
Prison O'clock

Anthena finds himself thrust into a microcosm of power dynamics, where strength, cunning, and alliances are essential for survival. Within this prison, notorious for its brutal combat system, inmates fight their way up the ranks to gain respect and privileges. Anthena, armed with his determination and a desire for redemption, sets his sights on becoming a force to be reckoned with.

SimpleJB · Action
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76 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day, during lunchtime, Anthena and Liam made their way towards Chao's territory, a place known for its bustling gambling activities within the prison. The air was thick with anticipation as they approached, the sounds of shuffling cards and clinking chips growing louder with each step.

As they entered the designated area, they couldn't help but be captivated by the sight that greeted them. Tables lined the room, each occupied by inmates engrossed in various games of chance and skill. The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of excitement, tension, and the lingering scent of cigarettes.

Anthena eyes scanned the room, his eagerness to work and prove himself evident in his every movement. He knew that gaining Chao's favour and support was crucial for his ambitions to participate in the gambling arena. Liam stood beside him, offering silent support and encouragement.

Chao, seated at a table in the center, noticed their approach. His eyes flickered with curiosity as he observed Anthena determined expression. Sensing the young inmate's eagerness to prove himself, Chao decided to test his mettle without the need for formal mentorship.

"What do you want?" Chao asked, his voice carrying a mix of intrigue and skepticism.

Anthena took a deep breath, his voice steady and unwavering. "Chao, I come seeking an opportunity to prove myself in the gambling arena. I have the skills and determination to compete."

Chao regarded him for a moment, assessing the fire in Anthena eyes. He recognized the hunger for work and the drive to excel. Perhaps, Anthena was not in need of extensive guidance but rather an opportunity to showcase his abilities.

Anthena listened intently to Liam's proposition, his mind calculating the risks and potential rewards. The idea of pooling their resources together to fund his participation in the gambling arena intrigued him. It was a chance to prove his skills and potentially earn even more bucks.

After a moment of contemplation, Anthena nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "I'm in, Liam. Let's do it. I'll contribute my 15 bucks for the gamble."

Liam grinned, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. "That's the spirit, mate! With your skills and my luck, we'll make a formidable team."

Anthena knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy. The gambling arena was filled with skilled players and unpredictable outcomes. But he had faith in his abilities and trusted Liam's intuition. Together, they would navigate the intricacies of the games, strategize, and make calculated decisions.

As they made their way back to their cells, Anthena mind buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and determination. He couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The gambling arena held the promise of both risks and rewards, and he was ready to embrace them wholeheartedly.

The night passed in a blur as Anthena mentally prepared himself for the challenges that awaited him. He envisioned the tables, the cards, and the intense atmosphere of the gambling arena. Sleep was elusive, but his excitement fueled his determination.

The following day, Anthena and Liam returned to the gambling area, this time with a sense of purpose. Anthena carefully counted out his 15 bucks, setting them aside for the gamble. The weight of the currency in his hand served as a reminder of the opportunity before him.

With each step closer to the gambling arena, Anthena anticipation grew. He could hear the murmurs of inmates engaged in intense games, the clatter of chips, and the occasional burst of laughter or frustration. It was a world unto itself, with its own set of rules and dynamics.

As they approached the table where the gamble was taking place, Anthena took a deep breath, grounding himself in the moment. He exchanged a determined glance with Liam, silently reaffirming their shared goal. They were in this together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Anthena placed his 15 bucks on the table, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. The game was about to begin, and he knew that every decision he made would have consequences. The outcome would determine not only his fate but also the future of their partnership.

Chao, an imposing figure with a shrewd gaze, cleared his throat, capturing the attention of the participants. The clinking of chips came to a halt as the inmates turned their focus towards him.

"Welcome, my fellow inmates, to the grand gambling scene," Chao began, his voice carrying a mix of authority and excitement. "Today, we shall engage in a thrilling game of Texas Hold'em, where skill, strategy, and a touch of luck shall determine the victor."

He proceeded to explain the rules of the game, emphasizing the importance of betting wisely, reading opponents' moves, and capitalising on favourable situations. The inmates listened intently, their eyes locked on Chao's every gesture, eager to seize the opportunity that lay before them.

"Totaling 90 bucks," Chao continued. "The winner shall claim the lion's share, walking away with 75 bucks, while the remaining amount will be distributed among the top three players."

The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous energy. The inmates mentally prepared themselves, strategizing their approach to the game. The prospect of winning a substantial sum of bucks within the prison walls fueled their determination.

As the cards were shuffled and the first hand was dealt, the tension in the room escalated. Eyes darted between players, evaluating their opponents' reactions and trying to decipher their intentions. The clattering of chips and the occasional sighs and exclamations filled the air as the game progressed.

Anthena, and the others played their hands carefully, employing their unique skills and strategies. Each decision carried weight, and the inmates navigated through the highs and lows of the game, hoping to emerge as the ultimate victor.

As the final hand approached, hearts raced, and pulses quickened. The inmates pushed their luck, bluffing and calculating, vying for the winning hand that would secure their claim to the coveted prize. Sweat trickled down their foreheads as they revealed their cards, their fates hanging in the balance.

Only one player would triumph, emerging as the master of the gambling den and seizing the lion's share.

Anthena's heart pounded in his chest as he surveyed the final cards laid out on the table. He couldn't believe his luck. It seemed as if the stars had aligned in his favor, granting him the winning hand he had been yearning for throughout the game.

With a steady hand, Anthena placed his cards face down and revealed his winning combination—a royal flush. Gasps of astonishment and admiration echoed through the room as the other players realized the magnitude of Anthena's triumph.

Chao, a mix of surprise and begrudging respect, couldn't help but break into a smile. "Well played, Anthena," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "You've proven yourself to be a formidable contender in this den of gamblers."

The other inmates erupted into applause, their cheers filling the room. Anthena's victory had not only secured him the lion's share of the prize money but had also earned him the respect and recognition of his peers.

As the cheers and applause subsided, a tension-filled silence settled over the room. While Anthena basked in the glory of his victory, the other gamblers wore expressions of resentment and frustration. They had wagered their hard-earned bucks, only to see Anthena snatch the prize away from them.

Whispers of discontent circulated among the disgruntled players, their eyes darting between Anthena and Chao. The atmosphere grew palpably hostile as a few of them voiced their displeasure.

"This ain't fair! How did he manage to beat us all?" one inmate grumbled, slamming his fist on the table. "I smell something fishy here."

Another player, his face twisted in a scowl, chimed in, "Yeah, it's too good to be true. I suspect foul play."

Chao, the overseer of the gambling den, raised his hand, commanding attention. His stern gaze silenced the murmurs of dissent. "Enough," he declared with authority. "Anthena played by the rules, and his victory is legitimate. Accusing him without evidence is unwarranted."

Though his words quelled the immediate tension, a lingering undercurrent of dissatisfaction remained. Anthena could sense the hostility and suspicion directed towards him. While he had played the game with skill and strategy, he understood that his victory had stirred jealousy and resentment among his fellow inmates.