
Chapter 2

While on my way to town I am amazed with the beauty of how the trees stood in line at the side of the road. Birds chirping like an accompaniment of country music. Flowers starting to bloom beneath the trees in different colours. Seems that this spring season will be a beautiful one the vegetation is growing magnificent as the years passed. This is the first time I saw such wonderful scenery.

My thoughts were directed to the announcement from the driver that we already reached out destination. I am about to stand when I noticed someone sitting next to me and his head is leans on my shoulder. He must have slept throughout the journey. Poor guy.

Hey mister, I said while shaking him from his slumber. Now he is awake. Can I have my shoulders back?

Oh I am so sorry I didn't mean to. He said while composing himself and preparing to stand and grab his belongings.

It's okay. I sometimes dose off when taking the train to own. I started to head to the trains exit door so I can get going. My Aunt might be waiting for too long now.

Aviana you are so dead for making Aunt Hera wait. Her aunt is not a patient woman so a minute that you're late be prepared to be scolded. Why do i have to forgot everything that's suppose to be done today. Good thing is that she did not forget to bring the olive oil that Aunt Helen asked her to bring. My aunt loves to cook and olive oil is the first ingredient to run out.

On my way to the boutique the first thing i noticed was the pile of people in front of it. Its like someone popular is in it. I hurried and excuse my self to get my way in to the boutique. There I saw my Aunt Hera talking to a sophisticated woman dressed in a gown that only royals wear whenever they go to such public place. I'm not able to see her face cause she is facing the mirror opposite the direction of the entrance.

It's good that they did not notice my presence yet. So i sneaked in and bring the olive oil at the kitchen. Out of curiosity who was that royalty outside i peek on the kitchen door,just to be shocked who was that sophisticated woman in the boutique.

Am I dreaming? I can't believe i already see her in person.She is no other than her Majesty Queen Catherine. She is so gorgeous. i can't take my eyes off her. It's like seeing myself in the mirror. But how could that be? Oh It must be my daydreaming. Without my knowing a little girl stood behind me then said;

You looked like her is she your mom? She said out loud.

I jumped in surprise. Little peach that woman is not my mom and we are not alike. She's a royal and i'm not. I am but a seamstress. By the way, why is it that a little munchkin like you is in here? Is your mom working here?

Yes my mom works here. She delivers the clothes to the client. Upon hearing what she said I already know her mom is Becky.

I bet your moms name is Becky isn't it? I asked her while winking.

Do you know my momma? This child is so innocent.

Yeah becky is my friend. And you can call me Aunt Avie. Is that okay?

Yes Aunt Avie. she said running back o the kitchen.

When my eyes are busy following the cute girls tracks that is when my Aunt Hera noticed my presence. I can see the shocked expression on her face when she saw me. That is something that the clever Queen did not notice and check on why Aunt Hera seems to be shocked seeing something at the back door. I hurriedly hide at the back of the door when I see Aunt Hera excuse herself from the Queen and head her way to me.

Oh my this is it. She's going to scold me now in front of the Queen. Hope not.

Avie I told you to come early but you we're late. Wait for me there and don't come out until i say so. I don't know why but it feels something is not right. This is the first time Aunt Hera did not bother to introduce me to her client. Usually she introduces me to her client whenever I am there.But without her Aunt knowing the Queen followed her. The Queen might have sense something off with Aunt Hera because the reaction on her face when she saw me is weird.

Hera who is she? I don't know you have a daughter? Why don't you introduce her to us. My Aunt is hesitant to introduce me to the Queen I am not sure why. But the Queen can't see me clearly. Where I'm at is quite dark so the Queen can't see how exactly do I look.

Your majesty she is a seamstress at the village where i come from and I asked her to bring me some olive oil for my cooking. Lets not bother her.I don't know but there is something that Aunt Hera is not telling me. I just can't tell what it is

I insist. She might be a good seamstress just like you and I need a personal seamstress. I know you wouldn't agree cause you're already on your own here. So the girl might want a place in the palace?

But your highness she's still an apprentice. I can leave the boutique to be your personal seamstress. let's not make it complicated to the child. On the contrary Avie is is disappointed why her Aunt would not allow her to be the Queen's personal seamstress. To her dismay and eagerness to know why on earth would her Aunt decline such an offer from the Queen Avie decided to come out and offer to the Queen to take the job instead.

Aviana on the contrary is about to know a chapter of her past that she is not aware of. Something that will unravel the truth that was hidden to protect her from the cruelty of her own bloodline.

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