
June 1

Hi, my name is Luna, Luna Winters. And I will be telling you my story... It all started on the 1st of June.

I was walking down the street on my way home from work. The night was calm and not a soul in sight. The gentle and soothing breeze lifted up my caramel brown hair in the air. I went down a dark alley with only a blinking lamp post in sight. I realized that it was not the right alley and I was lost.

Suddenly I hear a scream of a women " HELP ME PLEASE ANYONE HELP!!!!!!" I was stunned. Without thinking I dashed to where the screams where. When I arrived I was horrified. I saw a man dressed in a black cloak trying to bit in the neck of the women that was screaming.

But I got there to late I couldn't save the women. The women fell out of the mans arms and blood spilling out of her neck. I watched in horror.

Suddenly the man came straight to me! But strangely, the man was gone. But when I turned around to leave. I saw the man standing in front of me! He grabbed me and he tried to bit in my neck. I heard a whistling sound. Then the next second he was gone.

When I knew that the man wasn't still there, I took out my phone and called the police and told them what happened. A couple minutes later the police came. The sheriff was there too. He was in his late forties.

He looked at me and he said that I was lucky to be alive. Then he crouched down and quickly examined the women's body and he muttered under his breath. " That makes her victim number 19". Then suddenly the women got up and she attacked him! She threw him to the ground and tried to bite him in the neck.

Without thinking, I grabbed the nearest gun and I shot the women in the chest.

When the sheriff got up, he creeped slowly towards the dead body of the women. He crunched down and carefully touched the woman's back. The woman didn't move.

After, the sheriff examined the dead body, he turned to me and he told me that he would be taking me home. Once we arrived to my house, all happened in a blur. All that a remember is that the sheriff questioned me and then... I fell asleep.