25 Chapter 25

Once back in the Kerheit household, Gracie was introduced to the famous Women's Room.

Now that she had been transformed into Princess Gracie, had her Virtue taken, and now had servants to no end, the only place she could be around was that.

It was time for the Full Moon. Gracie stood alone in the room for the duration of the event, as any other women had their periods and were held at their suites, being taken care by their husbands.

She had never paid attention in this. Until her third month living in the household.

Her maids, seeing that she had not shed blood since coming from her honeymoon, started to suspect Gracie was pregnant.

Rumours of this went around the household, there wasn't a single servant who haven't heard.

Months went by and absolutely no pregnancy bump in Gracie.

The most experienced servant could not get ahold of what was her condition.

She would not care about it, and at every mention of a baby, Jensen would melt his brain at no apparent reason.
