
Flight 2- What The Old Crow Knows

"You two I know I said tomorrow morning but the gatekeeper might close it tomorrow after all. So I'll just take both of you with me right now and what clothes you have packed right now" Yuki said "What why" Alessia asked "I'll just tell you guys on the way right now we need to find a dryad" Yuki answered rushing to find a dryad.

"Hey it's near that time of the year isn't it" Clara said "Yeah that phenomenon where the monsters appear much more than normal right" Alessia added "I guess it's good that we're going out of here while that happens" Clara said "It's weird right" Alessia asked "Which is? the thing about monster or why guy is looking at all the trees" Clara laughed "Guys come on I found one" Yuki asked

"uhh hey miss you're a dryad right can I ask for your assistance" Yuki asked politely "Princess Alessia look at him he speaks more politely to a dryad than a princess like you" Clara teased "What do you want you damn kid" a dryad appeared before them "First of all I'm not a kid second can you help me get to at Dragon's peak" Yuki asked "Why should I help a human like you" the dryad sneered.

"Hey are you an idiot talking to a dragon like that do seriously want that guys to just burn all of us right now" a druid stepped in the conversation "What that guy seriously" the druid asked "You just moved in that tree right if you didn't know we that dwell as or in trees are in peace with the dragons but the are vengeful so watch what you say while he's being polite" the druid reprimanded "I'm really sorry sir but it's fine as long a she don't make the same mistake but just for today can I take these two with me I know even I don't really like dancing around with humans either but I'm indebted sorry" Yuki bowed his head "Yeah it's fine the dragon's peak was it let me find someone I can connect with" the dryad answered.

"Connect with what's that supposed to mean" Clara asked "oh since you're human let me educate you for a bit Dryad can teleport items as long as they're connected with another dryad that includes a few others things and some rules" Yuki answered "By the way the moment we arrive try not to fight anyone or cause trouble specially for that bird geezer you know what the moment you see the damned bird just don't talk at all at least until I explain the situation to them" Yuki said agitated biting his lower lip.

"Uh sir I'm connected with someone already are you ready to go?" the dryad shyly asked "Yeah uh thank you I guess tell Diaspora I said hi you can do that can you" Yuki said in the sternest voice he could as he pulled Clara and Alessia along with him and instant they were in another place.

The new place they were in was a paved dirt road, the place was covered in fog and there was a torii followed by poles at side of the road with talismans stuck to it. "W-where are we" Alessia asked as Clara stood in front of her ready to fight "See how the peak of the mountain looks like a dragon fang we're at the bottom of the dragon's peak right at the entrance of it" Yuki pointed at the top of the mountain which wasn't visible to the girls at all.

"Anyways the faster we get at the end of this path the faster we can get up there" Yuki told them as he walked off "Why are you in such a hurry" Alessia asked "Just because it would be better to be early at this kind of things isn't it" Yuki answered "Oh are you sure you're not just avoiding your master" another voice was heard the two were just about to exclaim about it but their mouths were covered as they tried to shout but they saw the old man with crow like wings hold a finger to his mouth in a way to shush them. "So what did we come here for again" The man asked Yuki turned around to lecture the two again only to see a blonde man in a black jinbei wearing a black and white striped bucket hat Phil doesn't look old he looks like he's in his thirties with a clean shaved face.

"Piss off Phil you damned old bird" Yuki shouted as his wings appeared and started to run away "Hey come back you crazy little shit who you calling old" Phil called back as he spreads his wings and took off running after Yuki. "Do you think he's the bird he's talking about" Alessia asked Clara "No doubt about it" Clara answered "I don't think they really hate us humans" Alessia told Clara watching the two flying around. "What makes you say that princess?" Clara asked "They never said they hated us didn't try attacking first either it's more like they were just wary of us and was trying to scare us away" Alessia "Okay lets say that they don't but why" Clara asked "I don't know so let's try to know at where we're going" Alessia answered.

"Old man leave me alone and just take us to the top" Yuki shouted as he dodged the trees on his way "Then why are you running away from you little shit come back here" Phil shouted back as he maneuvered through the trees and and branches. Their skills were both shown, while Yuki was faster he can't move freely through the forest while Phil's movements were a bit slower each step he took was calculated twisting his limbs continously to run after the dragon. Phil soon caught up with Yuki who couldn't fully turn his direction and almost tripped on a pebble.

Yuki kneeled on the ground as Phil pointed a bamboo sword at his face "Now tell me what do you need me to do" Phil "To help us get up there at the meeting" Yuki answered "Where's your manners your reflexes needs work do you want to swim with the piranhas again" Phil asked a sadistic smile, hearing this the two looked at disbelief at how the carefree man they saw earlier turned sadistic "Master I was tasked by the Shadow Dragon, Eoduun who at the moment is investigating something at his territory a request for back up and a few other things needed to be said" Yuki answered and Phil's sadistic side disappeared "Why didn't you say so I'll block the wind for you, and you carry those two along.". Phil told Yuki as he spreads his wings once again.

