
Cruel Present

new York

Orion spent the whole afternoon in the X-mansion with the girls.

"So Charles and I and my wives have to go," Orion says with a smile on his face as he creates a red portal.

"Orion, you're always welcome at any moment," Charles says with a calm smile on his face.

"Of course," Orion says as he enters the portal with the girls.

Looking at the portal disappearing Charles's eyes get very tired, I do not know why every time he tried to read their minds he felt a severe headache.

A red portal appeared in an alleyway and six people emerged from the portal, one man and five women.

"You noticed Orion, Charles was trying to read our minds," Athena says with cold eyes.

"Yeah, when he tried to read my mind I left a present inside his brain." Orion speaks with a cold smile on his face.

"Father did you do what?" Adga asks curiously.

"Only a tumor, how much longer does he use his powers but pain he will feel and in the end he will begin to lose all memories slowly." Orion speaks slowly with a cruel smile on his face.

"It was not too cruel," Adga said uncomfortably as she looked at everyone.

Athena, Reia, Freya, and Hella laughed.

"My little angel, he tried to read the minds of all of us if Agent was weak he could even control our bodies and change our memories, what I did for him was little, I wanted to kill him now." Orion speaks slowly as he puts his hand on Adga's head.

Adga listening to her father, She felt her whole body get cold with this frightening ability and sighed sadly at her naivety.

Seeing her daughter so Orion smile softly and change subject fast.

"Girls, how about going to the mall? Humans buy all sorts of stuff there." Orion speaks with a smile on his face, barely knows he has dug his own grave.

When everyone heard that they were going to buy things, the eyes of all the women were like flames, including Adga who was very excited.

Seeing all like this, Orion suddenly feels very ill and curses his own mouth with sadness.

Showing a hard smile for the girls, Orion makes five credit cards with his deity of reality and a black convertible car.

Seeing these things coming out of nowhere, Athena asked curiously.

"Darling how did you do it?" Athena speaks curiously.

"When I was asleep I will become the God of Blood, Destruction, Time, Space and Reality." Orion speaks as if it were nothing.and continues to look at his new cell phone he created, but he did not see the shock face of them all.

"How" Athena asked in shock.

"I spent four thousand years absolving energy from Time, Space and Reality," Orion says while playing a new game on his cell phone.

"But your deity from destruction allowed other laws in your body," Athena asked confused.

"My deity from destruction slept to replenish the divine energy, but quick and the other Laws seized and created their divinities." Orion speaks with a smile on his face.

"Well, stop talking about me, let's go shopping soon," Orion says as he walks into the car.

Seeing Orion not wanting to speak, but Athena did not ask any more.

When they all got into the car, Orion hit the accelerator and began driving very fast toward the mall.

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