BOOK 1 OF THE CHARMING SERIES "Suddenly the smell of french toast, sausages, and warm apple cider wafted through Prince Lucas's nose. Covering all of that, however, was the smell of cheap cologne. 'Rise and shine, princess' His eyes flickered open" The three Charming brothers that saved Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Everyone's heard of 'em. You know who you probably haven't heard about? Lucas Charming, the fourth Charming brother and the only one who never found his princess to rescue. That is until a rugged chef from New Orleans in the non-magic realm begins working in the castle! When Chef Brent finds out his magical family history is catching up with him, he's going to need the help of a certain uptight prince to get him out of trouble. Find out how Prince Charming finds HIS Prince Charming... Or should I say Prince- NOT SO -Charming?
Hello, author here. This is just a little reminder that you'll see throughout this story:
I wrote this originally when I was very young and then rewrote it when I was 17/18 to fix some plot holes and bad writing. It's still not the best piece of work I've made but I really love the characters and a lot of people over at Wattpad seem to like it too! I suggest giving it a chance, but just keep in mind that I have grown as a writer (I think lol) and I wouldn't have kept this book up if I didn't still love it!
Thank you so much! <3
-Maya Renee