
Chapter 2

We were once again, walking towards the prince's lessons, but this time...this time it was somehow different. Somehow it was strange. It had been a couple of days since we went to the lake but, even still, there was this nagging feeling inside me, knawing at me like some ravenous wolf.

Why did he look so attractive at the lake? He always looks nice but it was different this time. How? Why? What happened?

I have known the prince for almost three years now, and I have never felt this... this weird strange feeling. Could I just be hungry? Maybe I really needed to sleep. We did just receive a new shipment of supplies from the Kingdom of Love, perhaps he was using a new hair product?

Whatever this is, I need to figure it out so I can stop it. This is highly unprofessional.

"Brandon." Prince Oliver called in a sing-song voice. "Get your head out the clouds! You know how Grandmother gets when we're late!" He half-heartedly added, "Is something wrong?" He was laughing as he ran to the end of the hallway. He was still giggling when I reached him.

"You are happy this morning. Did something happen?" I asked, slightly worried.

"What, I can't just be happy?" His eyes slowly moved up and down. "Especially around you."

"Uh, are you okay?" I asked confused. "Did you eat enough this morning? Your eyes seem to be moving irregularly."

"What? Yes, I ate enough this morning." He crossed his arms and turned to walk back down the hallway. "Let's get to grandmother's class." He started to walk away but did not notice the curtain draping on the floor. He began to fall over but I grabbed his arm and pulled up. Unfortunately, I pulled him a bit too much and he fell against my chest.

We were in trance, neither moving. I looked down into his stormy, grey eyes. Before bringing myself back into reality. I quickly released him and took a large step back, trying to not get too close.

He dawned a look I have never seen before, but then plastered on a smile. "Thank you. Now, let's go."

"Yes," I shook my head, trying to get that dreadful look out of my mind, "Let us."


I stood in the corner of the room, as his father tried to teach him about everything he needed to know to rule over the land. What each kingdom exported, the names of the other royal families, how often the Commander needs to be addressed and what for, and other political things. The king then informed the prince about all of the eligible duchesses in the land.

"Father," Prince Oliver groaned as he placed his head in his hands, "I do not want to talk about all these...girls." He picked his head up, "Why can't I choose my own partner?"

"You are soon to be of age to become king, Oliver. However, royal law states that you can't become king until you are wed or until I'm dead, and I can assure you, son, that I will not be dead for another 20 years." The King responded calmly, but the tone of his voice would have been enough to make anyone concede. Anyone, but Prince Oliver.

"And I can't choose my own partner, why?" The prince fired back.

"We must ensure that she is able to help carry the family name, but is also able to become an excellent queen for you." The king never seemed affected by anything the prince said, always brushing him off.

"I can do that myself!" Prince Oliver stood up, his hands slamming onto the table. "I know what I want in a partner, father! So, why can't I find them myself?"

"Because you don't know you want." The king responded as if it was common knowledge. As if the prince should already know that he does not know what he wants. "And plus, even if you did, you're more willing to focus on your wants instead of the kingdom's needs. Now please, sit down. You are only 17 years old, you don't know nearly enough of what you should do in order to run this kingdom competently."

The prince plopped into his seat, head hung low and eyes cast downwards. It was like this every day; if Prince Oliver did not agree with something his father said, his father would shoot him down. The king continued to teach, as the prince took notes. But, for once, I could no longer pay attention to the king.

Instead, all I saw was the dejected look in the prince's eyes, the way he seemed to grasp his pen just a bit harder, the way I could feel the anger radiating off him. How, even as he seemed angry, I could only see sadness etched on his face. The downturn of his lips, how his eyes glistened with small tears that have yet to fall. As I continued to study him, I could have sworn he looked back at me. I immediately looked back up, back into position, back to focusing on the king's loud words.

No longer on the prince's silent paragraphs.

Time had passed. How much, I do not know. Prince Oliver gathered up his notes and began to walk towards me.

"Let's go." He murmured in a low voice. I nodded and turned to lead the prince out of the room, but I was stopped by the King's jarring voice.

"Oliver!" He called out, still looking at his board. Reluctantly, Prince Oliver looked back. "Please, go change into something presentable. Prince Gene is coming today, and I'd like my son to not look like some peasant from the streets."

Prince Oliver took a deep breath before flashing a wide, melancholic smile. "Of course, father. I'd hate to disappoint our guests." The king nodded briefly, not even stopping his writing on his board. The prince let the smile fall and walked towards his room. His usual excitement, gone.


