a collection of books lay prepared. Our gazes strained to remain fixed on the screen, yet it was evident that everyone couldn't resist stealing glances at Meiko, who stood in the corner. 

In no time at all, she came to the sudden realization. Without hesitation, she lashed out with her whip, targeting the nearest person, Andre. Surprisingly, he appeared to derive pleasure from the act, pleading for mercy with a lewd expression adorning his broad countenance. 

"She didn't even realize that… I couldn't help but wonder if she had intentionally done it," I murmured, my attention fixed on the screen. Escaping this confinement and avoiding immediate expulsion hinged on my ability to stay engaged in the lessons. 

Before long, a series of sharp cracks filled the air, followed by the anguished cries of Joe and Shingo. In the midst of the chaos, Gakuto, seated beside me, urgently pulled at my clothing. 

He successfully captured my attention, and as I turned towards him, he revealed something from his book, confidently stating, "I can tell that you share my thoughts." 

'What the fuck is he trying to say,' As if he possessed an uncanny understanding of my thoughts, he gracefully turned the page of his book once more, revealing yet another cryptic message: "Are you contemplating an escape from this confining prison?" 

Gakuto flashed a smile in my direction, his eyes filled with amusement. In response, I calmly raised my hand, causing Meiko to pause her torment and make her way towards me. 

Noticing the lack of any noticeable shift in her icy demeanor left me feeling a tinge of disappointment. It seemed as though she had either conveniently erased the events of that night from her memory or simply dismissed them as inconsequential. 

"What's wrong? Do you want permission to go to the toilet?"

I dismissed her question with a shake of my head and turned my attention to Gakuto. "Vice President, he's once again indulging in his nonsensical ramblings, claiming he desires to break free from this prison." 

As I peered through his glasses, Gakuto's eyes widened in disbelief at how effortlessly I had spilled the beans. However, it was too late for him as Meiko swiftly frowned and yanked his collar tight. 

"You damn trash, do you know the consequences of trying to escape, huh!... or I'll have to drill it into your head!"

It's fascinating to observe the intense pleasure that they derive from her punishments and tortures. The allure of her captivating figure and the opportunity to witness her seductive purple panties undoubtedly contribute to their happiness. 

However, Gakuto's enjoyment was abruptly interrupted as an unexpected blow struck his head against the unforgiving wooden table, momentarily clouding his memory. Despite his best efforts, his eyes rolled uncontrollably, exacerbating his already overwhelming nausea. 

The wounds on his face, which had begun to heal, reopened, causing me great concern, particularly as Meiko continued to strike his face against the table. 

'Is it bad if I don't feel the least bit sorry for what happened to him because of my actions?' witnessing the sheer brutality before my eyes, my morals faced a challenging test. However, as time passed, the doubt gradually faded away, making room for an unwavering determination that steadily intensified. 

The study session came to a close, accompanied by the gentle chime of the school bell, signaling that it was already noon. Students were granted a brief 30-minute lunch break before resuming their afternoon study session. 

However, we were not afforded the luxury of time. Meiko, still harboring annoyance, granted us a mere 15 minutes of respite before commanding us to engage in tasks beyond the confines of the prison. These duties included meticulously cleaning the entire school premises, assisting in the upkeep of school facilities, and undertaking other arduous endeavors. 

During our breaks, we will seize the chance to relax without Meiko's supervision. Amidst the ceaseless workload that stretches before me, I find myself questioning whether I will endure until the month's conclusion. 

"Hey, Andre, hang on, don't faint yet, we still have to clean the back of the warehouse," Shingo exclaimed, his heart racing as Andre's massive frame inched closer. It wasn't concern for Andre's well-being that fueled his anxiety, but rather the fear of being crushed under the weight of his imposing presence. 

"At first I thought I would be able to survive just because of the Vice President's punishment... but, reality was cruel when my stomach couldn't stop growling... I'm hungry!"

Not far from them, Joe, who looked remarkably composed, was engrossed in observing a line of ants diligently transporting food to their subterranean abode. His face beamed with delight, undeterred by the unpredictable antics of those around him. 

Seeking refuge under the cool shade of the trees offers numerous advantages as the scorching sun's rays surrender their attempt to scorch our delicate skin. However, the occasional gust of sand dust that unexpectedly swirls towards us can be quite bothersome, forcing us to shield our eyes. 

As I opened my eyes, my gaze unintentionally fell upon Gakuto, who sat alone, his long hair cascading down his sharply hunched back. His appearance bore a striking resemblance to a mysterious creature, Gollum. His hands were in constant motion as if he were weaving some kind of enchantment. My curiosity grew, but unfortunately, his body obstructed my view. 

Despite my initial decision to avoid him, my curiosity proved too strong to resist. As I embarked on my journey, the path seemed effortless at first. However, as I drew nearer, a heavy, somber atmosphere emanated from him, causing me to pause. Before I knew it, I found myself standing silently behind him. 

"What are you doing?" As soon as I laid eyes on Gakuto, my mind went blank, and any questions I had vanished. He was engrossed in something, scribbling on the ground with his hand. But as I focused on his actions, a wave of unease washed over me, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Lock... Lock the door... I know you have the key...hehehe… b-but why are you snitching on me...argkk… Key!... we can escape!... hey Kiyoshi, you agree with me, right? "

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