Yuki walked over to the two and picked up the bags they brought "Are there any bad blood between you and Phil" Alessia asked "Not really Phil is a carefree man it's just sometimes he can't keep his sadistic side in check in fact he's the one who thought me to fly" Yuki smiled at the two and left to prepare "Did he just smile?" Clara asked "A-anyways we should go follow them" Alessia said as she ran to Yuki hiding the blush on her face.

"Is everybody ready we're gonna fly to the top Yuki tell the princess to hold on your waste and the knight to hold on to my shoulders" Phil said as the two did as said holding onto the two "Hold tightly the wind's not gonna be nice in there" Philza said as he took off with Clara, Yuki and Alessia flying closely behind them. Phil's wings were larger and wider than Yuki's wings which helped block the harsh winds. The way Phil flied was instead of flying straight up he flew with sudden twists and turns that dodged every sudden gusts of wind that might make them crash off course something only he could do with his refined instincts and reflexes which makes him weave through any obstacles easily.

As they landed near the top of the mountain they entered a cave, the entrance of the cave was tall and wide "Is this it?" Clara asked as she looked at the cave entrance "Yes this is it" Yuki answered as he walked inside the cave and was met with a dead end. He pulled out a token from thin air and threw it at the wall whilst saying "Otvori" light the same color as his wings flashed as the wall broke open "Come on in guys don't be scared" Phil invited the two girls as he and Yuki walked in.

As they walked in they were met with all the dragons sitting. The Flame dragon Ash, The Ice dragon Bleak, The Nature dragon Flora, The Holy dragon Ark, The Earth dragon Terra, The Water dragon Hydro, The Air dragon Aether and Yuki stood in his place and it was silent. The dragons seem to just look at each other "Umm Sir Phil what's happening?" Alessia politely asked the adult standing looking at the dragons "Oh you weren't added in the telepathy wait let me connect you" [Can you hear now we were basically talking about what to do next] Phil said through telepathy. [As I said the Shadow dragon Doom needs help investigating the sudden additional monster appearing as its increased tenfold and the Electric dragon Elix is helping him] Yuki's voice was heard and there was a debate on who should help the other dragons with Aether being the one tasked to help.

[I'm guessing the two humans in here would have something to do with the slave mark in your hand] another voice came that didn't belong to any of the dragons [the great dragon] the dragons spoke together [yes grandpa on my way back I was wounded by shadow dwellers and ended up having to be saved and I will stay by the princess's side until I can repay my debt.] Yuki answered [very well you are to stay by her side and serve her until that day comes].

After the serious discussion the mighty dragons were playing around talking to each other catching up "hey is this really okay for them to play around" Alessia asked Phil who was talking to Ash "We rarely meet each other it's only these days of the year where we can meet each other and leave our territories." Phil explained "But when we leave our territories no ones watching over the monsters so we only get two or three days a year" Phil added.

As the dragons decided to sleep in their own place Alessia and Clara "So where are we gonna sleep Yuki" Alessia asked Yuki "Follow me we could go to Phil's house I'm pretty sure Phil has more than enough rooms for guests ma'am" Yuki said as he took the bags from Clara and the princess. "Why so polite now" Clara sneered "As the grand dragon said I am to serve Princess Alessia until I can repay my debt" Yuki answered as he walked back in to the path way they were earlier.

Yuki took a random turn and walked through the forest with the two following him until they reach a mansion in the middle of the woods. Yuki opened the gates "Phil can I come inside" Yuki shouted and soon the doors opened showing Phil smiling "Come in I prepared some biscuits and warm milk you kids must be tired right" Phil invited them into to the living room "Thanks for letting us in sir Phil" Alessia thanked the man who simply served them sweets before sitting himself. "I'm gonna go sleep outside call me when you need me" Yuki told the tree before leaving "So how are doing so far must be nice eh having a dragon swear his loyalty to you is pretty amazing right?" Philza asked the two before taking a sip of his coffee. "Not sure we only met him two days ago and so far all he's done is give us a few valuables and fight with Clara" Alessia answered while her feline friend listened in on the conversation. "That's nice seeing your friend didn't die" Phil "Yes I read it through a book if I may ask earlier you said something about territories what did you mean by that" Alessia asked.

"Dragons watch over the territory they are best suited in like how the fire dragon watches over volcanoes and the creatures living in it and how the water dragon watches over the vast ocean they regulate the monsters there" Phil answered "So wait if they're here then who's watching over their territories" Clara asked "Nobody every year they come here to meet up" Phil answered "is that the reason monsters multiply these days of the year?" Alessia asked "I guess since nobody's holding them back" Phil answered.

At the roof of the house Yuki is sitting fire sparking from the palm of his hand "Humans sin for the most useless things, and you Yuki will not befriend any just do this as fast as you can and forget about them" Yuki told himself before closing his hand.

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