We arrived at his room, and I stood outside as the prince walked in. I waited, patiently for him to return. That is, until I heard a yell, and several crashes, quite concerning from the prince's room.

I ripped open the door, with my sword drawn as I searched for the threat. But, all I found was Prince Oliver, with eyes closed, and taking deep breaths as he looked up at the ceiling. Around him were several lamps that laid shattered on the floor.

"What happen-... are you-" I started but the prince quickly stopped me.

"I'm fine." He ran a hand through his hair, "Don't worry about it." He walked towards me slowly, almost lethargic. The prince sat on the steps near me, looking at me with that same strange expression, only this time mixed with frustration.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Almost instinctually moving forward, I remembered the guard's edict.

"No, but we make our best decisions when unsure... right?" He asked, a broken smile on his face.

He stood a step towards me, and I moved out of the way, allowing him to reach the closet I was in front of. "I am sorry. Next time, you can ask me. I will stay out of your way." He stared at me, and I at him.

"Oh." He said slowly, before picking up his head, "Right, thank you."

"Of course, your highness."

"Please don't...never mind." He reached into his closet and pulled out a long, navy blue coat. "Is this nice? Think father would approve?"

I studied it, mentally tracing the pattern with my eyes, and slowly nodded. "Yes, perhaps with your black pants and shoes. You would look very ha-" I stopped myself from saying handsome, trying to not blush as the prince looked at me, curiously. "Nice. You would look very nice. Now, change. I will be outside, waiting for you. I need to get you to the front of the castle, so you can greet Prince Gene when he arrives."

He nodded, looking down at the ground, and I turned on my heel, mentally scolding myself on my way out of the room.

That is so unprofessional! Handsome? You can not call him handsome! Are you that foolish?! Get a hold of yourself! Where did your training of 10 years to not show emotion go?!


I stood in position outside the prince's door, watching as the sun lowered closer out of the pink and orange sky. The door slowly opened behind me, and the prince walked out. I resisted letting my jaw fall in shock, as my heart hammered in my chest. Saying he looked handsome was not enough, he looked like a dream, he looked beautiful. He looked...like magic.

I cleared my throat and said, "I see you picked the navy blue coat."

"Yes, I thought it looked quite nice with the black pants and shoes that you had suggested."

"I see," I paused and looked at the simple crown nestled in his hair. "The crown is a nice touch."

"Thank you. I thought I'd show father that I can look presentable, despite what he thinks." He flashed a smile and took a step towards me. "So, how do you think I look?"

I raised my eyebrows and took a step back. "Oh! Um, well, in short," I paused and looked at him again.

Ignore his golden hair. Ignore how his grey eyes seem to be even more beautiful when paired with the dark blue coat. Ignore how perfect he looks. Ignore it all. Remain professional.

"You look, like a prince. Now, we need to go if you want to make it in time."

He looked at me, his face flashing with hurt for but a second, but unfortunately, I did not have enough time to dwell on it. We then walked briskly down the halls and arrived just in time to hear the arriving carriage's fanfare. Prince Oliver went to stand beside his mother, each an arm's length away from one another, behind the king, creating a triangle.

The king looked back at me and made a grimace. "Oliver," He hissed, "fix your guard's hair. He looks like he went through a wind storm."

"Yes, father." Prince Oliver walked to me and tried to gently push back my hair. "With all these beautiful dark waves, I can't imagine how you haven't learned how to manage it." He laughed, as he tried to fix my hair.

"No time. Do you need me to bend down? You seem to be struggling." He was on his tip-toes, as I was standing in position with my back straight.

He sighed. "Yes, please." I bent down for him, as he continued to push back my hair. I felt his fingers rake through my hair, but it stopped as fast as it began. But what I did feel, felt wonderful. Even as he went back to stand behind his father, I could feel my heart getting faster.

What is this?! What am I feeling right now? Am I sick? I must have eaten something bad.

The Kingdom of Stories' carriage pulled up and out stepped Prince Gene. He walked up to the royal family, shaking hands with the King and Queen. However, when he reached Prince Oliver, he wrapped him in a tight hug and I felt my chest clench.

Is it? No. Not that.

They looked at each other, smiles wide, and eyes bright as I narrowed my eyes. Not wanting to believe it was true.

But, it is. This feeling...is infatuation. I like Prince Oliver.

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